The Six Shadow Devils, entities created from the Shadow Authority despite being crafted by a mortal, have powers that rise tenfold and are far too destructive to imagine. Shapeless is the strongest of the Shadow Devils—the perfect imitation of everything.
In order to create a creature capable of destroying even the Elites, Rey Castle crafted Shapeless to be the Perfect Imitation Entity, copying even the powers of a Constellation and absorbing them completely. Shapeless has no limits to the amount of power he can copy.
Roland, a Death Shadow Devil, possesses the Spear of Destruction, a God Grade Weapon crafted for him by Rey Castle when he became a Death Shadow Devil.
His opponent is the ferocious Casillas, the Sovereign of the Storms—a being whose divine powers are so destructive, even he doesn't fully understand them. Grand Master Leanor and Roland Castle are currently facing him.