The sun was high in the sky by the time Kazuki and Jiro left Lord Takeda's estate. Kazuki's limbs still ached from the fight with Shiro, but the weight of what he had just accomplished filled him with a sense of pride. The trial had been more grueling than he had expected, but he had passed. He had proven himself, not just to Lord Takeda and the soldiers watching, but to Jiro, who, for all his teasing, had silently put a great deal of trust in him.

As they walked through the busy streets of the city, Kazuki finally let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "I can't believe I actually won."

Jiro glanced at him with a smirk. "You sound surprised."

Kazuki laughed softly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Honestly? I am. I didn't think I could hold my own against someone like Shiro. The guy's a mountain."

Jiro stopped and turned to face Kazuki, his tone becoming more serious. "Shiro's strong, but strength alone doesn't win battles. You used your head. You watched for openings and struck where he was weak. That's why you won."

Kazuki nodded, taking Jiro's words to heart. The lesson was clear—he couldn't always rely on raw power. He had to stay sharp, stay quick, and think his way through every fight. There would always be opponents stronger than him, but if he could outthink them, he stood a chance.

Jiro continued walking. "You've earned Takeda's favor, but that doesn't mean our work is done. We need to convince him to lend us his soldiers for the fight against the raiders. He's not going to send them on a whim."

Kazuki nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "What do you think he'll want from us in return?"

Jiro's eyes narrowed as he scanned the crowd around them. "Takeda's a careful man. He'll expect something of value—something that benefits him in the long term. But for now, we wait for him to summon us. In the meantime, stay sharp. This city is full of eyes and ears. We're not the only ones seeking Lord Takeda's favor."

Kazuki's stomach tightened. He had felt the weight of the gazes in the courtyard during the trial, but now, walking through the market, the feeling was even stronger. Every person they passed seemed to be watching them, and he couldn't shake the sense that something was amiss.

They made their way to the small inn where they were staying. The inn was modest, with a few worn wooden tables and a handful of travelers milling about. Jiro led them to a table in the corner, away from the main crowd. The place smelled of stew and freshly baked bread, a welcome relief after the tension of the day.

Kazuki sat down with a groan, stretching his legs out in front of him. "I hope we don't have to fight anyone else today."

Jiro chuckled as he waved over a server. "You'll get used to it."

The server, a young woman with dark hair tied back in a simple bun, approached their table with a smile. "What can I get you?"

"Two bowls of stew and tea," Jiro said, handing her a small coin.

She nodded and quickly disappeared into the kitchen.

Kazuki leaned back in his chair, the exhaustion from the day finally catching up with him. "Do you think Takeda will send for us soon?"

Jiro looked thoughtful. "It depends. He's likely weighing his options, seeing what we can offer him. But he'll summon us when he's ready."

Kazuki wasn't sure if that was reassuring or not. He didn't like the idea of being kept in suspense, waiting for the whim of a powerful lord. Still, there was little they could do for now but wait.

As they sat in silence, the door to the inn creaked open. Kazuki glanced over, his attention immediately drawn to the figure entering. A tall man, dressed in plain traveler's garb, stepped inside. His eyes were sharp, scanning the room in a way that immediately set Kazuki on edge. There was something off about him—something predatory.

The man's gaze swept across the inn and landed on Kazuki and Jiro. For a split second, their eyes met, and Kazuki felt a chill run down his spine.

Jiro noticed too. His hand subtly drifted toward his sword, his posture tensing as the man approached their table.

"Mind if I join you?" the stranger asked, his voice smooth but with an undercurrent of menace.

Kazuki tensed, but Jiro gestured toward an empty seat with a calm nod. "Be our guest."

The man sat down, folding his hands on the table in front of him. His eyes never left Jiro's, and the tension in the air was palpable. After a long moment, he smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes.

"I've heard a lot about you two," the stranger said casually. "Word travels fast in a city like this. Especially when someone catches Lord Takeda's eye."

Kazuki kept his face neutral, but his mind raced. Who is this guy?

Jiro didn't blink. "We're just travelers."

The stranger chuckled softly. "Travelers who best Takeda's champion? You'll forgive me if I don't believe that."

Kazuki's hand drifted toward his sword, but Jiro gave him a subtle shake of the head. The message was clear: don't start anything.

"I'm not looking for trouble," the man continued, leaning back in his chair. "In fact, I came to offer you something—information."

Kazuki frowned, skeptical. "What kind of information?"

The man's smile widened. "The kind that might save your life."

Jiro's eyes narrowed. "Speak plainly."

The man leaned in, lowering his voice. "You're not the only ones seeking Lord Takeda's favor. Others are circling, and they're not as… honorable as you. There are powerful forces at play in this city, and if you're not careful, you'll find yourselves caught in the middle of a game far bigger than you realize."

Kazuki felt a knot form in his stomach. "Who are you?"

The man gave a cryptic smile. "Someone who knows how the game is played. You'd do well to keep your eyes open and watch your back."

Before Kazuki could ask any more questions, the man stood, tossing a coin onto the table. "Consider that a friendly warning. I'd hate to see promising warriors like yourselves get caught up in something… unpleasant."

With that, the man turned and walked out of the inn, leaving Kazuki and Jiro in stunned silence.

"What the hell was that about?" Kazuki muttered, watching the door swing shut behind the stranger.

Jiro's eyes were still fixed on the door, his expression unreadable. "We've drawn attention. And not just from Takeda."

Kazuki felt a shiver run down his spine. "You think he was serious? About the danger?"

Jiro nodded slowly. "This city is full of people who would do anything to gain power. And now we're part of that equation."

The server returned with their food, blissfully unaware of the tension that had filled the room just moments before. Kazuki barely touched his stew, his appetite lost to the unease settling in his gut.

As they finished their meal in silence, Kazuki's mind raced with questions. Who was that man? And what exactly had they walked into by coming to this city?

Jiro stood, dropping a few coins on the table. "We should return to the inn. Stay alert. We're being watched."

Kazuki nodded, following him out into the crowded street. The city that had once seemed so full of opportunity now felt dangerous, filled with shadows and hidden threats. The road ahead was no longer just about facing the raiders—they were now entangled in a web of power, where every move could be their last.

And Kazuki had the sinking

feeling that things were only going to get more complicated from here.