

I step out of Arcadia, the cool night air brushing against my face, but my mind is far from the present. 

Ryker Industries, a tech acquisition worth billions. I've had my eye on them for months, but that fucker Callum always seemed to have them locked up tight, like everything else he touches. 

And now, Riley King, of all people, waltzes in and drops that information in my lap like it's nothing.

She walked in there, bold as hell, offering me something no one else has dared. Not just information on Callum, because that's the currency everyone wants to trade in, but her. 

It wasn't even the way she said it, though her confidence was impressive. It was the look in her eyes, like she was already playing a long game that no one else could see.

I've been in this business long enough to know a good play when I see one, and Riley is no fool. She's smart, sharp and fucking cunning. She's been sitting quietly by Callum's side for three years, and he never saw her as anything other than a pretty face. Maybe that's his biggest mistake.

I pull out my phone, scrolling through my contacts until I find the right name—Andrei. He's my go-to guy for information. If there's any truth to what Riley just told me, Andrei will confirm it. My finger hovers over the call button for a second as I think about her. 

Riley King.

She wasn't what I expected. I had seen her before, of course, always on Callum's arm, playing the part of the perfect fiancée. Quiet, polished, and demure. But tonight, she was none of those things.

She was fucking fire.

And more than that, she was desperate. Desperate enough to walk into a place like Arcadia and make a deal with someone like me. That kind of desperation can be dangerous, but it can also be useful. 

If she's telling the truth, I'll have the perfect weapon to ruin Callum once and for all. And if she's bluffing? Well, that's a different story.

I press the call button, and Andrei picks up on the second ring.

"Damien," he says, his voice gruff but respectful. "What do you need?"

"I need you to check something for me," I say, stepping into my car and shutting the door behind me. "Ryker Industries. Callum Hawthorne is working on a deal with them—a tech acquisition. I need to know if it's legit and how close they are to closing."

There's a pause on the other end of the line as Andrei processes the request. "Ryker, huh? I've heard whispers. Give me five minutes. I'll get back to you."

I end the call and lean back in my seat, staring out at the glittering lights of the city. I light a cigarette, taking a slow drag as I think about what she's offering. If she's telling the truth, this Ryker Industries deal could be a huge win. 

Callum's been positioning himself in the tech world for a while now, trying to outmaneuver me at every turn. He's smart, but he's also predictable. I Riley's right, he's about to land a deal that will make him untouchable. 

Unless I get there first.

I exhale the smoke, watching it curl up into the night sky. The thought of having Riley King by my side, walking into every room with Callum knowing I've taken not only his deal but his fiancée, is … intriguing. She's sharp. Ruthless, even. And she's clearly not afraid to play the game.

The image alone would be enough to send him spiraling. He's always been obsessed with control, with appearances. Seeing me walk into a room with Riley, seeing her by my side after she rejected him in front of everyone … it's the kind of thing that would eat at him for years.

Five minutes feel like an eternity as I sit in silence, my mind racing with the possibilities. Then my phone buzzes, and Andrei's name flashes on the screen. I answer it immediately.

"Talk to me," I say.

"It's legit," Andrei says, his voice brisk and to the point. "Callum's been working on the Ryker deal for months. They're in the final stages—paperwork is almost done. He's supposed to finalize it next week."

I smile, the thrill of the hunt coursing through me. Riley wasn't bluffing. She fucking handed me something real. "What do you think the chances are of me getting to them first?"

"If anyone can outmaneuver Callum, it's you," Andrei replies. "You'll need to move fast, though. If you want to steal this from under his nose, you need to hit hard and make Ryker an offer they can't refuse."

I nod to myself, already planning my next move. "Get me everything you can on Ryker's board. I want to know who I'm dealing with, who I need to win over. We'll have an emergency board meeting in the morning."

"Understood. I'll have the details sent over within the hour."

I hang up and sit back, the rush of adrenaline buzzing in my veins. It's all falling into place. The Ryker deal, Riley, Callum's inevitable downfall—it's like a game of chess, and I'm already three moves ahead thanks to a woman I never saw coming. 

All I need to do is play my pieces right, and I'll walk away with everything.

I glance at my phone again, Riley's face flashing through my mind. I can't help but wonder what her angle is. She said she wanted protection from Callum, but there's more to it than that. There's always more.

Still, I can't deny that she's valuable. And if this works out the way I think it will, I'll have both the deal and her on my side. And for someone like me, having an ally who knows Callum's every move, every weakness… that's fucking priceless.

As the car pulls away from Arcadia, I pull out my phone again and dial a number, waiting for the familiar voice on the other end.

"Anna," I say when my assistant picks up. "Call an emergency board meeting for tomorrow morning. 8 a.m. sharp. I want every executive there. We're moving in on Ryker Industries."

"Yes, sir," she replies without hesitation.

I hang up, feeling the pieces falling into place. By this time tomorrow, Callum will be one step closer to losing everything he's worked for. And the best part? He won't even see it coming until it's too late.

I can't wait to see the look on the fucker's face when he realizes that everything he thought was his is now slipping through his fingers. And Riley King? Well, she's just secured her place at my side, whether she knows it or not.

This is going to be fun.