The illusions (1)

Ten minutes pass since grandma Victoria's outburst, doctors and nurses are still in her ward. Many things happened so quickly that I have lost track of time.

That lady Celine made a lot of calls and the the number of people increased. I try my hardest to stay focused but I can't think of anything.

My head hurts but I don't feel it at all,my whole consciousness trembled seeing grandma like this. All I can recall from my past is from the age of ten.What really happened to me before the age of ten, who is this so called seven.


Thirty minutes later, Maxwell came with a hotpot and a shopping bag. Maxwell's cheeky smile as always, behind him was the guy from yesterday accompanied by two more soldiers.

Celine turned to the man saying"Conrad Howard so you show yourself now? Mother has had another relapse again. And it's all because of him"*pointing at me*"arrest him now!!"Celine shreaked.

"Celine how dare you misbehave in the hospital, don't you know who you are?" The man bellowed.

Turning towards me he said"Hi my name is Conrad Howard,and the lady here is my sister Celine Howard. I'm sorry for the inconveniences I have caused you and your friend. Do you mind talking to me for sometime, *gesturing at the balcony* please?"

I followed him solemnly with a blank mind, if Celine and Conrad are all surnamed Howard. And they call grandma Victoria mother then her surname is Howard.

On the balcony, Conrad invites me to sit down. Maxwell bring two chairs and set them for us, two guards stand guard at the hallway leading to the balcony.

"I know what you want to ask me about, who are you and what is your connection to Victoria Howard. Well eighteen years ago, the Howard family's eldest son Collins Howard wife Brendah Park the sole daughter of the Park family had a son.

It was supposed to be a happy occasion but the family doctor brought sad news. The baby was had rare blood type P deficiency and if not treated he would die before five.

This news was like a lightning out of the blue sky, the two families chose to burn all their resources to find a donor in five years. The Howard family being a sub clan of the Park family they were given access to the secret intelligence Pavilion.

All the donors in the UK had already reached above ten years mark making them unsuitable for bone marrow transplant. But all hopes were not lost because a three and a half years old orphan with a rare blood type P was registered in South Africa.

My mother bought the orphanage two months later and the family of five traveled to Johannesburg for the baby's treatment.

The transfusion started one year later, I wasn't there but just imagining it gave me chills. A four years old boy being put in that machine without any painkiller still gives me chills now.

The so called treatment continued for five years, with a cession after every three months. This kind of schedule made you more sick as time went on.

A child who had fair skin and dark brown hair turned into a red eye, grey haired ten years old boy. I saw you once when you were eight years old,you were reading a large book about aerodynamics. Your name was seven.

Somehow you had survived the whole ordeal,but the overload of cessions took it's toll on your body. Every month during full moon your body would clott and you would bleed from your ears, eyes,nose and mouth.

After Brighton Howard recovered, a man surnamed Fisher chose to take you to Chinatown New York City under a new name Johnson Grey. A genius who would later make many great inventions, from the ark, Pandora's box, exoskeleton the and many more.

There, you were placed indoors and by the help of Fisher slowly you totally forgot about the name seven. Every now and then you would send my mother letters telling her about life in New York.

Brighton then became jealous, how can a nobody with no background have so much achievements.

At the age of fifteen years old, Brighton was given everything he ever wanted. So much that he had his own private jet and mansions. Having that kind of lifestyle always spilled trouble in the end.

Two months later, I received a phone call from a friend from the pavilion saying you were arrested for attempted rape on the governor's daughter.

It was strange because you never went to parties and what is more strange was the patent ethe manufacturing of the ark and Pandora's box was in Brighton's hands.

*Sigh* I'm not sure what to tell you or how you feel,but I know my family doesn't deserve anything from you. I left the family ten years ago, this file has the clues on how to cure your memories and return back to normal.*handing the file to Maxwell*

The issues between us can be settled anytime, the Howard family's mansion is in Dover. You are welcomed any day I will be waiting for your revenge."

Conrad Howard stands up with great difficulty, as he turns to walk away he said" a man's mistakes should be beared by himself. My mom is no longer fit to bear it so I will take full responsibility."

With that he left the balcony, Maxwell's eyes were already bloodshot. Grey sat there without a single word, after so many years of perseverance. He was finally broken to a million particles.

He was stunned speechless, time stopped and everything slowly faded. Of all the times to break the news he chose to do it now.

Grey slowly stood up and then smiled bitterly, *Sigh*"Maxwell Brooks, all this time I always thought of my life and actions were my all my fate. Slowly I worked my way up, I thought maybe I can make a huge difference in life. I never even once tried to ask anything from anyone.

In my life,I always so long as my grandma Victoria was my onlyfamily and I always had the back up of ghost, scorpion,fang,sting,ice, snow, muscles,small guy and you. But I was wrong, I have been in an illusion all along. What a perfect lie." With that said Grey puked blood and passed out.

"Nurse!, nurse! Someone help me, Grey please don't scare me please damnit!!! "