The morning air was crisp as Kazuki stood in the clearing once again, his sword held firmly in his hand. He stared at the blade, its edge gleaming in the early sunlight. The weight of Jiro's revelation about the Kekkei Kaigen still lingered heavily in his mind. The burden of his father's legacy and the looming threat of failure hung over him like a shadow he couldn't escape.

Across from him, Jiro was already prepared, his katana resting at his side. There was a calmness about him that made Kazuki feel small in comparison. But Jiro wasn't here to coddle him or give him comforting words. The time for softness had passed, and now the training would be more intense than ever.

"Today, we test your resolve," Jiro said, his voice cutting through the morning silence. "The Kekkei Kaigen is not something you can unlock by willpower alone. It requires focus, discipline, and the willingness to sacrifice. Do you understand?"

Kazuki swallowed hard. He nodded, though inside, he felt a growing uncertainty. Could he truly handle this? Was he really prepared to give up everything for the sake of this power?

Without another word, Jiro drew his sword, the familiar sound of steel echoing in the clearing. "Attack me."

Kazuki blinked in surprise. "Attack you?"

Jiro's eyes narrowed. "You heard me. Attack me. With everything you have."

Kazuki hesitated for only a moment before gripping his katana tightly and rushing forward. His feet moved swiftly across the grass, and he swung his blade with all his strength toward Jiro. But Jiro was faster—he easily sidestepped the attack, his sword already aimed at Kazuki's exposed side.

"Too slow," Jiro said coldly.

Kazuki barely had time to react, stumbling out of the way before Jiro's blade could make contact. He felt the rush of air as Jiro's katana passed dangerously close to him. Sweat began to form on his brow, and he realized just how serious Jiro was.

"Focus," Jiro commanded. "If you can't even touch me, how do you expect to unlock your power?"

Gritting his teeth, Kazuki adjusted his stance, his mind racing. He couldn't let his fear control him. He had to be faster, stronger—everything Jiro had been teaching him. He had to push beyond his limits if he wanted to stand a chance.

He launched another attack, this time aiming for Jiro's midsection. Again, Jiro dodged effortlessly, but Kazuki anticipated the move. He spun on his heel, swinging his katana in a low arc, trying to catch Jiro off guard.

But once again, Jiro was faster. His blade clashed with Kazuki's, the force of the impact nearly knocking Kazuki off balance.

"You're predictable," Jiro said, pushing Kazuki back with ease. "Your movements are too easy to read."

Kazuki stumbled backward, frustration boiling inside him. No matter how hard he tried, Jiro was always one step ahead, always able to outmaneuver him. It was infuriating. He could feel the weight of failure pressing down on him.

"You're holding back," Jiro said, his tone harsh. "I can see it in your eyes. You're afraid."

Kazuki's grip tightened on his sword. He wanted to argue, to deny it, but he couldn't. He was afraid—afraid of what would happen if he gave in to the power inside him, afraid of what it would cost him.

Jiro's eyes bore into him, unyielding. "If you can't overcome that fear, you'll never unlock the Kekkei Kaigen. You'll never be able to protect yourself, or anyone else."

The words stung, but Kazuki knew they were true. He had been holding back, letting doubt cloud his mind. He couldn't afford to do that anymore.

"I'm not afraid," Kazuki said, more to himself than to Jiro.

Jiro raised an eyebrow. "Then prove it."

Kazuki took a deep breath, centering himself. His mind flashed back to everything Jiro had taught him, every lesson, every sparring match. He remembered the weight of the sword in his hand, the feel of the ground beneath his feet. He had trained for this—he was ready.

With a shout, Kazuki rushed forward again, this time with renewed determination. His blade sliced through the air, faster and more precise than before. He attacked from different angles, trying to keep Jiro on the defensive.

But Jiro was still faster.

Their swords clashed again, the ringing of steel filling the air. Kazuki's muscles strained with effort, but Jiro met every strike with ease. Kazuki felt the frustration bubbling up again, but he pushed it down. He couldn't let his emotions control him—not now.

"Focus!" Jiro shouted as their blades locked together.

Kazuki gritted his teeth, his arms shaking from the pressure. He could feel Jiro's strength overpowering him, pushing him back. But he refused to give up. He couldn't give up.

And then, something inside him shifted. It was like a switch had been flipped, and suddenly, everything became clearer. His senses sharpened, his movements felt more fluid. He could see Jiro's next move before it happened, and for the first time, he was able to react in time.

He broke free from the blade lock and spun, bringing his sword down in a powerful arc. Jiro moved to block, but Kazuki's strike was faster than before. It connected with Jiro's sword, and for a brief moment, Kazuki saw the surprise in his sensei's eyes.

But it wasn't enough. Jiro still managed to twist out of the way, avoiding a direct hit. Kazuki stumbled, his momentum throwing him off balance. He tried to recover, but Jiro was already there, his sword pressed lightly against Kazuki's throat.

"Not bad," Jiro said, lowering his blade. "You're improving. But you're still too slow."

Kazuki panted, his chest heaving from the exertion. His entire body ached, but there was a flicker of pride in his chest. He had managed to surprise Jiro, even if only for a second.

"I felt… something," Kazuki said, his voice hoarse. "For a moment, it was like I could see what you were going to do."

Jiro nodded, sheathing his sword. "That was the first step. You're beginning to tap into your potential, but it's only a fraction of what the Kekkei Kaigen can do."

Kazuki wiped the sweat from his brow, still trying to catch his breath. "How do I unlock the rest?"

Jiro's expression grew serious again. "You'll need more than just training for that. The Kekkei Kaigen doesn't awaken under normal circumstances. It requires something… more."

Kazuki frowned. "Like what?"

Jiro turned away, his voice low. "You'll know when the time comes. But be warned, Kazuki—it won't be easy. The power you seek will demand more from you than you can imagine."

Kazuki felt a chill run down his spine. He had come so far, but he knew that the road ahead would only get harder. The path to unlocking the Kekkei Kaigen was still shrouded in mystery, but now, more than ever, Kazuki was determined to see it through.

"Get some rest," Jiro said, walking toward the edge of the clearing. "Tomorrow, we continue."

Kazuki nodded, watching his sensei disappear into the trees. He looked down at his sword, the weight of his future pressing down on him once again. There was still so much he didn't understand, but one thing was certain—he wouldn't stop until he unlocked his true potential, no matter the cost.