Shadows of Concern

Raimon stepped off the carriage as it pulled into the familiar cobblestone courtyard of the Ducal Institute. The towering spires and ornate archways stood as a testament to the grandeur of knowledge and the pursuit of excellence. The journey back had been swift, urgency propelling them after Amelia's alarming message about a breach in their research laboratory.

Cedric disembarked beside him, his expression a mixture of determination and unease. "Let's hope the damage isn't as severe as we fear," he remarked.

"Indeed," Raimon replied, adjusting his cloak. "But we must be prepared for any outcome."

They made their way swiftly through the corridors, the echoes of their footsteps reflecting their haste. Upon reaching the secured wing where their laboratory was located, they found Kira and Amelia waiting outside, their faces betraying a mix of relief and residual tension.

"You're back," Kira said, her eyes meeting Raimon's with a hint of melancholy that he couldn't quite place.

"Any updates?" Raimon inquired, focusing on the immediate concern.

Amelia nodded. "We've completed a thorough inventory. It appears that the intruders only managed to access superficial summaries—historical overviews and basic research outlines. Our core data and sensitive findings remain secure."

Cedric exhaled audibly. "That's a relief."

Kira crossed her arms. "We were fortunate. Your protocols for protection and confidentiality were effective."

Raimon allowed himself a slight smile. "I'm glad the precautions held. We'll need to review and possibly enhance our security measures."

They entered the laboratory, which showed signs of disturbance—papers shuffled, drawers left ajar—but nothing irreparable. As they began to reorganize, Raimon noticed Kira's subdued demeanor.

"Is everything alright?" he asked her quietly.

She hesitated before replying. "I was just... concerned. And perhaps a bit disappointed."


She met his gaze. "You didn't include me in your trip back to the Violet Castle. I understand you had reasons, but I wish I could have been there to help."

Raimon felt a pang of guilt. "I'm sorry, Kira. The situation was unexpected, and I didn't want to put you at risk without understanding what we were facing."

She sighed softly. "I know. It's just that we're a team. I want to be there for you, as you've been for me."

He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I appreciate that more than you know. Next time, I promise to keep you informed."

A faint smile touched her lips. "Hold you to that."

Amelia approached them. "If I might interrupt, we should discuss our next steps."

"Agreed," Raimon said, refocusing. "We need to determine who was behind the breach and their motives."

Cedric joined them, holding a piece of parchment. "I found this near the entrance—a symbol etched into it. It looks familiar."

Raimon examined the symbol—a stylized wave encircling a trident. Recognition dawned on him. "This is the emblem of the Maritime Empire's covert operatives."

Kira frowned. "Why would they be interested in our research?"

"Perhaps they sense that we're on the verge of significant discoveries," Amelia suggested. "Or they're attempting to gain any advantage in the ongoing rivalry between our empires."

Raimon nodded thoughtfully. "In any case, we must be vigilant. We'll increase our security protocols and limit access to our most sensitive work."

They spent the next few hours reinforcing protective enchantments, reorganizing files, and setting up alerts for any future unauthorized access attempts.

As the day waned, they decided to take a much-needed break. The group headed to the institute's dining hall, where the aroma of hearty stews and freshly baked bread offered a welcome respite.

Seated at a corner table, they allowed themselves a moment of normalcy.

"Do you ever tire of this constant intrigue?" Cedric mused, stirring his soup.

"It's part of the world we live in," Amelia replied. "Especially for those who seek to make a difference."

Kira glanced at Raimon. "Speaking of our world, have you thought about attending Professor Langley's new politics class? It's supposed to offer in-depth insights into current power dynamics."

Raimon perked up. "I hadn't heard about it. When does it start?"

"Tomorrow morning," Kira informed him. "It could be beneficial, given recent events."

"Count me in," Raimon decided. "Knowledge is, after all, power."