New Bonds

The early morning sun bathed the outer courtyard of the sect in a soft golden light. The mist that clung to the mountains in the distance slowly lifted, revealing the grandeur of the five towering peaks that sheltered the sect. Waterfalls cascaded down the cliffs, their endless flow mirrored by the ethereal flight of cranes soaring overhead.

Wuye sat cross-legged in a quiet corner of the courtyard, quietly absorbing the beauty around him. His body felt more attuned to his surroundings after his experiences in the medicinal bath and his practice of the mantra. He could feel his qi flowing more freely now, even if it was still in its infancy.

He had been waiting for Li Zhang's return. His mentor had mentioned important preparations to make, and Wuye could sense that something significant was coming. Soon enough, he heard the soft rustle of robes and turned to see Li Zhang approaching.

Li Zhang, dressed in his sleeveless robe with a long-sleeved white inner shirt and blue headband, looked calm and composed as usual, though there was a certain intensity in his eyes today. Wuye stood and greeted him with a respectful bow.

"Master Zhang," Wuye said, "I've been practicing the mantra and focusing on my qi. But I still feel like I'm missing something. I don't know how to take the next step."

Li Zhang nodded thoughtfully, his hands behind his back. "The next step comes not from rushing, but from patience. You've only just begun, Wuye. Cultivation is a lifelong pursuit, and each stage requires dedication."

He motioned for Wuye to sit, and the two settled on a nearby stone bench beneath a blossoming tree. Li Zhang's voice was calm as he spoke. "I will soon be entering closed-door cultivation to attempt a breakthrough into the Leaping Stage of Body Tempering. During that time, I will not be able to guide you personally."

Wuye felt a twinge of nervousness but remained silent, listening intently.

Li Zhang continued, "But while I am in seclusion, I want you to focus on two things. First, continue to practice the mantra I've given you. The clarity of mind it provides will allow your qi to flow more naturally and will guide you on the path of self-discovery. Second, test your newfound strength. Spar with your fellow disciples, learn from them, and grow. When I return, and if you've reached the upstream stage, I will begin teaching you proper martial arts."

Wuye's eyes widened. "Proper martial arts?" He had already experienced a taste of his enhanced physical abilities, but the thought of learning real techniques stirred excitement within him. But a question had been lingering in his mind since his first conversation with Li Zhang.

"Master Zhang," Wuye asked hesitantly, "if we are Daoists—or rather, as you said, Dao pursuers, why do we need to learn fighting techniques? Shouldn't we focus on seeking the truth rather than conflict?"

Li Zhang's lips curled into a knowing smile, and he gazed off toward the distant mountains. "Ah, Wuye, the pursuit of the Dao is indeed a search for truth, for understanding the very essence of life. But imagine this: a man with the power to shatter a mountain stands at your doorstep, harboring ill intent. Would you not arm yourself with the means to defend what is dear to you? The Dao is not only about transcending the self; it is also about survival, protection, and balance."

He paused, his voice taking on a more poetic tone. "Just as the rivers carve their paths through stone, and the wind bends the trees to its will, we too must learn to bend and shape the world around us. A seeker of truth must not only possess wisdom but also the strength to protect that truth."

Wuye nodded slowly, understanding dawning on him. "So, to cultivate strength is to cultivate the ability to safeguard the Dao?"

"Exactly," Li Zhang said with a smile. "The Dao is vast and profound, but without strength, even the most enlightened mind may be swept away by the tides of conflict. When I return from my cultivation, I will show you the martial techniques that will complement your path. But for now, focus on your inner growth and learning from those around you."

With that, Li Zhang stood, placing a hand on Wuye's shoulder. "Rest well today, and don't be afraid to explore the sect. You'll find much to learn from your fellow disciples. Tomorrow, your journey continues."

Wuye bowed deeply as Li Zhang walked away, his thoughts racing. The gravity of Li Zhang's words weighed on him. Though he had unlocked his meridians and felt stronger, he still had so much to learn.

The next day, after spending time refining his qi and practicing the mantra, Wuye decided to explore the sect. He wandered through the large courtyards, marveling at the intricate architecture of the pavilions and the way the waterfalls added a sense of tranquility to the place.

As he was walking through one of the busier sections of the sect, a young man around his age caught his eye. He was wearing the same white robes that marked him as an honorary disciple, but his were styled with vibrant blue cuffs, indicating a touch of personal flair.

The young man noticed Wuye and approached him with a friendly smile. "You're new here, aren't you?" he asked, his voice warm.

Wuye nodded. "Yes, I only recently joined the sect."

"I thought so. I'm Liu Chen," the young man said, extending a hand. "My master is an Aspirant disciple specializing in pill refinement. What about you?"

"I'm Xing Wuye," Wuye replied, shaking Liu Chen's hand. "My master is Li Zhang. He's currently preparing for a breakthrough."

Liu Chen's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Li Zhang? He's one of the stronger Aspirants! You must be lucky to have him as your teacher."

Wuye smiled awkwardly. "I suppose so. I'm still learning the basics, though."

Liu Chen chuckled. "Aren't we all? But hey, let me show you around. There's more to the sect than just training grounds. There's a place called the Thousand Myriad Pavilions. That's where most of the outer disciples live, and it's also the closest area to the inner sect."

As they walked, Liu Chen pointed toward the distant hills surrounding the inner sect. "See how the pavilions circle the inner sect like a barrier? That's not just for show. Each pavilion contains a formation—an array of symbols and patterns etched into the earth and stone. When activated, these formations protect the inner sect by drawing power from the earth veins running beneath the five mountains."

Wuye looked at Liu Chen in awe. "Formations? Earth veins? I've never heard of such things."

Liu Chen smirked. "I had a feeling you were new to all this. Formations are complex, but they're essentially tools we Daoists use to manipulate natural energies. Earth veins, on the other hand, are like the lifeblood of the land. The sect was built here because of the powerful earth veins flowing beneath it, which makes it an ideal place for cultivation."

Wuye's head spun with this new information. He hadn't realized the sect was so deeply connected to the natural world.

Liu Chen noticed his amazement and laughed. "Don't worry, brother. You'll get the hang of it. For now, just focus on your training and absorbing as much knowledge as you can. Stick with me, and I'll help you navigate through the craziness. We're brothers now, after all."

Wuye smiled, feeling a sense of relief. He had already made a new friend in the sect, and he knew that with Liu Chen's guidance, his journey here would become a little less daunting.

As they walked through the pavilions, Wuye couldn't help but feel that he was finally beginning to find his place. The path ahead was still long and uncertain, but with Li Zhang's teachings and the camaraderie of his fellow disciples, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.