The next morning, the village was bathed in soft light as the sun broke through the clouds, casting long shadows over the quiet streets. Despite the peaceful surroundings, Kazuki's heart felt heavy, burdened by the recent events. He hadn't slept much. Jiro's departure weighed on his mind like a stone, and the realization that he was truly on his own gnawed at him. Still, he knew he couldn't let the grief consume him.

As the morning progressed, Kazuki found himself wandering through the village, his steps aimless but his mind racing. He had a new mission now, a new goal: to master the Kekkei Kaigen and honor Jiro's memory by becoming stronger. Strong enough to exact revenge on those who had taken everything from him.

But how? He had only scratched the surface of the Kekkei Kaigen, and Jiro wasn't there to guide him anymore.

"Kazuki!" a voice called from behind, jolting him out of his thoughts.

Kazuki turned to see Masato running toward him, a big grin plastered on his face. The sight of his friend lifted his spirits a bit, though he wasn't sure if he was in the mood for Masato's usual antics.

"Masato," Kazuki greeted, forcing a smile. "What brings you here?"

Masato came to a stop beside him, catching his breath. "I heard you're finally going to leave the village. You know, the big city and all. Thought I'd come to see you off."

Kazuki raised an eyebrow. "I'm not leaving just yet. There's still much to learn, and… well, I'm not ready."

Masato's grin only widened. "Not ready? Come on, you've got the Kekkei Kaigen! You're practically invincible now."

Kazuki couldn't help but chuckle, shaking his head. "If only it were that simple."

Masato threw an arm around Kazuki's shoulders, pulling him into a half-hug. "Hey, you'll figure it out. You always do. And besides, it's not like you're alone. You've got me."

Kazuki smiled, though it was tinged with sadness. Masato had always been the carefree one, the joker of the village. His lightheartedness was a welcome distraction from the heaviness that had settled over Kazuki's heart. But beneath the jokes, Kazuki knew Masato cared deeply for him, even if he didn't always show it.

"Thanks, Masato," Kazuki said quietly. "I appreciate it."

Masato released him and clapped him on the back. "Anytime. Now, if you're not leaving yet, what's the plan? You gonna train more, or just brood like you usually do?"

Kazuki rolled his eyes. "I need to train. The Kekkei Kaigen isn't something I can control easily. It's… unpredictable."

Masato's expression shifted to one of curiosity. "So, what's it do, anyway? I mean, we all know it's some super rare power, but what's it actually like?"

Kazuki paused, considering how to explain it. "It's hard to describe. It's like… tapping into something deep inside. A power that's been passed down through my bloodline for generations. But it's also dangerous. It's not just about strength—it's about control. If I lose focus, the power could consume me."

Masato whistled, clearly impressed. "Sounds intense. Guess that means I won't be sparring with you anytime soon, huh?"

Kazuki smirked. "You wouldn't stand a chance."

Masato laughed, the sound echoing through the village. "Fair enough. But seriously, if you need any help, you know where to find me."

"I appreciate it, Masato," Kazuki replied, feeling a little lighter after their conversation.

With that, Masato waved and headed off toward the marketplace, leaving Kazuki alone once again. As he watched his friend disappear into the crowd, Kazuki felt a renewed sense of determination. He had to master the Kekkei Kaigen—not just for himself, but for Jiro. For his father. For everyone who had sacrificed so much for him.

Kazuki made his way to the training grounds, a secluded area just outside the village where he and Jiro had spent countless hours sparring and honing their skills. The memories of those sessions flooded back to him as he stepped onto the familiar field, the scent of fresh grass and the sound of the wind in the trees bringing a bittersweet pang to his chest.

He stood in the center of the field, unsheathing his sword. The blade gleamed in the sunlight, a symbol of the path he had chosen. With a deep breath, Kazuki closed his eyes and began to focus.

The Kekkei Kaigen was still new to him, a force he didn't fully understand. But he knew it was powerful, and that power came with a price. He had to learn how to control it—how to harness its energy without letting it overwhelm him.

Slowly, he began to channel the energy within him, feeling the familiar warmth spread through his body. His senses heightened, and the world around him seemed to slow as the power of the Kekkei Kaigen surged through his veins.

He raised his sword, focusing on the energy. The air around him shimmered with a faint glow, the raw power of his bloodline manifesting in the physical world. For a moment, Kazuki felt invincible—like he could take on anything.

But then, just as quickly, the power began to spiral out of control. The warmth turned to heat, burning through his body as the energy surged beyond his control. His sword trembled in his hands, and he could feel the power slipping away, threatening to consume him.

"No… I have to control it!" Kazuki gritted his teeth, trying to reign in the energy, but it was too much. The power was too wild, too untamed.

With a shout of frustration, he released the energy, letting it dissipate into the air. The glow faded, and Kazuki fell to one knee, panting heavily. His sword clattered to the ground beside him as he struggled to catch his breath.

"That… didn't go as planned," he muttered to himself, wiping the sweat from his brow.

As he sat there, catching his breath, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Trying to blow yourself up, huh?"

Kazuki looked up to see Masato leaning against a nearby tree, arms crossed and a smirk on his face. "I thought you left."

Masato shrugged. "I was curious. Figured I'd stick around to see how your superpowers work. And, well, I gotta say, that was… something."

Kazuki groaned, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, 'something' is a good way to describe it."

Masato chuckled and walked over, sitting down beside Kazuki. "You're trying too hard."

Kazuki shot him a look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you're overthinking it," Masato explained. "You're treating the Kekkei Kaigen like it's this big, scary thing you have to control. But maybe that's the problem. Maybe you're trying to control it too much."

Kazuki frowned. "What are you saying? That I should just let it run wild?"

"No," Masato said, shaking his head. "I'm saying that maybe you need to stop thinking of it as something separate from you. The Kekkei Kaigen isn't just some power you have to control—it's a part of you. It's in your blood, right? So maybe, instead of fighting it, you need to learn how to work with it."

Kazuki stared at his friend, surprised by the depth of his insight. Masato had always been the joker, the one who never took anything seriously. But now, he was offering advice that made more sense than anything Kazuki had heard in a long time.

"You might be right," Kazuki admitted, nodding slowly. "I've been treating it like it's something foreign. Something I need to tame. But it's a part of me."

Masato grinned. "See? I'm not just a pretty face."

Kazuki laughed, the tension in his chest easing a little. "Thanks, Masato. I needed that."

"No problem," Masato said, standing up and stretching. "Now, how about you try again? This time, don't think so hard. Just… let it flow."

Kazuki nodded, standing up and retrieving his sword. He took a deep breath, centering himself, and then closed his eyes. This time, he wouldn't force the energy. He would let it come naturally.

As he focused, he felt the familiar warmth of the Kekkei Kaigen rising within him. But instead of trying to control it, he let it flow through him, becoming one with the energy. The power was still intense, but it didn't feel overwhelming. It felt… right.

He opened his eyes, and the world around him seemed clearer, sharper. The energy crackled around him, but it was no longer wild—it was a part of him.

Kazuki raised his sword, feeling the power coursing through the blade. He swung it in a smooth arc, the air humming with the force of the strike. This time, there was no loss of control. The power was his to command.

He turned to Masato, who wa

s watching with a satisfied grin. "Not bad, huh?"

Masato clapped. "Now that's what I'm talking about