Falling from 10000ft was not one of the things on my bucket list."AHHHHHH!!!" my scream trailed behind me with my world spiralling in all directions.I know I must have looked like a wingless duck coming down, but I couldn't care less as I swear my heart was literally breaking my ribs for this.Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit...Why me? Why!?"Riga, you are the only one capable for the job."A flashback of Rima's words from few minutes ago reappeared inside my head."When our ship crosses overhead of our enemies...""We will throw down all the crates containing all the fake Greek fire vial, and you are going to jump overboard at the same time as well."That moment my body felt as if I was holding gaze with Medusa."I am going to give you the real Greek fire vial right now, and when you land, try to aim for among the ships, and try turning into blood pool form at last second if you can manage. Then throw down the vial on the ground."That's fkin crazy! How the fk can I..."If you can't get land on the ship, just aim and throw the vial anywhere near the ship at the last second. Given the velocity you are travelling at, the vial can even break on water.""Riga. You are our only chance, no one else can do it. They will be ripped apart my projectiles before they could even get there."I shook my head at the flashback.But under those medusa stares, I had no choice but to accept. Cause I really am not looking forward of being a gardening statue in Rima's backyard now.And here I was, still falling.All around me, wooden crates fell around me like undetermined dices, free falling in destiny.Below me was the fleet, which went from ant size, to mouse size.That's when the projectiles came.Fire, wind, lightning, arrows, cannons, whatever you can name, came rushing towards me like an upwards rain."AHHHHHHH!!!" I continued to yell, as several of the crates around me exploded in a rainbow cloud fire works.An arrow slapped my face.A bullet punched my knee.A fireball seared my elbow."WAHAHAHA!!!" I screamed as I couldn't quite my sense where my head is anymore.Something sharp, most likely the blasted timber from the crates hit the back of my head."AGRHHH!!!" I bellowed in pain.Ugh...I peeked down, as the projectiles from below have only increased their density by two.Ha...I am going to die either way......I took in a deep breath.I might as make it worth it!!!"Blood pool!"My vision turned red for a moment, as I feel my body go into a liquid state, as several of the projectiles passed through me as if it was nothing.And by the time I came back to my normal form, from the max time limit of 10 seconds. I found myself so near, that I could start seeing the figures on the ship."Greek fire." I calmly said, as a second later a tiny green vial appeared in my right hand.Blood pool is still on cd...Well, looks like there is only one way to go...A small smile appeared on the corner of my lips."AGRHHHHHH!!!"I threw down the vial with all my fury.It cracked against one of the ships floor.Before any parts of my body could touch any sort of surface, a green flame engulfed world.Then black.Q: Did you feel any hype from the chapter?