Controlled Weapon

Medeia's brows furrowed. "So you're saying my hypothesis was correct? That they were kept in a controlled facility, pampered, and well taken care of?"

Joy nodded. "That's what it looks like. Those young men may have never even breathed polluted air before."

Medeia narrowed her eyes. "Which means … there's a chance they've only ever inhaled filtered air."

"Exactly," Joy confirmed. "And I believe the filtration system they used must have been extremely advanced, because their lungs are in pristine condition. Not a single sign of damage or irregularity."

They were healthy, too healthy for people raised in a dying world.

Lucian folded his arms, deep in thought. "If that's the case, then it makes sense why they're so easily overwhelmed. They're reacting just like civilians on day one of the apocalypse, they panicked, fragile, unable to cope with the chaos around them."