[140] Motive
"First team ever to beat [Tower of Babble]!" Rima read through the screen of her phone, after scrolling through it for a brief moment, she closed and put and away it away."We done it huh..." Rima sighed as she folded her arms on the desk and rested her head against it."What do we do now?..." Rima muttered, as tapped her chin with her finger in rhythm."What do we do?...""What do we...""Do...""Do?..." Rima raised a brow, and lifted her head back up again."This whole thing..." Rima muttered, as she turned around in her chair to face the other wall."What are we even fighting for?" Rima said, as she did a survey of the posters on her wall. Ranging from WW1 German propaganda posters to kittens cuddling one another."Meow." Came a cat sound from the other side of the door, then without thinking twice, Rima unlocked her door."Ah Midas." Rima said as she returned her seat again, with the cat jumping into her lap in one short leap."How were you today? Oh aren't you the golden fur ball of cuteness!" Rima said as nuzzled the cat, to which Midas responded by letting out a soft purr, with an expression of happiness."Oh Midas, please tell me what I should do next?..." Rima let out a sigh again, as she spun around in her chair."Grr..." Midas protested the spinning by hitting Rima's stomach with a gentle palm."Sorry, I forgot you hate spinning.""Purr..." Midas tone seemed to calm down."Uh, I still have to figure out what to do next..."It's been 1 year now...The training plan has been successful carried out...Though I didn't calculate we would get the legendary item. I expect someone else to get it way before us. But now...What now?What are we even fighting for?Money? Land? Fame?Perhaps that's what the other members desire...But those things are meaningless to me.Then...Rima looked up to the ceiling and stared at it blankly.What am I fighting for then?Silence.Seconds turned into minutes, and all the time and space seemed still. Until Midas smacked her back into reality again with a soft paw to her belly."Oh Midas you little naught boy..." Rima said as she gave Midas a good pat to the rear."Meow." Midas said with a hint of complaint."What am I fighting for..." Rima lowered her head, and covered her eyes with her hand.Silence, followed with a small pfft sound. And in a matter of seconds it grew into a dark chuckle."My goal...Huehuehue..." Rima opened a crack between one of her hand, revealing one eye.Out of natural instinct, Midas leaped away from her lap and made his escape out of the room. While Rima remained seated, and her dark chuckle only growing louder.Power is the natural order of this world...And we...No...I...No matter how many how many blood will be shed and how many bodies will fall...I SHALL CLIMB TO THE TOP OF THE ORDER!!!"MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!" and for the first time, Rima did not hold back her laugh.Q: Have you ever had thoughts of taking over the world?