[23] LV 20 Priest vs LV 102 Archmange

AHHHHHH!!!At that point, I didn't know if it was me screaming or my mind screaming. The lightning zap landed somewhere several meters behind me, but I couldn't careless to turn and check. As long I dodged them, it's good enough.Even if I get hit by one of the lightning then I am done...There was a hint of surprise on Thantos's face, but that didn't stop him from firing a lightning at me the next second.The cool down on his skills is about 1 second, if I can just get close to him...Just as the thought came across my mind, Thantos aimed his staff a little higher and fired. And despite all the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I barely had the reaction time to raise my staff in front of me. ZAP!The moment the blue spark made contact with my staff, the top half it exploded into a million splinters, while bottom half of it was reduced into smouldering shard. But with all the fervour driving me I couldn't stop, nor did I plan to stop. Now that he was in arms reach, and combined with a heated notion from my mind, I drove forward the broken shard of my staff. Piecing right through Thantos's staff hand, and earning him an agonising cry as red pixels danced in the air. He can't use magic without his staff..."You little-" While still trying to regain balance and cursing, my fist connected with his right cheek, effectively ending his sentence.Though I am not one to advocate violence, but this punch just felt right in every single way. After 18 years of being looked around and treated like shit, and now finally have the chance to chance to rebel against your oppressors? Gratification fails to spell to those emotion, as the feeling was just far beyond words. Hot tears burned in my eyes, as I could already feel the chains around me breaking...Click...My fist connected with his left cheek.Click...My fist ran into his jaws.Click...My first smashed into his nose.I added a dozen more punch and kicks to his body.CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK!!!"AGRHHHHHH!!!"All my snuffed out voices of anger, pain and complain, were all summed into one bellowing scream. No, scream was too human. This was a roar, the roar of my life. One filled with pain and unfairness, but I am done with that shit. If life and people are going to continue to oppress me and tell me I can't do this or do that, THEN FK THEM! I AM GOING TO FIGHT TILL I BEAT THEM, OR I DIE FIRST!!!CLICK!!!My vision has melted into a blur at that point, but my fist never stopped moving. "Master!" Enju's voice pierced through reality, and at last I planted on more punch on what I thought to be Thantos's body, but turns out to be ground. For some reason I was sitting on the ground, and when I looked around, I noticed Thantos's body was nowhere in sight. I looked among the ranks of the enemy for the face of Thantos, but instead of finding him, all I found was a bunch of bewildered faces, and several more plastered in shock. "Master!" Enju rushed to my side, with trailing tears behind."I am fine..." I replied, as Enju put an arm under my shoulder and propped me up."That's not-" Enju stopped herself, as she threw her head into my chest with hot tears still streaking down her cheek."Enju..." I muttered, still confused by what just happened. All around us, the enemy stifled and parted way to the gate.It was then, the realisation finally dawned upon me.I won.Blinking and unbelieving, we began to shuffle away awkwardly. Though I highly doubt they would let us go, since those guys just struck me the feeling as the kind of TV villains who doesn't keep their promises of realising their captives even when the terms are met."Wait." Came the unmistakable deep voice from behind, pinning me where I was.Oh no, here comes...I was all out of ferocity at that point, and even though I won by a miracle, I wouldn't press my luck against this many..."What is your name?" asked Ivan, and slowly I turned my head to him.So is my name going to be on some sort of bounty now? Or worse, are they gonna stalk me in real life for winning a duel I am not supposed to win?But for some reason, I couldn't help but reply:"Riga."Ivan seemed to weight my name for a moment, then spoke again:"I am not a man of words, so I will be brief."I gulped."Join us."There was a collective jaw dropping expression among his comrades, and my expression must have mirrored them as well. "Chaos is a guild of the strong. We believe in a world of the strong, as their is no room for weakness. Power is justice, weakness is sin."He let the words hang in the air for a moment, before he continued again:"I can clearly sense that rage you harbour towards life. And opportunities like this does not come often. So the question, will you die a sheep? Or feast as a wolf?" Joining an evil sounding guild isn't something that has ever crossed my mind before. I always tried to imagine myself as one of the good guys, but of course, I never had the power in the fist place...But after all power is neutral and only a tool in the end. And like I screamed earlier in my mind, I was fed up with being treated like shit. I want to climb upwards, I want to win. And if life tells me otherwise, then fk life. Cause that's only going to make me determined to win bigger.Then slowly, I turned to fully face him. And with chest straightened, I spoke my answer:Q: What kind of guild is your ideal guild?