

3 month later

It's strange to think that today is our birthday. A whole year has passed since Astor and I came into this world, though it doesn't feel that long. I remember some things from when we were younger, mostly sounds and flashes of light, but those memories are fading. Now, everything is clearer. I can see, hear, and walk much better. Astor and I are both running around now—well, mostly Astor. He never seems to stop moving.

The castle feels different today, like something special is happening. I can hear more people than usual, their voices buzzing through the hallways. Our room is decorated with colours I recognize, though I'm still learning their names. There are more candles, and the smell of something sweet fills the air. I think it's cake—that's what Mother called it the last time I saw her baking with the kitchen staff.

Mother's been smiling a lot today. I like when she smiles. She picked me up earlier, held me close, and whispered that today is a celebration for Astor and me. She told me we were born under a special sky, the Celestial Convergence, though I don't really know what that means yet. I just know it makes me feel like we're part of something bigger. Mother often tells me things like that during our lessons, but today is different. She's not teaching, just talking, holding me. I can feel how happy she is, and that makes me happy too.

Astor, of course, is running wild. He's already gotten into trouble twice today. One of the caretakers had to chase him down when he grabbed a handful of food from the table and started throwing it. Everyone laughed, even Father, who usually stays quiet. Astor always gets people to laugh. Sometimes I wish I could do that, but I don't mind watching him. He's loud, and he makes the day feel more alive.

Father came to see us earlier. He doesn't say much, but I know he's proud of us. Astor ran to him immediately, climbing onto his lap, demanding attention like he always does. I followed slowly, not as eager to climb all over him, but I stood by, watching as Father smiled. His hand rested on my head for a moment, a gentle touch that made me feel… important, like he sees me even though I don't ask for much. I like those quiet moments with him.

The day moves on, and more people arrive. I hear them speaking in Aetherian, and I understand most of it now. It's not as hard as it was before. Mother still teaches me the letters, though I can't write them yet. Astor doesn't care for the lessons, but I like sitting with Mother, learning about the world through her stories. Today, though, there are no lessons—just laughter, gifts, and that sweet-smelling cake.

Astor is already eating too much, his face covered in crumbs. I haven't tried it yet, but I think I will. It's supposed to be special, just like today. Our first birthday. It's a lot to take in, but I think I understand. We've grown, and the people around us love us. That's what today is about.

I sit back, watching Astor dart between the guests, feeling content. We're together, with our family. And even though I don't say much, I think they know how much this day means to me too.

The celebration was in full swing, laughter filling the room, and the smell of cake still hung in the air. I had finally decided to try a piece, just like everyone else. Astor, of course, was already on his second slice, bits of it smeared all over his face and hands. I watched him for a moment, laughing to myself. He really didn't care about making a mess.

I took my piece, carefully nibbling on the edge, savoring the sweetness. It was good—better than I expected. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Astor eyeing something. He had that look, the one that meant trouble.

Before anyone could react, Astor grabbed the biggest chunk of cake from the table, his little hands barely able to hold it all. I knew what was coming next, but I didn't move fast enough. With a mischievous grin, he hurled the cake across the room—right toward me.

"Nyx!" someone shouted.

I ducked, but not in time. The cake splattered all over my shoulder, bits of frosting and crumbs sticking to my shirt. I stared at Astor, wide-eyed. He just giggled, his eyes sparkling with mischief, clearly proud of his little stunt.

The room went silent for a moment, everyone watching, waiting to see what would happen next. I looked around, seeing familiar faces—Mother and Father, the caretakers, and even some friends from the dukedom. Then my gaze landed on my grandparents, Grandfather Alarion and Grandmother Elyndra, standing a bit further back.

Grandfather Alarion had that serious look he often wore, his brow slightly furrowed, but there was a softness in his eyes when he looked at us. He was a man of few words, known for his wisdom and strength. I could tell he was trying to suppress a smile, but it was hard for him. He had always been fond of us, despite his serious demeanor.

"By the stars, Astor," he said, his voice deep yet gentle. "You've made quite the mess. Should we be celebrating your aim or your lack of restraint?"

Everyone chuckled at his comment, breaking the tension. I could see Astor's grin grow wider, clearly enjoying the attention. But then my grandmother stepped forward, her warm presence filling the room. Grandmother Elyndra always had a way of bringing comfort, her soft smile like a warm embrace.

"Oh, Alarion," she chided playfully, shaking her head at him. "Let the boys have their fun! It's their birthday after all. Just look at Nyx; he's laughing!" She knelt down next to me, brushing some frosting off my shoulder with her delicate hands. "You're going to have to clean up later, but for now, how about a little cake on your face too?" She smirked, smearing a bit of frosting on my nose.

I couldn't help but giggle, and the laughter bubbled up in me, contagious and bright. My cheeks flushed with warmth, not from embarrassment, but from the joy of the moment.

Grandfather Alarion looked at me, his expression softening. "You both need to learn that laughter is just as important as decorum, especially in this family." His voice held a hint of authority, but it was laced with affection.

Astor clapped his hands, thrilled with the chaos he had created. "More cake!" he yelled, as if that was the solution to everything.

Grandmother Elyndra stood, her eyes twinkling with delight. "Alright, then! More cake it is, but we need to have a little order, dear Astor." She turned to the kitchen staff, motioning for them to bring out more cake, her laughter ringing through the room.

As the festivities resumed, the atmosphere grew lively again. I felt a warmth spread through me, surrounded by my family—my mother's smile, my father's quiet pride, and the soft encouragement from my grandparents. Despite the mess, it was a perfect moment. We were together, celebrating our first birthday, and that was all that mattered.

I couldn't help but look at Astor, who was now attempting to climb onto the table to get to the newly arrived cake. I realized that no matter how messy things got, these moments were what made our lives together so special. It was just the beginning of many more adventures to come.