[2] Golfing style

Everything about the game felt real. From the feel of texture, to the detail of graphics down to the last pixel, and of course...the players. As long it's a game there is going to raging people, and if it's multiplayer, then there is going to be a lot of raging people. Ironic enough, no one in my team seems to understand one another, and the reason for such diversity is because there is only server for the entire world. So expect a shit ton of swearing people, who audience doesn't even know what they are talking about.

As our group angrily moved through the forest, AJ snapped his fingers several times to get everyone's attention:

"Yo homies, look at that little green mofo right there."

We all looked to the direction he was pointing. Sure enough, it was a goblin, the training wheels for monster slaying in almost all RPG games.

"Let's say we fk him up, and run his hood over. What'd y'all think?"

Every seemed to nod and agreed, which was odd. Considering they were still cursing each other in their native tongue 5 seconds ago.

The Russian guy swore in what I presumed was Russian before advancing towards the Goblin, with his hammer swinging side to side. The goblin stood in his place, unfazed. And looked as if he was already dead inside.

"AGRHHH!" In one massive golf arc swing, accompanied with a drunken battle cry. The Goblin's head was literally knocked off its body, flying off to somewhere deep into the forest and nowhere to be seen. Where there should be blood, was replaced with bright particles of red, and as headless goblin fell back onto the ground, its body shattered into a million tiny blue particles and all evaporating into thin air the next moment. No loot, no celebration, just silence.

"Damm brotha, you iced him real cold..." AJ commented, rubbing his chin.

All of a sudden, the Italian guy began to hiss in Italian and frantically point in all directions but doesn't have hands to do so at the same time.

It was too late, behind every tree, and visible corner of our eye, clusters of green bodies began to emerge from behind the trees, teeth gritting and daggers ready.

"Mama-Mia!" The Italian guy exclaimed.

"丢雷楼某!" Screamed the Chinese guy, though I wasn't sure what it means.

"For mother Russia!" The Russian guy spat, yeah I kind of expected that battle cry.

"Alright brothas, I got your back! You guys got mine right?" AJ looked around quizzically.

I simply gulped. As the goblin horde closed in, we knitted ourselves closer.

And though no one said it, it was that moment we knew, we fked up.

Q: What would you do if you surrounded in real life by goblins, right here and right now?