EXTRA: Sir Edmund's Dark Past

Before becoming the Chief Butler, Sir Edmund was known as Edmund Blackwood, an undercover agent serving the duchy during times of conflict and conspiracy. Recruited at a young age, he was trained in martial arts, espionage, infiltration, and survival tactics, making him invaluable for covert operations.

Training and Missions:

Specialized Training: Mastered hand-to-hand combat, weapon handling, espionage, infiltration, and survival tactics. His ability to remain unnoticed and obtain vital information made him indispensable.

Covert Operations: Participated in missions involving neutralizing internal and external threats, dismantling enemy spy networks, preventing assassination attempts, and recovering dangerous magical artifacts.

Key Events:

The Night of the Red Shadows: During a mission to intercept a conspiracy against the duchy, Edmund and his team faced mercenaries and dark mages. While they thwarted the plot, the operation resulted in the loss of several close comrades. This event deeply scarred Edmund, causing him to question the cost of his actions.

The Silent Oath: Burdened by years of service and the weight of his actions, Edmund decided to leave the life of violence. He took a vow of silence regarding his past missions and sought a way to find redemption.

Transition to Domestic Service:

Renewal of Vows: Approached Duke Raion, expressing his desire to serve in a way that contributed to the duchy's peace and stability without resorting to violence. Recognizing his loyalty and skills, Raion offered him the position of Chief Butler.

New Identity: Adopted the title "Sir Edmund" instead of his surname, symbolizing a new beginning. His past remained hidden from most, with only a few in the duke's inner circle aware of his true history.

Impact on the Present:

Protector in the Shadows: Although no longer active in covert operations, he maintains a network of contacts and uses his experience to protect the duchy from subtle threats. Monitors situations and advises the duke on potential risks.

Discreet Mentor: Observes the young ones in the castle, including Raimon, offering wisdom and guidance when appropriate. Aims to help them avoid the mistakes he made and fosters values of honor and compassion.

Inner Struggle: Despite his new life, Edmund still grapples with memories of his past. Finds solace in routine and service but fears that his former actions might catch up with the duchy or those he now protects.

*Important character.