chapter 7

Chapter 7


Khan watched all this happen like some kind of movie but he kept his guard up cause he knew that was just a moment of carelessness could cost him his life and all his dreams would come crashing down , after the search she was finally allowed to speak and fukang'an started questioning her while khan watched , who are you fukang'an asked I am silver she replied how did you get here and why were you hiding earlier, she hesitated for a moment but still replied I am part of a hunting team of the cyan elf tribe and we were attacked and some of my sisters were kidnapped and they attacked our village killing many, so I took the creation tablet and most of my tribe members and escaped, where are they fukang'an asked they are behind, I came to scout the surrounding when I saw you guys fighting the pack but I didn't want to disturb so I decided to wait till you were done she replied, fukang'an then asked her why are you out of arrows when you said you were just scouting? I ran into a few goblin scout and I took care of them and I didn't have time to pick up my arrows when I heard several wolfs running towards me so I hid and when the passed me I realized they were not after me so I ran towards the sound of battle , khan looked at her for sometime before he could speak he heard a weird sound at rather they all did cause everyone looked towards the source of the sound for a moment and it turned out to be an arrow and suddenly silvers face changed then she turned to khan and spoke I have to leave please my tribe members are under attack I have to go back to assist them she said , seeing how flustered she looked khan had an idea so he told her they would go together she hesitated for a moment but still reluctantly agreed so they rushed to the scene and it was just chaos , looking at the nearly perfect group of graceful elves numbering about 45 or so he couldn't count because of the rowdiness of the place , looking at the opponents khan couldn't help but feel disgusted he felt the stories and movies didn't do their hedious face Justice they were just too ugly they fought the elves with wooden bats and bones most of them were naked but with their height they looked more like kids but looking at their d***s they were obviously not kids looking at the leader of this group he was easy to spot cause he was at the back and the only one using a steel sword albeit chipped and for their numbers they were about 70 to 80 but they completely overwhelmed the elves cause the elves were mostly out of arrows and have been on the run for sometime now no good food or rest so they were physically and mentally tired khan looked at his group of 13 soldiers plus fukang'an making them 14 he looked at his general for confirmation, looking at the confident fukang'an he nodded his head then fukang'an told silver the only way you guys can survive is by listening to my command, silver looked at khan and then her tribe members seeing that more of them were running out of arrows she knew they had no other option she agreed then she relayed the same instructions to the group who upon hearing her voice started panicking senior sister please escape don't let our village end here don't worry we would buy you time just run !! Leave this place and establish our village somewhere else hearing them talking about sacrificing their life for her silver was touched but she replied no one is dying here I already found some helpers just listen to what he tells you to do, fukang'an looked around and saw that few elves till had some arrows and some held daggers in their hands which they fought with as they ran out of arrows then he shouted every elf with an arrow fall back then the thirteen soldiers walked to the front forming the first layer of defense against the goblins the goblin leader looked at all this and he just cackled stupidly then pointed forward with his sword and the goblin charged forward with renewed vigor but against Great Qing soldiers which were empire soldiers not any ordinary empire but a celestial empire and one of the bloodiest empire this group of goblins without any formation or strategy was just a group of hillbillies with number advantage so they stood and maintained their formation and fukang'an called from the sides archers drawww and fire as the first wave of arrows fell it fell along with lots of goblin bodies he continued issuing his commands , Fire at will !!! As arrows continue d to fall the casualties Amon the goblins continued to increase but goblins being one of the humanoid race with low iq and their mind clouded with lust they continued charging after seeing that the remaining 30 or so were now in close range , the soldiers of Great Qing drew their swords ready to engage and they clashed with the goblins slowing their charge they held their charge for about 10 minutes killing about 20 or so in the first clash then the ones that managed to slip through did so one by one and the elves armed with daggers behind took them down easily it confused till they wiped out the whole goblin team, the leader of the goblins seeing that his minions were all dead got angry and charged towards the group with anger but a swing of fukang'an saber had his head separated from his neck and after checking if anyone needed emergency aid and if anyone was dead , khan looked at silver wanting to speak but before he could say anything she handed him a creation tablet with a smile and khan seeing this felt like he was set up