Nightlife In A Café?

The city streets were quieter than Benjamin expected, probably the chill in the air keeping most people indoors.

He pulled his jacket tighter around himself as he followed Adam, who was walking at ease in front.

Makhachkala at night could be described as a blend of old-world charm and modern energy. The dim streetlights cast long shadows over the area and the occasional sound of a passing car broke the quiet of the night.

Small groups of locals wandered the streets, chatting and laughing, their breath visible in the cold.

"There," Adam said while nodding towards a small cafe with a glowing sign in Cyrillic.

The warm light spilling out from the building and onto the street was inviting, and a faint sound of music could be heard from within.

"You call this nightlife?" Benjamin asked with a smirk on his face.

"Hey, you start small alright. Don't judge." Adam said with a shrug and then pushed open the door.