Knowledge Hunting!

"Mind uploading?!" 

After Masa brought Yakumo to a certain room within the headquarters so they could have a quiet time, he directly put all the important knowledge in Yakumo's mind by using his "Archive" ability. 

Yet, Yakumo, who saw all of this, was completely dumbfounded, realizing what kind of mess he had entered, and watching Masa sort out all of the information in his memory like data made him feel at a loss since nothing could be hidden by Masa, and he knew that all of the information in his head was seen. Fortunately, Masa didn't have any embarrassing or dirty secrets and was only interested in his knowledge, skills, and magic, which made him feel conflicted since it seemed that, except for those things, Masa didn't have an interest in anything else. 

However, there was no doubt that Yakumo's impression of Masa quickly changed after he saw this technique. 

Mind uploading. 

This was probably something that was sought after by those new generations who wished to gain all of the past knowledge, especially those who had lost and disappeared along with the history. 

Even in China, a certain martial art is sometimes inherited by the next generation by telling every memory of the previous generation in the most detailed ways, from waking up to sleeping daily, which shows how desperate one wishes to be able to pass their knowledge to the next generation. 

As science also progressed, many scientists proposed the idea of being able to transfer someone's memory into data, which turned into the start of the possibility of mind mind-transfer, a hypothetical technology that allowed to sort out all of someone's memory into data on the computer and allowed someone to copy and upload or copy and delete the memory of someone.

Knowledge is important, and being able to keep it without losing it is the reason why this technology is sought after. 

Yet, unexpectedly, Masa could use his magic to emulate the "Mind Uploading," which was still within the stage of a hypnotical, which put Yakumo in a daze. 

However, Masa ignored Yakumo's reaction and took all of the important and necessary knowledge from Yakumo's brain, especially the ninja skills and ancient magics. 

Unlike modern magic, which focuses on efficiency and damage to make the magicians powerful for combat reasons, ancient magic is something that has existed from the past, and it has a variety of uses that even modern magic is unable to copy. 

However, it doesn't mean that ancient magic is more powerful in combat. Most of the time, it will lose against modern magic as it is slower and more focused than modern magic, as practitioners do not use Casting Assistant Devices (CAD) and instead use talismans and the like.

Also, back in the day, slower invocation speeds were prevalent, so magic sequences were often much more convoluted to prevent easy identification and negation of the spell. 

Ancient magic and modern magic use the same principle, use interference on data, and rewrite the phenomenon, but they are expressed in different ways.

Families that inherit Ancient Magic tend to hide their abilities, although, in the new age of categorization, this tendency is a little less pronounced. In terms of surprise attacks, Ancient Magic boasts superior firepower and secrecy.

As a ninja, Yakumo was the practitioner of ancient magic, and his attainments in illusion magic were the best of the best. However, considering his profession, instead of magic, it was called ninjutsu. 

Regardless, in the realm of illusion magic, no one could match Yakumo in this world, and frankly, the ninjutsu user wasn't that rare. If there was a reason why they were rarely seen, it was because they lived in the place where most of the ancient magic users lived, and those who were in need of their power were needed. 

If Masa wasn't wrong, there should be ninjas from Iga and Koga in Mountain Kurama, but as they were too far away and those ninjas were far from being masters, he should be focused on Yakumo. 

Nevertheless, Masa had to say that ninjutsu in this world is quite similar to a famous ninja story in that it can manipulate the elements according to the user's will, which includes Doton-no-Jutsu (Earth Release jutsu), Katon-no-Jutsu (Fire Release Jutsu), Mokuton-no-Jutsu (Wood Release jutsu), etc. 

At the same time, similar to ancient magic and modern magic, which had their own casting methods, the ninjutsu also had a similar method to cast similar to a certain famous ninja story, which was by using their hand signs. 

However, Yakumo's specialty was Matoi, which allowed him to create a body clone of the user, an Information Body containing all the elements "color," "shape," "sound," "heat," and "position."

With the Pika Pika no Mi, Masa could create a body clone by hologram manipulation, but the hologram only contained a color and a shape, which was why Matoi was the better version, as it could also contain sound, heat, and position. 

'If I can add material, mass, and composition, this technique will be even better,' Masa thought. 

Still, by using this technique, Masa was sure that no one could find him unless one had a special perception ability like Tatsuya's or used a wide area of attack. 

At the same time, Masa really wondered whether there was a way for him to erase the 'casting' part and use all the magic that he had mastered like a superpower ability, similar to the power of the Devil Fruit. 

'Is using the network the only way?' 

Shaking his head, Masa decided to think about this problem later. 

" it done?" 


"Can I go home now?" 

At this moment, Yakumo only wanted to go home, especially when his everything had been taken by Masa, which made him sad as he was unable to protect it. 

"But... if possible, I hope that you don't share my techniques." 

"You don't have to worry about that." 

"...thank you." 

Yakumo felt so weak since he knew he was unable to do anything to Masa even if Masa shared his technique, especially "Matoi." 

"By the way, Kokonoe-san, how about you work for me?" 

" want me to work for you after all of that?" 

"Why not? The benefit is great, right?" 


Yakumo couldn't deny Masa's words since working under Masa was much better than working under Toudou, and Toudou's power wasn't as strong as Masa's. 

Yes, Toudou might have the help of the Yotsuba, but wasn't the Yotsuba defeated by Masa? 

Moreover, the role of a ninja has always been that of a worker, someone who gives their service for money.

So, why shouldn't Yakumo work under Masa?

" you have any work that you want me to do?" 

"I do." 

"What is it?" Yakumo asked curiously. 

"Can you help me find all of the people in this world who have special knowledge, whether it is magic, martial arts, or many others? I want to collect all of their knowledge, and I can share that knowledge with you." 

In the realm of the digital, no one might be able to match him, but not everyone, especially those who mastered the ancient magic, as they wouldn't even touch the technology and share their knowledge orally, which made it troublesome for Masa to get their knowledge as there were many people in this world and not all of those people had special skills, knowledge, and abilities which were famous, too which made it even more troublesome. 

However, if Masa had the help of Yakumo, then it would be a different matter. 

Well, Asuha was also possible, but as she wasn't a ninja, her movement might be noticed, which was troublesome, so Masa knew that Yakumo was the best choice for him. 


Yakumo widened his eyes in front of this devil's contract. 

Yes, a devil contract is an attractive contract that makes humans sell their souls to a devil. 

Yet, as expected, as a fake monk, it was impossible for Yakumo to suppress his desire. 

The thought of having endless knowledge within his mind.

'Ah... how wonderful it is!'

"Please take care of this small monk, Masa-sama." 

Watching Yakumo kowtowed to see his subservient and complete loyalty, Masa nodded and asked, "So, do you have the target?" 

"I do~!" 

"Should we go now?" 


The two of them used their "Matoi" at the same time before they started their knowledge hunting. 

'Oh, right!' 

"Airi, I will leave first." 

"Ah, when you are going back?" 

"I will go back before the dinner. When I go back.." 


"...." Yakumo. 

"Let's go!"


At that moment, Masa's speed at gathering all the knowledge in this world increased even further with the help of Yakumo, but as he was busy getting all of that knowledge, ready with the start of the satellites and ready to become a high school, his two best friends arrived at Tokyo to meet him.