The next morning, Kazuki and Tatsuya made their way back to the palace. As they walked through the city, Kazuki couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. His fight with Aiko had stirred something within him—an eagerness to prove himself not just as a warrior, but as someone capable of greater things.

When they arrived at the palace gates, the guards greeted them with a nod, and they were led inside. The halls were as grand as ever, filled with the sounds of court activity—advisors discussing strategy, samurai preparing for upcoming missions, and nobles moving about with an air of superiority.

Kazuki and Tatsuya were brought to a smaller chamber this time, where Lady Aiko awaited them. She stood beside her father, Lord Takeshi, who sat on a raised platform as before. His expression was stern, but there was a glimmer of interest in his eyes as he looked at Kazuki.

"You've passed my daughter's test," Lord Takeshi said without preamble. "That's no small feat. Many have tried and failed."

Kazuki bowed deeply. "Thank you, my Lord."

Lord Takeshi studied him for a moment, as if weighing his next words carefully. "You will serve in my court, but your duties will not be easy. You will be tasked with handling dangerous missions—missions that will test your loyalty, your strength, and your resolve."

Kazuki nodded, prepared for whatever lay ahead. "I'm ready, my Lord."

Lord Takeshi leaned forward slightly, his gaze intense. "Good. Because failure will not be tolerated. You will be representing my name and my house. Do not take that responsibility lightly."

"I won't," Kazuki replied, his voice firm.

Aiko stepped forward, her presence commanding the room despite her calm demeanor. "Your first task will be to accompany me on a mission outside the capital. There have been reports of unrest in a nearby village—bandits terrorizing the people, stealing crops, and causing chaos. My father wants it dealt with swiftly and discreetly."

Kazuki glanced at Tatsuya, who gave a subtle nod of encouragement.

"When do we leave?" Kazuki asked, eager to prove himself.

"Tomorrow at dawn," Aiko replied. "Prepare yourself. This will not be a simple task."

Kazuki bowed once more, feeling the weight of the responsibility now fully upon him. This was his chance to prove not only to the Lord but to himself that he could rise above the challenges ahead. The journey was just beginning, and with Aiko by his side, he knew it would be filled with danger and uncertainty.

But there was no turning back now.

As they left the chamber, Tatsuya clapped Kazuki on the back. "Looks like we're going on an adventure."

Kazuki smiled, despite the tension in his chest. "It's just the beginning."

And with that, they prepared for the next step in their journey—one that would take them far beyond the palace walls and into the heart of danger.