The One on One Battles Begins

The next stage of the tournament was about to commence. The tension in the air had increased tenfold as the thirty-two remaining contestants gathered in the center of the arena, each standing tall and focused. Unlike the chaotic free-for-all that had preceded it, the one-on-one duels would test the skills of each participant on a much more personal level. There would be no hiding, no avoiding conflict. Every participant had to fight, and every fight would be under the scrutiny of the entire sect.

Xing Wuye stood among the competitors, his heart pounding as he glanced around at the other disciples. They were all talented in their own way, and some even exuded a formidable presence that made him feel slightly on edge. He realized now that the people who had made it to this stage weren't just lucky—they were truly skilled.

From the spectator stands, Liu Chen and Mei Ling watched with bated breath, their eyes scanning the participants. Liu Chen, as always, seemed calm and collected, his sharp eyes taking in every detail. Mei Ling, on the other hand, looked a bit more anxious.

"Do you think senior apprentice brother Xing Wuye will be alright?" Mei Ling asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Liu Chen chuckled softly, leaning back in his seat. "Don't underestimate him. He may not look like the most skilled fighter, but he has something that others lack—sharp battle instincts. He's grown a lot since the first day he arrived at the sect. I think he'll surprise us."

Mei Ling nodded but still looked unconvinced. "I hope so. The people he's up against now… they're all so strong."

Liu Chen's eyes flickered toward the arena. "Strong, yes. But Wuye has the heart of a fighter. Watch closely—you'll see."

As the thirty-two participants stood in the arena, the announcer's voice echoed through the space, listing the names of each combatant.

Xing Wuye - A rising talent with a calm and adaptable fighting style.

Li Zhang - Silent and graceful, concealing great power behind his composed demeanor.

Bai Feng - A prodigious spear wielder with a fierce and overwhelming presence.

Zhao Jian - The sharp sword cultivator who had defeated Li Zhang in the free-for-all, possessing an air as sharp as his blade.

Qiu Lian - A serene and elegant girl with a calm presence, her movements graceful and efficient.

Lian Xue - A fiery and determined girl, fierce in battle and never backing down.

Wen Yi - A quiet, contemplative young man who excelled in defensive techniques, often wearing a calm and unreadable expression.

Xiao Jin - A boisterous and arrogant young man, well-versed in close-quarters combat, with a flair for the dramatic.

Yu Zhen - A powerful male cultivator known for his mastery of physical techniques, his every movement exuding strength.

Cai Yi - A spirited girl known for her agile and acrobatic fighting style, using speed and precision to her advantage.

Wang He - A tall, stoic cultivator with an imposing frame, wielding a heavy weapon with terrifying strength.

Tang Ming - A cheerful and deceptively quick fighter, known for his nimbleness in combat.

Lin Shu - A quiet girl with a talent for stealth and ambush tactics, her movements almost imperceptible.

Huang Kai - A brawny fighter specializing in hand-to-hand combat, known for his fierce punches.

Zhang Rui - A skilled cultivator with a mastery of spear techniques, much like Bai Feng, though not as refined.

Fang Lei - A reserved male disciple who focused on long-range Qi attacks, known for his precision.

Liu Min - A patient and calculating fighter who specialized in defensive arrays.

Xu Fen - A cold and meticulous disciple known for her calm Qi flow, making her presence seem distant and frigid.

Cheng Wei - A cheerful girl with strong sword techniques, her swift and precise strikes making her a dangerous opponent.

Zhou Yan - A quiet but aggressive fighter who used twin blades to overwhelm his opponents with speed.

Luo Chen - A muscular fighter with a penchant for grappling and disabling his opponents up close.

Mo Shen - A mysterious disciple who used deception and feints to confuse his opponents.

Han Lin - A well-rounded fighter with no specific specialty, but an impressive mastery of basic martial techniques.

Gao Xian - A lanky youth known for his mastery of spear techniques, but with a more defensive style compared to Bai Feng.

Tian Yun - A calm and collected cultivator who wielded a staff, focusing on controlled movements and precise strikes.

Shen Qiu - A mischievous boy with a talent for setting up traps, known for turning the tide of battle in his favor.

Yuan Fang - A bulky disciple who relied on brute strength and overpowering his opponents.

Gu Ling - A frail-looking but highly intelligent disciple who specialized in weakening her opponents through Qi disruption.

Jiang Bo - A muscular and brash fighter, known for using brute force to overwhelm his opponents.

Meng Yu - A graceful girl with a mastery over movements and defensive maneuvers, often using quick footwork to outmaneuver her opponents.

Kang Lei - A fierce and direct fighter with a mastery of burst Qi techniques, known for his aggressive combat style.

Wu Xia - A swift and agile girl who focused on defensive counters, making her difficult to land a hit on.

As the matches were called, disciples were pitted against each other in quick succession. Every match was intense, with Qi flying in bursts, and blows exchanged in rapid flurries.

