[72] It's definitely getting crowded now...

Before anyone could say more, a cold gust of air cruised by the gate, forcing all of us to hug our clothes. By the time the breeze passed and we looked up again, a column of people were at the gate, as they slowly marched pass the gate and into the courtyard.The person at the very front, whom I assume was their leader. Appeared to be in his teens, short white hair, face pale as snow and cold hard blue eyes. He wore a thick dark fur jacket and boots despite the temperature, as all did the rest of members behind him. But as he walked closer, it became obvious he was the centre of all the cold. In other words, a walking ice machine."Akuma. Demon tamer. Guild leader of Isa." He said with a cold voice, while his face remained expressionless."I have long heard of your great name. And I sincerely look forward to working together." Rima answered up. To which response, Akuma simply gave a slight nod.Ha...Not the talking type huh...As I held that thought in mind, the air inside the courtyard began to shimmer, like flowing shards in the air. And a brief moment later, a cluster of people appeared, right out of nowhere literally.At their head was a girl in about her teens. She had long mesmerizing pink hair, pale beautiful cheek and large glittering pink eyes like living gemstones. She wore a fancy pink silk costume, with the most unique part being having only one stripped stocking, while the other leg being completely bare."Sorry I should have knocked on the door first." The girl apologized sweetly. "Please forgive me for my rudeness, oh where are my manners!" She covered her mouth with one hand."I am Tenora, Illusionist, guild leader of Nemisis and pleased to meet you all." She nodded and smiled to all.Is she Canadian?"Welcome lady Tenora, I heard of the rumours of you, and I must say I am looking very forward to working with you." Rima smiled."Same here." Tenora sweetly smiled back.As they spoke, several shadows darted past above our heads, and for a moment I thought it was just birds, until I heard a human cry from above."Attention please, attention please!"We all looked above.Witch. Harry Potter. Was the first things that came to my mind. People were literally riding broomsticks, not one, but at least a couple dozen. I know riding broomsticks isn't new, but riding broomsticks and playing "Ante up"? Now that's Mage with a taste for gangsta.As the broomstick squad approached the ground, so did the music get louder. And by the time they landed they landed, we couldn't even hear the person next to us."That's enough AJ." One of the broomstick squad member said."K boss." AJ flicked a switch off the fancy box he carried on his shoulder.Then 1 by 1 the broomstick squad members got off their brooms and dusted themselves."Sorry to disturb you all." One of them said. He appeared to be in his mid twenties, dark smooth skin, short black hairs, with lines in between, slim build and eyes dark as the night. He wore a dark wizard cloak and hat as the rest of them, except his had a little more fancier decorations on it."Forgive me for the brutish entrance. You can all call me ELB, head of Magik Gangstaz." He said with a calm collective voice as he gestured to the rest of his squad."There is no need to apologize." Rima smiled. "I am glad you are here with us..." Rima clasped her hand."That should be everyone now..." Rima scanned across the whole crowd, the new and the old."Now now, time is money, so let us begin."Q: What would be your guild/personal intro song/op?