[127] From bottom to top...
The moment we step out the hazy purple light of the teleportation gate, we were greeted with a sunny day and clear sky. Except for the fact the giant pillar like structure blocking most of it.Holy shit..."Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the Tower of Babble, and the only dungeon in the world that has yet to be conquered by anyone!" Rima gestured her hand to the pillar. But calling it pillar, or even tower would be an understatement. It's width alone was like the size of a football stadium and I dare say its height would even make the world's tallest building look like a dwarf in comparison."How tall is that thing?" I blurred out."2KM approximately, coming from the reliable sources I know." Rima answered."I see..." as I angled up my head further in awe, and the moment I hit a 90 degree angle backwards I gave up. As the clouds at the peak of the dungeon just doesn't seem to budge."But like, I am sure there are some pretty hard core raiders out there, so why is it not taken down?" I raised a brow."The Tower of Babble is composed of 100 floors. With floor 1 being level 10, and for each floor going upwards, the level of monsters is increased by 10. And on every 10th floor, there will be a boss monster. But what really made the dungeon so difficult is not the increase in levels, but rather you have to beat the dungeon is one sitting. Unlike other dungeons, if you die, or quit, you will have to start from floor 1 again, and there are no check points for you to save in between. All revival items and abilities cannot be used, as the game simply won't allow. And according to one of my reliable sources, there was one pro raiding party that made it to the last level with all members intact. But at the final boss fight, they were all killed, with the boss not even losing one single health."Silence."But that's not our primary concern, our priority is to grind and level up as much as possible. And if my dungeon formula is executed properly, we will all be able to reach level 1000 within 1 year."There was a series of gasp and surprise from the gang."But of course, this formula requires dedication, and for those who doesn't have much time on your hands, you may now choose to walk away from this plan."There was a series of uneasy silence and awkward glances, but ultimately every seemed to confine."Very well then. I will group you all up into teams of 5 according to my formula, and I will see how this goes."Q: You ready to scale the Tower of Babble?