Arrival at Five Peaks Valley

The journey stretched through the next day as Wuye and Li Zhang rode through dense forests and rolling hills, the horizon shifting with each passing mile. As they approached their destination, the landscape began to change. The mountains, once distant shapes on the horizon, grew closer, their jagged peaks looming large against the sky.

It was mid-afternoon when Wuye first glimpsed it—a vast valley nestled between five towering mountains. The mountains stood like silent sentinels, their snow-capped peaks glistening in the golden light of the sun. Waterfalls cascaded down their slopes, creating shimmering streams that flowed into the lush valley below. Clouds hovered just above the mountains, soft and ethereal, and the faint calls of cranes echoed through the air as they soared gracefully around the peaks.

Wuye couldn't help but gasp at the sight. The valley was like something out of a dream—a place of tranquility and beauty, untouched by the chaos of the outside world.

"Welcome to the Five Peaks Valley," Li Zhang said, his voice cutting through Wuye's awe. "This is the home of the Tianlong Sect."

Wuye's eyes widened as he took in the breathtaking view. The sect was situated in the heart of the valley, its sprawling complex of buildings blending harmoniously with the natural surroundings. Traditional pagoda-style structures dotted the landscape, their red and gold roofs gleaming in the sunlight. Pathways of stone wound through manicured gardens and courtyards, leading to larger halls and training grounds. Bridges arched gracefully over streams, and here and there, cranes landed to rest by the water's edge before taking flight once more.

"This is where you'll begin your journey as a Daoist," Li Zhang said as they descended into the valley, their horses slowing to a steady trot. "The Tianlong Sect is one of the oldest and most prestigious sects in the region. It's not easy to earn a place here, but you've shown potential. Whether or not you succeed depends on you."

Wuye was still too overwhelmed by the beauty of the valley to fully register Li Zhang's words. The air here was different—fresher, cleaner. He could feel the faint hum of energy in the atmosphere, as though the very land itself was alive with power.

As they passed through the outer gates of the sect, Wuye noticed several disciples moving about, most of them dressed in simple robes. Some carried wooden training swords, others meditated by the streams, and a few sparred in pairs. Despite the peaceful surroundings, there was an undercurrent of discipline and focus.

Li Zhang led Wuye through the main courtyard, where a large building stood at the center. "This is the Hall of Gathering," he explained. "It's where most of the sect's daily affairs are handled, from meetings to new disciple registrations."

As they moved deeper into the sect, Li Zhang began explaining how the Tianlong Sect was structured.

"The outer areas, where we are now, are for the aspiring disciples," he said, gesturing around them. "Like me, these disciples are still in the early stages of their cultivation journey. They're called outer disciples, and their task is to prove themselves worthy of the sect's teachings."

Wuye glanced at the outer disciples. Most looked young, about his age or slightly older, but there was a clear sense of competition among them. He could see it in their intense expressions, the way they trained with such focus.

"The real training, however," Li Zhang continued, "happens in the inner areas of the sect. Only the inner disciples—those who have shown exceptional talent and dedication—are allowed there. They have access to better resources, more advanced techniques, and personalized instruction from the elders."

Wuye nodded, trying to absorb everything. He had known that the world of cultivation was complex, but the Tianlong Sect's hierarchy seemed daunting. The idea of becoming an inner disciple felt far beyond his reach, especially with so many others already competing for that honor.

"And the mountains?" Wuye asked, his gaze shifting toward the towering peaks that surrounded the valley.

Li Zhang's eyes followed his gaze. "The mountains are reserved for the sect master and the four elders. Each elder has their own peak, where they live and train their personal apprentices. The sect master resides on the central mountain, which is the highest of the five. Only the most powerful and trusted disciples are allowed there."

Wuye's heart raced at the thought of the legendary figures who must live atop those mountains. The idea of one day meeting the sect master, or even the elders, seemed impossible. He was just a boy from a fishing village, after all.

