Kazuki awoke in the dimly lit room the Lord had offered them for the night, still replaying the events of the previous day in his mind. His body ached from the long journey, and his mind was restless with thoughts of their new alliance. The deal they had struck with Lord Takamura weighed heavily on him—while the Lord had agreed to provide protection and military aid, Kazuki knew that the price would be steep. War was coming, and with it, untold challenges.

He glanced over at Haruto, who was sharpening his blade with methodical precision. The rhythmic sound of stone against metal was oddly calming.

"You seem troubled," Haruto said, not looking up from his task.

Kazuki rubbed his temples, sitting up on his bed. "There's a lot on my mind. Lord Takamura's offer is generous, but there's something off about this city. It's like everyone's waiting for something to happen."

"You're not wrong." Haruto sheathed his blade and stood, stretching his stiff muscles. "I've been talking to the guards. They say there's been an increase in attacks—rebels, mercenaries, and even assassins. People are on edge. It's no wonder Lord Takamura is eager to form alliances."

Kazuki sighed, standing and dressing quickly. "We need to figure out what's going on before we're drawn into a conflict we don't understand."

They left their room and met Aiko and Shiro in the courtyard, where the early morning light filtered through the trees. Aiko had a determined look on her face, her hand resting lightly on the hilt of her katana. Shiro, always the jokester, was already chatting up one of the palace servants, much to Aiko's annoyance.

"Are we ready to move?" Kazuki asked, his tone brisk.

Aiko nodded, her expression softening when she looked at him. "We need to start gathering information. If this city is as dangerous as it seems, we need to know who's behind the attacks. Lord Takamura can't be our only source of support."

Shiro grinned, joining the group. "I've been doing a bit of digging myself. Word on the street is there's a group of rebel leaders hiding out in the lower districts of the city. They've been organizing raids on the merchant caravans and the palace itself."

Kazuki raised an eyebrow. "And how did you come by this information?"

Shiro winked. "Let's just say I have my ways."

Aiko rolled her eyes. "His 'ways' are usually trouble. But if it's true, it's worth looking into. We need to know who our enemies are."

Kazuki agreed, his mind racing. "Let's start there. If we can figure out who's orchestrating these attacks, we can stop them before things get worse."

The group made their way through the bustling streets of the capital, blending into the crowd as best they could. The city had come to life, with vendors setting up their stalls and people going about their daily routines. But beneath the surface, there was an undeniable tension—eyes watched them from alleyways, and whispers followed them as they passed.

They headed toward the lower districts, where the wealth and grandeur of the palace gave way to narrow, crowded streets filled with rickety buildings and the stench of sewage. This was where the city's poor lived, and where rebellion often found its roots.

"Keep your guard up," Haruto warned, his hand hovering near his sword. "This place smells of trouble."

As they walked deeper into the district, Kazuki noticed groups of men loitering in the shadows, their eyes cold and calculating. These weren't ordinary citizens—these were fighters, hardened by the struggles of life in the slums.

Eventually, they reached a rundown tavern near the outskirts of the district. It was the kind of place where no questions were asked, and dangerous deals were made. Shiro led the way, slipping inside with a casual air that belied the tension Kazuki felt.

The tavern was dimly lit and filled with the stench of stale beer and sweat. At a table near the back, a group of rough-looking men sat, deep in conversation. One of them, a scarred man with a missing eye, looked up as they entered, his gaze lingering on Kazuki.

Kazuki and the others took a seat at a nearby table, keeping their voices low. "That's them," Shiro whispered. "The one with the scar is Kaito. He's one of the rebel leaders I heard about."

Kazuki nodded, glancing around the room. They couldn't afford to draw too much attention. "What do you know about him?"

"Not much," Shiro admitted. "But from what I've gathered, he's been organizing the recent attacks. If we want to stop the rebellion, we need to take him down."

Before Kazuki could respond, Kaito stood and approached their table, his one good eye narrowing as he studied them. "You don't belong here," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "What's your business in this part of the city?"

Kazuki met his gaze without flinching. "We're looking for information. We've heard about the attacks, and we want to know who's behind them."

Kaito chuckled darkly. "Information comes at a price in this city. And you're not exactly in a position to demand anything."

Haruto's hand moved to his sword, but Kazuki held up a hand, stopping him. "We're not here to fight. We're just looking for answers."

Kaito's smile faded, and he leaned closer. "The answers you're looking for will cost you more than you're willing to pay. You'd best leave before you get yourselves killed."

Kazuki held his ground. "We're not going anywhere until we know the truth."

For a moment, the tension in the room thickened, and Kazuki could feel the eyes of everyone in the tavern on them. But then Kaito straightened, his expression unreadable. "If it's the truth you want, then you'll have to earn it. Meet me in the docks at sundown. We'll see if you've got what it takes."

With that, he turned and walked out of the tavern, his men following close behind. As soon as they were gone, the noise in the tavern resumed, but Kazuki's mind was already racing.

"We've been set up," Haruto muttered, his eyes narrowing. "It's a trap."

Kazuki nodded. "Maybe. But it's the only lead we've got. We'll go to the docks, but we'll be ready for anything."

Aiko placed a hand on his arm, her touch gentle. "Are you sure about this? We don't even know what we're walking into."

Kazuki gave her a reassuring smile, though inside he shared her concerns. "I'm sure. If we want to get ahead of the rebellion and protect the Lord, we need to understand who we're dealing with. We'll take precautions."

As they left the tavern and made their way back toward the palace, Kazuki's thoughts drifted to the upcoming confrontation. Kaito was dangerous