A 'Romance' Novel

Medeia told Lucian about the use of eternal bond rings. "Blue means alive, red means one of us is in danger, and black … it means dead."

And Medeia hoped she would never see the last color on her ring. 


Medeia cut him off, "Don't ask me how the rings can do that. Just wear it and protect it like it's our engagement ring."

Lucian held on to that ring tightly before he wore it on his ring finger. "Got it." He patted her head before walking away. "I'll be back soon."

"I know." 

Medeia waved her hand as the first group left the village. Some of the villagers cried because they hadn't expected them to actually leave.

They thought they would be dead this summer, but miracle after miracle has happened since Medeia regained consciousness before she became the Lost.

Dr. Rory looked up at the sky, tears streaming down his cheeks, for he truly believed that Medeia was a Messiah sent by God.