"You won't need to worry about the mountains for a long time," Li Zhang said, as if reading Wuye's thoughts. "For now, your focus will be here, in the outer sect. You need to strengthen your body, train your mind, and learn the ways of cultivation. If you work hard enough, you might one day be accepted as an inner disciple."

They passed through another gate, this one leading into a quieter part of the sect. The buildings here were simpler, smaller, but the energy in the air was palpable. Wuye felt a strange pull, a connection to something deeper.

"This is where I've been training," Li Zhang said as they stopped near a modest pavilion. "It's not much, but it's home for now."

Wuye looked around, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. The journey had been long, and the weight of everything he had learned was starting to settle on his shoulders. But standing here, in this place of serenity and power, he felt a glimmer of hope.

As Wuye followed his new master into the pavilion, the sun began to dip behind the mountains, casting long shadows over the valley. The sound of the waterfalls echoed softly in the distance, and the cranes flew gracefully overhead, their wings cutting through the twilight air.

After leading Wuye into the modest pavilion, Li Zhang gestured toward a small inner chamber with a simple bedroll and a few shelves. The space was sparse, but it had a comforting sense of order.

"Rest for now," Li Zhang said as he turned to leave the room. "Tomorrow, your real training begins."

Wuye, still taking in the sight of his new surroundings, nodded but couldn't suppress the questions swirling in his mind. Before Li Zhang could leave, he spoke up.

"Master… what kind of training will I start with?" Wuye asked hesitantly, feeling a mix of eagerness and nervousness.

Li Zhang turned back, his expression unreadable. "Before anything else, you need to undergo purification. You may have unlocked your meridians, but your body is still full of impurities from your previous life. A proper cultivator's body must be clean and refined, inside and out."

"Impurities?" Wuye repeated, unsure of what Li Zhang meant.

"Yes," Li Zhang confirmed. "Even though your meridians are open, the body itself carries the residue of mortal living—the food you've eaten, the life you've led, it all leaves behind impurities that weaken your foundation. To truly begin your training, we must remove them."

Wuye frowned. "How do we do that?"

Li Zhang's expression softened slightly. "I'll prepare a medicinal bath for you. It's made from special herbs that draw out the impurities in your body. It will be uncomfortable, but necessary. After that, you'll be ready to start a training regimen suited for beginners."

Wuye nodded, though he felt a small twinge of apprehension. He had heard of such practices before in tales from his village, but they had always seemed distant, something that happened to legends, not to him. Now, it was becoming real.

Li Zhang crossed his arms and continued, his tone more instructional now. "After the bath, I'll give you a basic training regimen. It will focus on strengthening your body and controlling your qi flow. Physical conditioning is key in the early stages. You'll need to build up your strength and stamina, and learn how to channel qi properly."

Wuye swallowed, his determination mixing with a bit of anxiety. "And this… will help me become stronger?"

Li Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly, though not unkindly. "It will help you lay the foundation for true strength. But remember, Wuye—this path is not just about power. It's about discipline, patience, and understanding yourself."

For a moment, the air between them felt heavy with unspoken words. Wuye knew there was more to this life than just vengeance, but the image of the man in black shadows destroying his village remained fresh in his mind. He nodded again, knowing he couldn't falter now.

Li Zhang turned to leave once more but paused at the doorway. "Prepare yourself, Wuye. The bath will be ready by sunrise."

With that, he left the room, leaving Wuye alone with his thoughts. The quiet hum of the valley outside drifted through the window, mingling with the faint sound of the waterfalls in the distance.

For the first time since his village was destroyed, Wuye felt a sense of purpose. He had been given a chance—a path to follow. And no matter how long or difficult that path might be, he would walk it.

Far above, in the highest peaks of the Tianlong Sect, the elders watched the sunset from their secluded abodes. Unbeknownst to Wuye, his arrival had not gone unnoticed.