Soul Ranks

Null found himself in a dark, endless void. There was no light, no sound, nothing to sense. He felt as though he was floating, weightless in this empty space. It reminded him of himself—hollow, devoid of anything. He strained to understand, trying to grasp some meaning from the nothingness around him.

Then, a voice. Faint at first, but clear enough to make him pause.

"You are…"

The words echoed through the void, but they seemed distant, unfinished. Null's mind raced. What is this voice? His heart began to pound in his chest, but he couldn't make sense of it. The voice lingered, but its meaning was lost, like something slipping through his fingers.

Suddenly, pain surged through his body. Sharp, intense, unbearable. It felt like his entire being was unraveling, like he was being torn apart from the inside. Null screamed, clutching at the emptiness, but there was nothing to hold on to. His voice echoed back at him in the vast darkness.

"What is happening to me?!" he yelled, his mind spiraling. "What is this?!" He could barely hear the voice now, but the pain only grew worse. It was as if something inside him was breaking apart. He felt like he was dying.

The scream tore from his throat, louder, more desperate than before. And then, suddenly, it all stopped.

Null gasped as his eyes flew open, his body jerking awake. His chest heaved with shallow breaths, his heart racing uncontrollably. For a moment, everything was a blur—his mind blank, unable to piece together reality. He sat up, trembling, unable to remember who he was or where he had been.

For a terrifying second, Null had forgotten everything.

His hands shook as he pressed them against the ground, trying to steady himself. Slowly, his senses began to return. His name. Where he was. The fear in his heart refused to leave, clinging to him even as his mind cleared.

What was that? he thought, staring at his hands as they continued to tremble. His chest still ached with the memory of that pain, and his heart pounded as if it wanted to escape his chest. The voice… it had been strange, otherworldly. Unsettling in a way he had never felt before.

He had never been afraid of anything. But now… his heart shook.

Am I scared? he wondered, bewildered by the sensation. He had never experienced fear like this before—fear that made him question himself, that made him feel small and vulnerable.

Null gripped his chest, his heart still racing. What was that place? That voice… what was it trying to tell me?

Null couldn't think clearly. His mind was foggy, his thoughts muddled. Was it a nightmare? he wondered, but he couldn't recall ever having one before. The vividness of it lingered, the strange pain and the voice still fresh in his memory, yet none of it made sense. He stood up from the bed, his legs feeling weak beneath him, and made his way to the small basin in the corner of the room.

Splashing cold water on his face, he tried to shake the feeling, hoping the chill would clear his mind. But no matter how many times he washed his face, the unease stayed with him, gnawing at his thoughts. He kept trying to piece it together, to remember the exact details of what happened, but it was slipping away like sand through his fingers. What was that? He pressed his hands against his temples, squeezing his eyes shut as if it would bring the answers, but nothing came.

Suddenly, a knock echoed from the door.

Null opened his eyes, startled, and turned toward the sound. Without thinking, he walked to the door and opened it.

It was Selene.

She stood there, calm as always, her gaze sharp and focused. "Good morning," she greeted him with a small smile.

Null nodded in response, but said nothing. He didn't have the energy to talk, and his mind was still too clouded with confusion to focus. Selene didn't seem to mind his silence and motioned for him to follow her.

They walked side by side down the hall, the sound of their footsteps filling the quiet space. Selene glanced at him now and then, but didn't press him. As they made their way to the dining hall, she finally spoke.

"Are you prepared?"

Null didn't reply. He kept his eyes ahead, his mind elsewhere, still caught in the web of what had happened in the void. The question hung in the air between them, but he didn't have an answer to give. Prepared for what? He wasn't even sure what was happening to him, much less if he was ready for it.

Selene glanced at him again but didn't push further. She simply continued walking in silence, her presence steady beside him as they made their way to breakfast.

They finished their breakfast, but Null remained lost in thought, the remnants of his earlier experience still weighing heavily on his mind. Selene noticed his distraction and asked gently, "Are you not feeling well today? If you're not ready, we can do it another day."

Null shook his head, determined. "No, I'm prepared," he said firmly. He needed to understand the awakening process better. "How is awakening done, and how is the rank determined?"

Selene leaned in, her expression serious as she began to explain. "Awakening is performed using a device called the Ascendrix. It's a sophisticated piece of technology, more than just a machine; it's a marvel of nanotechnology. When you enter the capsule, it envelops you in a cocoon of energy, and billions of nanobots are released into your system. These tiny robots, each smaller than a speck of dust, navigate through your bloodstream and interact with your cells at a molecular level."

Null's brow furrowed as he listened intently. "What do they do?"

"They enhance your brain's cognitive functions," Selene continued, her hands moving expressively as she spoke. "The nanobots create an intricate network within your mind, generating an imaginary landscape that reflects your inner thoughts and fears. In this virtual realm, you'll face challenges tailored specifically for you. The tasks may be daunting, pushing you to confront your deepest struggles and desires. It's a transformative experience designed to awaken your latent abilities."

Null felt a shiver of excitement mixed with trepidation. "So it's not just a physical transformation; it's about reaching a higher state of mind and unlocking your full potential," he concluded, trying to grasp the enormity of it all.

"Exactly," Selene affirmed. "As for the ranks, they're divided into six levels. You start with Nascent Soul, then progress to Adept Soul, followed by Primal Soul, Ascendant Soul, Transcendent Soul, and finally, Sovereign Soul. The Sovereign is the highest rank among awakeners and is incredibly rare, possessing the utmost authority in both the upper world and the underground world."

Null nodded, his heart racing with the weight of the information. "So, when I first awaken, I'll start at the Nascent Soul rank?"

"Yes," Selene confirmed. "But with the help of the nanotechnology, you can promote yourself. The nanobots create a status bar within your mind, visually displaying all your abilities and your current rank. They'll guide you on how to enhance your skills, making the process more intuitive. The nanotechnology is like a personal mentor, assisting you in real-time as you strive for growth."

"What's your rank?" Null asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Ascendant Soul," she replied, a hint of pride in her voice.

Null didn't find it surprising; he had sensed her strength since their first meeting. "What about Theia?" he inquired, recalling the powerful presence he had sensed.

Selene's demeanor shifted slightly as she spoke. "Oh, she is different from us. She had a unusual awakening and the higher authoritites explained it as a special type of Awakening and name it as Divine soul rank. She possesses a Divine Soul, which cannot be categorized. She's an exception and the first ever awakener to achieve this status."

"Divine Soul? What does that mean? Is she stronger than a Sovereign?" Null's mind raced with possibilities.

Selene paused, choosing her words carefully. "We don't know what that means yet. It hasn't been long since she was awakened, and her abilities are still being explored. All we know is that her potential is beyond anything we've encountered. Theia's existence raises questions about the limits of awakening and what true power might be."

The weight of her words hung in the air, filling Null with a mix of awe and determination. The idea of someone like Theia, with power surpassing even that of a Sovereign, was both thrilling and intimidating.