The city of Lord Takeda loomed before them as the morning mist lifted, revealing towering walls that seemed to touch the sky. Kazuki stood at the entrance, his eyes wide as he took in the sprawling market outside the gates, the stream of merchants, peasants, and warriors flowing in and out of the city like a river. The hustle and bustle of people shouting, haggling, and laughing made Kazuki feel like he had been dropped into another world.

"I've never seen so many people in one place," Kazuki muttered, trying to keep close to Jiro as they pushed through the crowd.

"Stay focused," Jiro said, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "This place may seem lively, but danger lurks in every corner. Especially for someone who looks as lost as you do."

Kazuki shot him a look. "I'm not that out of place."

"You're gawking at everything like you've never seen a market before," Jiro replied dryly. "Keep your eyes forward and your mouth shut."

Kazuki clamped his mouth shut, though his eyes still darted from one stall to another. The market was filled with sights and smells he had never experienced—grilled meats, sweet rice cakes, exotic silks, and foreign trinkets. As they moved deeper into the city, the houses grew larger, the people more finely dressed. The atmosphere shifted from lively to tense, and Kazuki could feel the weight of watchful eyes on them.

They finally arrived at Lord Takeda's grand estate, a towering fortress that dominated the skyline. Guards in gleaming armor stood at attention as they approached, eyeing them with suspicion. Jiro remained calm, stepping forward and speaking to one of the gatekeepers in a low voice.

After a brief exchange, the gates swung open, and they were ushered inside. Kazuki's heart pounded in his chest as they entered the massive courtyard. He had never seen such grandeur—lush gardens, intricate stone paths, and towering statues of warriors long past. It was a world away from the village they had left behind.

Inside the grand hall, Lord Takeda awaited them, seated upon a raised platform. He was a man of striking presence, tall and broad-shouldered, with a sharp gaze that seemed to pierce through everything. His robes were lavish, a deep red embroidered with gold, and he wore a sword at his side that seemed more ceremonial than practical.

Kazuki bowed low, trying not to let his nerves show. Jiro stepped forward and greeted Lord Takeda with the respect due to a man of his rank.

"Lord Takeda," Jiro began, "we come seeking your aid. There is a threat to the north—a band of raiders who have been attacking villages, ours included. They grow bolder by the day."

Takeda's expression remained impassive as he listened, his fingers tapping lightly on the arm of his chair. "You come from a small village, do you not? Why should I risk my men for such a minor problem?"

Kazuki clenched his fists at the lord's dismissive tone, but Jiro remained calm.

"This is no minor problem," Jiro said evenly. "These raiders are growing in strength. If left unchecked, they could become a threat to your lands as well."

Lord Takeda's eyes flickered to Kazuki, as if assessing him for the first time. "And who is this boy? Your apprentice?"

Kazuki opened his mouth to speak, but Jiro cut in before he could embarrass himself. "He is my pupil. He shows promise."

Takeda leaned forward slightly, his gaze now focused entirely on Kazuki. "Promise, you say? I've no use for promises. I need men who can fight and die without hesitation."

Kazuki swallowed hard. He could feel the weight of Takeda's judgment bearing down on him, and for a moment, he feared they would be turned away. But then Takeda stood, his expression shifting from disinterest to something more calculating.

"Very well," he said. "I will offer you my aid… but only if the boy proves himself worthy."

Kazuki blinked, caught off guard. "Prove myself? How?"

Takeda smiled coldly. "A trial. Tomorrow, you will face one of my warriors in the courtyard. If you can hold your own, I will consider your request. If not…" He let the sentence hang in the air.

Kazuki felt his stomach drop, but he managed a nod. "I understand."

Jiro turned to him, his face unreadable. "Rest tonight. You'll need it."

As they were escorted to their quarters, Kazuki's mind raced. A trial against one of Takeda's warriors? He had been training hard under Jiro's guidance, but this was something entirely different. What if he wasn't ready? What if he failed?

Jiro placed a hand on his shoulder as they entered the room. "Don't overthink it. You've trained for this."

Kazuki sighed, sitting down on the floor with a thud. "Yeah, but what if—"

"No 'what ifs,'" Jiro interrupted. "You'll fight, and you'll win. Or you won't. Either way, worrying about it now won't help."

Kazuki scowled. "Great pep talk. I feel so much better."

Jiro smirked. "Just get some sleep, Kazuki. Tomorrow will take care of itself."

Kazuki lay down, staring at the ceiling as the weight of the trial ahead pressed down on him. But as he drifted off to sleep, a small part of him couldn't help but feel… excited. This was his chance to prove himself, not just to Jiro or Lord Takeda, but to himself.

Tomorrow, he would face whatever challenge lay ahead. And he wouldn't back down.