Metal folded upon itself...??

After Athena's visit, I couldn't sleep. While Iolaus dozed, I spread all my notes and gathered texts on the floor of the hut, determined to find something I'd missed. The oil lamp flickered as I pored over every detail we knew about the Nemean Lion.

"Think," I muttered to myself, arranging the scrolls in chronological order.

"Every seemingly impossible thing has a logical explanation."

I started making a list of everything we knew for certain - the lion's hide was impervious to weapons, it had supernatural strength, and it showed unusual intelligence. Then I remembered something from my old mythology classes.

"Of course!" I whispered, grabbing a fresh scroll. According to the myths, the Nemean Lion wasn't just any monster. It was the offspring of Orthrus - a two-headed dog who guarded the cattle of a giant - and Echidna, the mother of all monsters. Some stories even said Zeus himself had raised the lion and placed it in Nemea as a test for heroes.