
Conquering a country. 

Even Tatsuya might not be able to do it. 

Destruction aside, even if Tatsuya could use the "Material Burst" to cause fear to everyone, the resistance would definitely be resistance, and it was impossible for him to fully conquer this world.

Yet, for Masa, it was possible, especially when he could use his ability to control others, and they had no protection against him. Rather, mind-related magic was rare, and a method to solve it hardly existed, especially for a normal human, so the president of the USNA and congress members were all under his control easily. 

"Fortunately, I ate the Wapu Wapu no Mi." 

The Pika Pika no Mi might give him the speed of light, yet he had to say that being able to teleport was much more convenient, so after he did all of that, he decided to take a trip with Maya to visit various places with her. 

With advances in technology, all the places on this earth can be easily reached in just a short moment. Long-distance travel that takes a long time to arrive only needs a few hours to arrive. 

Yet, this was for normal people, but for a magician, even with such advanced transportation technology, their world was small as they weren't allowed to leave their country except for a special reason such as a war, study exchange, work, etc. 

However, for Masa, who could warp, nothing could stop him, whether it was the government, the military, or even the world. Even if we went out, no one could tell since he could go from one place to another instantly. Even if they could tell, he would just return, and by then, they had no evidence that he had left. 

Still, this was a novel experience for Maya, especially when a foreign country didn't bring her good memories. Despite her experience and memories having been transformed into an idea within her mind, which turned all of those experiences and memories of that day into data similar to a video that she watched in a third-person perception, she had to say that when she was with him, everything was different. 

Wearing a hijab and clothes that covered most of her skin, Maya wore such a dress, whether it was due to trying to respect the customs of the area, protect her skin from UV rays, or just enjoy the unfamiliar tradition; those clothes strangely suited her well.

Still, a beautiful woman suited in any clothes, Masa thought. 

"Masa, Do you think that the "Hanging Garden of Babylon" really floated?" 

"Hmm... probably. Unless we can go to the past, then no one can answer that question, yet if magic exists, then this might be possible, especially with the Weight-type of magic." 

"Sometimes, I think the myths and legends that happened in the past really existed in this world." 

"If we try hard, then we might be able to replicate all of those things in the myths and legends." 

"By the way, can we go and take a trip again?" 

Maya leaned on him and looked at him like a baby. 

Yes, after they visited the USNA to take control over the president and the congresses, they decided to take a trip, and their first destination was Iraq, the location of the remnant of the "Hanging Garden of Babylon." 

As for why Maya asked him to visit this place, Masa wasn't sure, but she probably wanted to see the place where the first human ever existed, according to the most popular religion in the world, and to see the famous garden of the queen in the myth, Semiramis, which was even mentioned on the Divine Comedy. 


Yet, Masa would be lying if this trip wasn't fun since he realized that going to the places from which those myths originated could give him a certain pointer toward the mystery of this world. 

"By the way, the tower of Babylon is nearby, right?" 

"Do you want to visit that place?" 

"Let's go~!" 

While Maya was having fun, and she might not appear like one, she was also a researcher. 

Still, when the two arrived at the remnant location of the tower of Babylon, Maya couldn't help but ask, "Masa, do you think a divine being exists?" 

According to the myth of the Tower of Babylon, the god punished arrogant humans who wanted to reach heaven with a tower, destroying it and making all of them who talk in a single language start to talk in many languages as a punishment, causing a different and war among humans. 

Still being asked such a question, Masa thought for a moment and said, "I think... they exist." 

"Ah, you think so?" 

"I do." Masa was surprised when Maya agreed. "But you also think that they exist?" 

"I do." Maya nodded. "As a member of the Senate, you also understand the purpose of this group, right?" 

The purpose of a Senate is to exterminate, seal, and eliminate mysterious phenomena that can't be explained by the law of physics so that the "face" of the country isn't disturbed by the power of the hidden side.

"While it is true that a divine being is also a mysterious phenomenon that can't be explained by the law of physics, I don't think that they are like a demon, a djinn, a youkai, and many others in the myth." 

"Then, what are they?" 

"Hmm..." Masa thought for a moment and said, "...probably, the king of the world?" 

"...king of the world?" 

"Yeah, something that is chosen by fate or something." 

"Fate..." Maya murmured. "This has gone to an occult direction." 

As a Japanese, Maya also knew that most people in her country believed in fate; everything was predetermined. It was like the child of someone great would become great, and those who determined everything were fate. 

"But as you have said in your speech before, I also think that our existence is to understand those that can't be explained with the law of physics." 

Yes, Maya knew that Masa was all acting on the broadcast, yet even so, she knew that he also honestly believed that the purpose of the magician in this world was to understand the mystery in this world, such as metaphysics. 

More importantly, if Masa could control the space, then wouldn't it be possible for them to study the most general features of reality? 

If they studied well, even fate could be controlled! 

"Metaphysics... that's our direction." 


To understand why they even existed in this world, this was their purpose. 

"By the way, before we go back, can we visit Nazareth? It's nearby, right?" 

"Nazareth? Israel?" 


Masa stared at Maya for a moment, then nodded. "Okay." Holding her hand, they disappeared and visited Nazareth before they arrived at their destination. 

Mary's Well. 

The location where the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary, the mother of Jesus, announced that she would bear the Son of God. 

"Do you know what kind of a place is this?" 

"...I do." 

Watching her gentle smile, Masa just hugged her with his arm. "I will make sure of it." He knew well that she wished, especially after that accident, to have children as she had lost her womb. 

In the legend, despite being a virgin and not even having any experience, Mary could get pregnant, so if such a miracle existed, then Maya, who didn't even have her womb, should also be able to achieve such a miracle, right? 


Her nephew, Tatsuya, might have caused her a huge problem as he had antagonized Masa, but Maya was glad that she could meet him. 

Still, as they finished their trip and had their own duties, Masa, who went back, was welcomed by a huge problem. The rest of the things could be taken care of by his family, but for this woman, Hazumi Asuha, one of the elders of the Senate, knew that he had to take care of her by himself.