The Edge of Despair

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over the hills. A pale skin young boy with black messy hair and blue eyes trudged along the narrow path, each step heavier than the last. The biting wind whispered around him, as if the world itself was trying to push him back, yet he pressed on, drawn to the edge of the precipice. It was a place he had visited often, a silent witness to his growing despair.

He had always felt like an outside in this selfish world, a forgotten orphan in a sea of indifference. No matter how hard he tried to fit in, he was met with scornful glances and whispered insults. The weight of isolation pressed down on him, suffocating and relentless. Today, he felt it more than ever, a gnawing emptiness that consumed his thoughts.

"Why can't I feel like others do? Why I can't show emotions like everyone else. What does it take to make my heart feel?"

"Do I even have a Heart?"

With each step he takes, he searches his mind for the happiest memory of his life but finds only emptiness.


As he reached the top of the hill, the view spread out before him like a canvas painted in shades of gold and crimson. It was beautiful, yet it felt so far removed from him, like everything else in his life. He stood at the edge, staring down at the rocky abyss below.

The ground dropped sharply, and the roar of the wind echoed in his ears, a siren song calling him to end his suffering. In that moment, the torment felt like a soothing bam. He was imagining a world where he would no longer be a burden, where he could he finally be at peace.

He closed his eyes, ready for the end.

But, suddenly a low growl behind him made his heart faze. Turning around slowly, the thing that he saw made him froze.

"A wolf like creature stood there, its body pulsing with an eerie energy. Strange white strips glowed around its neck, emitting a soft light that seemed alive. It wasn't just an animal-it was something far more dangerous. The air around it crackled with a strange aura, and its glowing eyes locked onto his, filled with a cold unnatural intelligence."

"His breadth caught. Whatever this creature was, it didn't belong to this world."

He couldn't think of anything but only stared at that creature.

In that moment of dread, a bitter laugh escaped him, a sound laced with despair and irony "I came here to end it all, not to be some creature's meal. And also, there was no way I can fight this creature and defeat it."

The beast growled behind him, its unnatural aura wrapping around him like chains. He stood at the edge of the cliff, fixated on the wolf that stalked him relentlessly.

In that moment of desperation, the only thought that across through his mind was to kill himself.

He leaped backward off the cliff, determined to escape his fate. But just as he fell, he felt a rush of air and looked up to see a woman floating above him. The woman floated gracefully in the air, her dark blue hair billowing like smoke around her. He couldn't believe his eyes-here was a girl suspended in the air, effortlessly saving him from certain death.

Without a word, she gently lowered him to the ground, then turned her focus back to the wolf, its massive frame poised to attack. With fluid movements, she dodged the creature's lunges, each step precise and deliberate. Her eyes, fierce and focused, never left the beast as it snarled, revealing sharp teeth and the haunting white strips that wrapped around its neck.

He watched in awe, completely entranced by her fighting skills. She effortlessly dodging the wolfs attack. It was like watching a dance, a fierce ballet of survival. She keeps dodging the wolf attacks for a while then in a heartbeat, she raised her hand, and a gleaming sword materialized out of thin air. The blade shimmered in twilight, reflecting the last rays of the sun. With a swift, practiced motion, she unsheathed it, the sound sharp and clear in the charged atmosphere.

As the wolf lunged again, she sidestepped, her movements a dance of agility and strength. With a sudden, decisive motion, she thrust the sword forward, aiming for the spot beneath the creature's chin, where the white stripes converged. The blade sliced through the air with deadly precision, striking and ending the beasts threat in an instant.

He stood in awe, watching as the wolf crumpled to the ground. The woman remained poised, her sword still glinting in the fading light, she lowered her sword, eyes scanning the surrounding area for any further threats.

Breathing heavily, she closed her eyes for a moment, focusing her senses. It was then that she felt an unusual thing from the young boy. As she approached near him, her fierce expression softened to one of curiosity. And asked the young boy.

"What are you? she murmured, tilting her hear as she focused on him. Every awakened being radiated a unique aura, a pulse of energy that defined their existence. But as she extended her senses, she felt nothing-an eerie emptiness."

"Everyone possess an aura, a sign of their life force", she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But you…you're different. There is nothing inside you".

The young boy started back, confusion flooding his mind. He couldn't understand what she was trying to say- life force..? existence..?. He opened his mouth to ask her about it, but she cut his off, her gaze piercing through his thoughts.

"What's your name?"

"NULL" he replied, his voice barely above a whisper, a deep sadness evident in his expression.

 The woman studied him for a moment, noting the despair etched on his face and the perilous edge of the cliff behind him. Memories flashed through her mind-moments from her own past when she had felt just as lost and alone.

She hesitated for a moment, her heart aching for him, then with a gentle smile,

She said," Come with me, NULL".