

Thoughts: 'GIBBERIS'

Streamer: [GIBBERISH]













[Good morning, everyone! Thanks for coming to my stream today]


(my body has become so dependent on your streams that it can't live without them. please take responsibility ♡)

(I was waiting for this)

(ahh^~ I cant get enough of your voice^~)

(she winked at me! I can die happy now!)

(don't say that bro. you'll miss out on a lot if you can no longer watch her streams all because of a wink.)

On one of the two monitors in front of me, comments from a bunch of people are being displayed.

I'm live streaming as a VTuber right now.

Not to mention, I'm quite famous.

Through my consistent efforts, despite being an indie, my subscriber count skyrocketed and is now nearing one million.

How did this all begin?

It all started with something minor.

It's a pretty common story, one where the cause was the fact that the club senpai I've always liked got a boyfriend.

Out of complete desperation from being heartbroken, I decided to become a VTuber.

Why a VTuber, you ask?

Because I like them. But please don't make me say that; it's embarrassing.

If I hit the jackpot and make it big, who knows, I might be able to collab with my oshis!!!

By the way, becoming a VTuber requires a decent amount of equipment to set up.

If you're not that invested, you can make do with a few ten thousand yen, but I went all out.

Again, I was desperate.

I'm using the money I saved from several years' worth of New Year's money my parents gave me. This was initially meant to go to high school and independent living fees.

All in all, it's a whopping ten million yen.

I bet I can get by for now just from this amount, even if I don't work part-time.

Despite that, I have worked part-time since 7th grade and never touched my savings.

Now, this money will be used to fund heartbroken and superficial me's VTubing expenses.

Fortunately, I already have a high-spec PC, an audio interface, a capture card, two mics, and motion tracking ready.

And the most important thing to a VTuber is their indispensable body.

That's right, a 3D model.

I managed to get one at a price cheaper than the average.

By the way, 500,000 yen already went to just the model and its related expenses.

I commissioned the character design from one of the artists I was following on Tweeter.

This alone cost 300,000 yen.

Nevertheless, it was cheap.

The artist may be famous, but she's still considered an amateur. Once I become popular, she can advertise that she's my mama.

She agreed to the price as long as I worked hard at being a VTuber.

Naturally, I complied on the spot.

Next, she offered introducing someone who'll create and rig the model for 200,000 yen if I provide her with the same character.

This person is also an amateur 3D model rigger yet puts professionals to shame with her top-tier rigs.

However, the artist's condition was that she would not show me the original drawing or the 3D model that would become my avatar until they were completed.

She said she'd make the 3D model from the information I provided.

And so, I introduced myself and wrote my bio.

First of all, my name is Yuki Himemura, and I'm 17 years old. Of course, I'm a guy.

Next, my height is 150 cm, and my weight is 43 kg.

Hey! Don't call me small! It bothers me, okay?!

After giving this information to the artist, I waited.

She also said she was willing to make some changes if I didn't like the avatar, so I guess it won't be done right away.

By the way, some people may think this price is too much.

But there's a huge difference in the benchmarks between a design by a well-known artist and one not so much.

Not to mention, this artist will cooperate with the initial publicity, so I'd say it's a good deal if you also consider the promotion fees.

While I waited, we occasionally voice called.

Two months passed, and today's the day I received my model.

I was nervous first thing in the morning.

I couldn't even sleep the day before.

So I went over and over the basics of moving the 3D model and recording.

And finally, the time came.

At the designated time, I received an email with the link to the artist's site for the downloadable goods.

I went to the artist's site and downloaded the data.

Then, I extracted the file and checked the model with a 3D model viewer.

There's an avatar that could be described as an exquisitely beautiful girl!

Her hair is fluffy from the bottom up and has a white base with a hint of pale pink.

She also has a black ribbon on her hair, giving her a slightly mature look.

She has plump cheeks and soft-looking lips.

Her eyes are light pink, which I find very attractive.

Her physique is that of an 11- or 12-year-old girl in anime.

Her chest, though small, has a fairly prominent presence and shows signs of growing.

But of course, being a 3D model, it won't.

She has a slender figure and wears a black dress.

It's a good outfit that highlights her arms and legs.

All in all, I like her.

I'm genuinely pleased.

However, if there is one problem…

"I'm a dude! Why a female avatar?!?!?!"

I screamed in my room.

