Michael Caused A Problem

The feast was getting louder, but the tension between Jarl Varin and Ingmar was rising. They stared at each other like they were trying to read each other's minds. 

And funny enough, it was because of me.

Ingmar broke into a laugh. "You've got a good sense of humor, Jarl Varin."

"I'm not joking."

There wasn't a hint of humor in the bearded man's face. His expression was stone-cold, and his eyes screamed seriousness.

If even I could read the situation, Ingmar definitely could too.

He sighed, glancing at me for a second.

"Unfortunately, I don't have the authority. This thrall doesn't belong to me or my father. He belongs to Ulfrik."

"Ulfrik? Ulfrik the Blacknail?" Jarl Varin raised his eyebrows. "Hmm, that complicates things."

What kind of nickname is that? Strange name aside, I saw doubt flash across Jarl Varin's face as soon as Ulfrik's name was mentioned.

Is Ulfrik some sort of legendary figure or something?

"You know the rumors about him. I fear if we touch his 'stuff' without permission, something bad will happen. I can offer you another thrall if you want," Ingmar replied.

"Yeah, he is a beast," Jarl Varin agreed.

Hearing the way they talked about Ulfrik was enough to tell me this guy wasn't someone you'd want as your owner.

I started to worry. What if this man was my master?

Jarl Varin clasped his hands on the table, looking like he was giving up on the idea of buying me. Honestly, I didn't expect him to go through with it anyway. I mean, let's say I am a thrall to some cruel owner, and then someone I saved buys me from them.

Even if my new owner is a good person, I'd still just be a slave. My worth would still be like that of livestock.


Suddenly, Birna jumped into the conversation.

"Maikal is a good man. He saved your life and our people's lives. If he hadn't been there, our clan might've been gone. We have to buy him."

Her words made Jarl Varin bite his lip.

"Yeah, that's true. But the situation's a bit different now."

"Father, remember what you always told me? Always repay the debt to those who save your life. Our clan can't owe anyone. We need to free Maikal from his cruel owner."

Now I understood why Jarl Varin was trying to buy me. He wanted to repay the favor by making me a free man as soon as he learned I was a thrall.

His kindness touched me. But it seemed like his good intentions wouldn't pan out.

Jarl Varin wore a conflicted expression like he wanted to explain something to his daughter but couldn't find the right words.

Is Ulfrik's influence really that strong to make Jarl Varin hesitate?

"My sweetheart… listen to me…"

"We must buy Maikal. We all know what happens to runaway thralls."

Birna was determined to convince her father to buy me.

No one had mentioned me—or, well, this body—being a runaway thrall, but she was sharp enough to figure it out from the situation. She was really smart.

On the other hand, Jarl Varin sighed, staying silent as he tapped his finger on the table.

I started feeling uncomfortable. They didn't have to go through the trouble of freeing me just because I saved them. I was only doing my job as a doctor.

Even with the lively feast going on around us, our table fell into an awkward silence. No one said a word. I wanted to speak up and share my thoughts, but I hesitated. It's hard to be seen as a person when everyone else sees you as property.

"How about this," Ingmar broke the silence.

"I can promise Maikal's freedom if you're willing to join us, Jarl Varin."


One of Jarl Varin's men slammed the table.

"Watch your mouth, boy! I know you're Asbjorn's son, but the man in front of you is a Jarl. He's the head of a clan, just like your father!"

The man shouted, his voice booming through the hall, silencing the feast in an instant.

"Gunnar! Shut your mouth! Are you planning to insult our host?" Jarl Varin snapped at him.


"I said, shut your mouth!"

Naturally, all eyes were on us now. I could hear whispers filling the air.

"Say your offer again," Jarl Varin asked.

I saw Ingmar grin as the Jarl asked him to restate his offer.

"I can promise Maikal's freedom if you're willing to join us, Jarl Varin. Of course, if you join, you won't be called Jarl anymore."

I understand the situation.

Jarl is the highest position in a clan. Ingmar was inviting another Jarl to join his clan, but there can only be one Jarl in a group. No way there can be two leaders.

So basically, Jarl Varin was being asked to give up his position as head of his clan in exchange for my freedom.

What a cunning tactic by Ingmar. But would a Jarl really give up his high rank for a slave?

"But you said you don't have the power to do that," Jarl Varin said.

"I don't, but my father does. I can convince him to force Ulfrik to sell him to you."

"Ulfrik is his favorite warrior. You think you can sway Asbjorn?"

"Yes, I can. I'm his successor."

The room fell silent again. The tension was thick in the air. I didn't expect these negotiations to heat up like this.

Some of Jarl Varin's men urged him to refuse, saying the offer was unfair, and I agreed with them. Trading a slave for the position of clan leader wasn't an even deal.

I glanced at Ingrid. Her face was expressionless, but her fists were clenched so tightly she was bleeding.

Whatever was going through her mind, it seemed like she wasn't happy about the negotiation. Why? This should benefit her clan.

After a long pause, Jarl Varin sighed.

"Alright. I accept your offer."

His men dropped their jaws, shocked by what they'd just heard. They tried to change his mind, but Jarl Varin silenced them.

On the other hand, Ingmar grinned.

"But with two conditions," Jarl Varin continued.

Ingmar frowned. "Spit it out."

"First, since I'm giving up my title as Jarl, I want this thrall, Maikal, for free. Second, I want land for me and my men."

Ingmar paused, rubbing his lips. "I can meet the first condition and compensate Ulfrik, but the second one is tough."

Jarl Varin spat. "Come on, kid. You and I both know why your father wants me to join your clan so badly. He wants me to build him a fleet, doesn't he?"

Hearing Jarl Varin's guess, Ingmar narrowed his eyes.

They stared at each other for a long moment.

"Fine. I can meet both conditions," Ingmar replied.


Jarl Varin slammed his cup onto the table. Then, he grabbed a dagger and sliced his palm.

"Let's seal this deal with blood."

Ingmar did the same.

They shook hands with their wounded palms, blood dripping to the table.

"Welcome to the Varglund Clan, Varin," Ingmar said.

"Take good care of me."

With the deal made, Jarl Varin—or just Varin now—stood on top of the table, raising his cup in one hand.

"My brothers! We're gonna feast until sundown!"


The crowd erupted in cheers, and the feast roared back to life. Music and laughter filled the hall once more.

I stood there like an idiot, unable to believe what had just happened before me.

"Am I free now?"

It felt weird. Just yesterday, I found out I was a slave. And now I'm a free man? Honestly, I didn't know how to feel. I mean, I hadn't even experienced being a slave yet.

While I was lost in thought, Ingmar slapped my shoulder, offering me a cup of mead.

"Drink up, friend. You're a free man now."

Well, I guess I should feel something, even though I didn't feel anything special. I took the drink Ingmar offered and chugged it down. Tasted like piss.

Guess I better get used to this stuff from now on.

As I tried adjusting to the drink, I saw Ingrid making her way through the crowd, leaving the feast. I noticed the angry look on her face.