
62.The Unraveling Thread

I can't remember the last time I was whole—

a shape I recognized, a voice that was mine.

Now, I am scattered, a shadow among shadows,

losing the edges that once held me together,

slipping through the cracks i didn't see before.

Was I always this fragile?

Did the light always bend before it touched my skin?

I look in the mirror, but it's empty.

Not my face, not my eyes,

just a reflection of something I used to know.

But now,the mirror is a maze,

and i can't find my way back to the center.

Each piece of me drifts further,

like a thread pulled too tight,

fraying at the edges of what I thought I was.

I was someone once,wasn't I?

I wore my name like a second skin,

but now it slips,falls away,

and I can't find the thread to sew it back.

My hands are too heavy,too strange—

I don't recognize the way they move.

I try to grasp what's left of me,

but the pieces slide,back into the sea.

Was there a time before the unraveling?

Before the cracks began to spread?

Now, I'm nothing but a shape without weight,

a name whispered in a room where no one listens.

i call out, but the sound doesn't return.

My voice disappears before it can touch the air,

like it was never mine to hold.

There are moments I almost remember,

flashes of who I used to be—

but they fade like stars swallowed by dawn,

and I can't chase them fast enough.

They slip through the cracks,

and I wonder how long I've been broken,

h0ow long I've been losing the pieces

I never though I'd need.

Do you see me now?

No,barely see myself,

just fragments of a shape

I can't fit back together,

a puzzle missing too many pieces.

Each day, the edges blur further,

each breath feels less like mine.

I thought I could find my way back,

but the path behind me is gone,

and the ground beneath my feet shifts,

slips, like sand washed away by the tide.

I reach, but there's nothing to hold—

just the space where I used to be.

Is this what it means to fade?

To become less with every step?

To lose the lines that once defined me?

I try to hold onto the moments,

the memories that I think were mine,

but they dissolve like mist

before I can grasp their weight.

I keep walking, but I don't know where I'm going.

The road stretches, endless and strange,

and I don't remember where it began.

Was there a beginning, or was I always lost,

always wandering toward something

I could never hold?

Now, even the shadows slip through my hands,

and I am nothing but the space

between what was and what will never be.

I was someone once—

a voice, a name, a shape,

but now I'm just a whisper in the wind,

a flicker of light too faint to see.

The thread unravels, and I can't stop it,

can't hold the pieces together anymore.

They drift, and I drift with them,

a breath too light to leave a mark.

Do you hear me now?

No, the voice you knew is gone,

and what's left is just the echo

of something I used to be.

I can't find the center,

can't trace the lines that led me here.

I am scattered, falling into the spaces

between what I was and what I thought I could be.

I search, but there's no light,

no flame to guide me back.

Just the dark, just the quiet hum

of the world moving on without me.

I reach, but my hands are empty,

and the only thing I hold is the silence

that follows when the voice is gone.

Now, I walk among the shadows,

a ghost of what I thought I was,

losing myself with every step,

and there's no road left, no map to follow,

only the unraveling thread

and the silence that swallows it whole.