"Sensei, um…! Why is my avatar a female?!"

Right after I screamed, I VC'd the artist, Yuru Kakizaki-sensei, who made the original drawing.

"Huh? Aren't you a girl? What's so odd about a girl using a female avatar? By the way, I'd say that's gotta be my greatest work of all time. How do you like her looks? Oh, and her hair and dress colors are modifiable, so you can change them as you like," says Yuru Kakizaki-sensei in a voice that gives me the impression she's as cool as her tweets.

"She's absolutely the best! I mean, no! I'm a guy! Didn't I also mention that in my bio?!"

"Oh, stop it with the lies. Where do you find a guy with a voice as cute as yours? Also, you didn't mention your gender in your bio. That's why I VC'd with you to confirm it, remember?"

"Nghhhh… H-How can I make you believe me then?"

"Send me a pic! I'm sure I should be able to tell by looks!"

"Oof… Does this convince you now?!" and with that, I send a selfie.

"?! Y-You look boyish, b-but you're still cute. As for your boobs… better luck next life, I guess?"

"No, no, NO! It's obvious that I'm a dude! Don't my shoulders look broad to you?!"

"No… I'm gonna be honest, all I see is a girl…"

"N-No way…"

"Actually, before that. I don't think men usually wear their hair like that!"

Hm? I felt her cool aura vanish momentarily, but maybe it was just my imagination.

But when she puts it that way, I remember being told I was cute since I was young.

I've always let my hair grow because my mom said I should keep it long. Don't tell me she said that because I looked cute in it?

There's no way… right?

"Hm! Well, either way, your voice is definitely suited to be a VTuber."


"Really really! And that's coming from someone who has seen loads of VTubers."

"I-I'll give it my best…"

"Haha, good luck and spread my name too for me, will you? Of course, I'll share your debut on Tweeter, so let me know once you've created your channel and intro vid!"


Thus, I unintentionally became a G.I.R.L. (Guy In Real Life).

—Yuru POV—

My name is Yuru Kakizaki, rather my alias, so to speak.

One of the commissions I accepted this time was to draw an original character for an indie VTuber.

I had been following them since I was a nobody, so I thought I'd at least listen to what they had to say.

Although my name has become quite popular, I'm still an amateur.

Unlike the professionals, I am still far from being well-known.

So, I decided to take a gamble.

I offered to provide everything from the original design to the rigged 3D model as much as my client's budget could handle.

Incidentally, I'm unfamiliar with 3D models, so I recommended my sister, an amateur 3D modeler.

By the way, an artist of my caliber can charge 500,000 yen just for an original character design.

Some may charge more than that.

And my sister, who receives 3D model commissions, charges at least 300,000.

It doesn't take that long, but we have to make a living, so the total of 500,000 yen is a non-negotiable line.

And since I'd be doing the design as cheaply as possible, the client would have to do their best.

When I presented these conditions, my client readily agreed.

I decided to talk to them on VC to get their information and design a character that would fit their voice.

The client's data didn't have a gender mentioned, so it was the perfect opportunity.

The person who answered the call was a girl with a lovely voice.

With her voice, I had a feeling she could become famous.

From there, I kept brainstorming the design, and with the help of my sister, we worked on creating a 3D model that matched our client's voice.

Two months after receiving the commission, the day of delivery finally arrived.

"I've created a masterpiece of a child. Thanks for helping too, Yura."

"Onee-chan, I know I'm saying this about my own work, but this model is superb! She could captivate the whole world!"

My sister Yura seems to feel the same way.

"Okay. All we need to do… is send these to her."

"I can't wait to hear her reaction, onee-chan!"

"Me too."

I then uploaded the 3D model and 2D illustration data on the website.

After about 10 minutes, I received an invitation to a voice call.

"Onee-chan, could she be sharing her thoughts with us right away?"

"Hehe, I'm a little excited."

I answered the call and was informed of a shocking revelation.

I respond without breaking character.

Someone praise me for not losing my cool.

After the call ended, I told my sister.

"It turns out… our client… is a guy despite his voice and looks…"

I showed Yura the selfie he sent me.


"And the thing is… he's sooo my type… My heart hurts, help me, Yura…"

"A legit shota…? Oh god, oh god, I think my heart skipped a beat just now, onee-chan…"

And we fell in love at first sight with the G.I.R.L. behind the newbie VTuber.

(1.8k word count)