Xing Wuye's first opponent was Xu Fen, the cold and distant disciple who exuded an aura of calm, but her Qi was frigid and constricting. The moment the match began, Xu Fen unleashed a series of powerful attacks, her palm strikes infused with a chilling Qi that sapped energy and slowed movements.

Wuye quickly activated the "Wind stride" technique, moving with speed and agility as he dodged the rapid strikes. He could feel the cold Qi seeping into the air, making the environment around him heavier. If one of her strikes connected, it would significantly hinder his movements. He had to stay out of reach.

"Xu Fen is known for her ability to disrupt her opponent's Qi flow," Liu Chen remarked from the spectator side. "It's a subtle but dangerous technique. If Wuye doesn't stay on his toes, he could be overwhelmed."

Mei Ling, still worried, bit her lip. "But senior apprentice brother Xing Wuye has been training so hard. He should be okay… right?"

Liu Chen smiled. "He'll be fine. Watch and see."

Wuye kept his movements fluid, his eyes locked on Xu Fen as he dodged her relentless strikes. He knew he couldn't afford to let her touch him; her Qi was insidious, designed to freeze and constrict the opponent's own energy flow. But as he continued to dodge, he began to notice a pattern in her attacks.

She favored certain stances, certain angles. If he could predict where her next strike would come from, he might be able to counter.

With a burst of speed, he darted forward, closing the distance between them in an instant. Xu Fen's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but she quickly raised her arms to defend, expecting a direct strike. Instead, Wuye feinted to the side, slipping past her guard and delivering a swift palm strike to her shoulder.

The impact disrupted her stance, and for a brief moment, her Qi faltered. Wuye capitalized on the opening, following up with a powerful kick that sent her stumbling back.

Xu Fen's expression remained stoic, but her movements had become more cautious. She was clearly thrown off by Wuye's sudden counterattack. The two circled each other for a moment, each waiting for the other to make a move.

Finally, Xu Fen charged forward again, but this time Wuye was ready. He dodged her strike with a swift sidestep and immediately countered with the "Gale Burst Fist," a technique Li Zhang had taught him. His fist shot forward, infused with a concentrated burst of Qi, and struck Xu Fen in the chest.

The impact sent her flying off the platform, her feet skidding across the ground as she landed just outside the boundary.

Wuye stood at the center of the platform, breathing heavily but feeling exhilarated. He had won his first one-on-one battle, and it had been far more intense than he had anticipated. As he glanced around at the other matches, he realized that every participant who had made it this far was just as talented as Xu Fen—or even more so.

As the first round of the one-on-one tournament continued, several other key figures stood out. Zhao Jian, the sharp sword cultivator who had defeated Li Zhang, dispatched his opponent with cold efficiency. His swordsmanship was precise, every strike deliberate and deadly, giving off an air of lethal sharpness that made the crowd murmur in awe.

On the opposite platform, Li Zhang gracefully avoided his opponent's strikes, his movements elegant and fluid. Every step he took seemed perfectly calculated, and when he finally struck back, it was withevery bit of the precision and calm that defined his fighting style. Li Zhang's opponent never stood a chance once he took control of the flow of battle, and his victory came swiftly.

Among the female disciples, Qiu Lan and Lian Xue also distinguished themselves. Qiu Lan fought with an almost serene aura, her movements smooth and controlled, as though she were dancing rather than fighting. Her strikes were precise, and she used minimal movements to deflect and counter her opponent's attacks, winning without much exertion.

Lian Xue, in contrast, was like a wildfire, her fierce and relentless attacks forcing her opponent onto the defensive from the very beginning. Her battle was intense, and though her opponent put up a strong fight, Lian Xue's sheer determination and strength won her the victory.

As the first round came to an end, the final sixteen participants were announced, their names echoing through the arena. The crowd murmured in excitement as they awaited the next set of matches, the air buzzing with anticipation.

Xing Wuye stood among the remaining participants, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He had survived the first round, but he knew the next battles would only grow more intense. The remaining disciples were all incredibly skilled, and he would need to push himself harder than ever before.

From the spectator stands, Mei Ling let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, relief flooding her face as she saw Wuye still standing. "He did it…" she whispered.

Liu Chen nodded, a faint smile on his face. "I told you. Wuye has a talent for adapting in battle. He's only just beginning to realize it himself."

Mei Ling glanced at him, her worry not completely gone. "But the next matches will be even harder. Do you think he'll be okay?"

Liu Chen's gaze returned to the arena. "That's up to him. But if there's one thing I'm certain of, it's that Xing Wuye won't go down easily."

As the first round of one-on-one matches concluded, the remaining disciples gathered their strength, preparing for what was to come.

And so, the one-on-one duels continued to escalate, each fight pushing the contestants to their limits as the tournament progressed.