Unfinished Business

Back at the fortress—a formidable structure carved into the mountainside—Alaric and Leon convened in the strategy chamber. Maps adorned the walls, and a large table at the center was strewn with documents detailing troop deployments and regional reports.

Alaric poured two glasses of aged brandy, handing one to Leon. "We need to assess the situation carefully," he began.

Leon took a sip, his gaze distant. "The Crescent Shadows were supposed to be eliminated. We dismantled their operations, cut off their resources."

"Clearly, they've managed to survive," Alaric said grimly. "Or perhaps they've reformed under new leadership."

Leon clenched his jaw. "Either way, they're a threat we cannot ignore."

Alaric regarded his old friend. "This isn't just about them resurfacing, is it?"

Leon met his eyes. "No. Seeing their symbol again... it brought back memories I'd rather forget."

Alaric sighed. "I owe you an apology, Leon. If I hadn't insisted on that ill-fated venture all those years ago—"

"Stop," Leon interrupted firmly. "We've been over this. We both made choices. The past cannot be changed."

"But perhaps we can make amends," Alaric pressed. "This woman and her child—they came here for a reason. We must find out why."

Leon nodded. "Agreed. And if the Crescent Shadows are operating in our territory again, we'll put an end to them."

A knock at the door drew their attention. A young aide entered, bowing respectfully. "Your Grace, Sir Leon—the woman has awakened. The physician says she's well enough to speak."

"Thank you," Alaric said. "We'll see her immediately."

They made their way to the infirmary, where the woman rested on a cot, the infant swaddled beside her. She looked up as they entered, apprehension flickering across her face.

"You're safe here," Alaric assured her. "I'm Duke Alaric Flower, and this is Sir Leon."

She attempted to sit up, wincing slightly. "Thank you, Your Grace," she said weakly. "I didn't know where else to go."

"Can you tell us what happened?" Leon asked gently.

She took a shaky breath. "My name is Selene. I was a maidservant in the household of Lord Etel of House Aurelion, in the southern provinces. Three nights ago, assassins attacked the estate. They sought to eliminate the entire family."

Alaric exchanged a grave look with Leon. "House Aurelion... a respected lineage."

Selene continued, her voice trembling. "Lady Isabella, Lord Etel´s wife, entrusted me with their newborn son, Elias. She begged me to flee and keep him safe. I escaped through a hidden passage, but the assassins pursued us relentlessly."

"Why come all the way to the Northern Frontier?" Leon inquired.

"Lady Isabella once told me that if ever in dire need, I should seek out the Duke of the North. She said you were an honorable man who might offer protection."

Alaric felt a mix of humility and responsibility. "She did me a kindness many years ago. I'm saddened to hear of her fate."

Selene's eyes filled with tears. "I don't know if any others survived. The estate was ablaze when we fled."

Leon stepped forward. "Rest assured, we'll do everything in our power to safeguard you and Elias."

She looked up at him with gratitude. "Thank you."

Alaric turned to one of the attendants. "Ensure Selene and the child are given comfortable quarters. Provide anything they need."

"Yes, Your Grace."

As they left the infirmary, Leon's expression hardened. "This attack on House Aurelion cannot be a coincidence. The Crescent Shadows are moving with purpose."

Alaric nodded. "We need to uncover their motives. If they're targeting noble families, the entire empire could be at risk."

"I'll mobilize our scouts and inform our contacts in the south," Leon said. "We need information, and quickly."

"Agreed. I'll reach out to trusted allies in the capital. Perhaps they can shed light on these events."

They parted ways to attend to their respective tasks. Alaric made his way to his private study, where he penned urgent letters to influential figures—friends and associates who might possess insight into the burgeoning threat.

As he sealed the missives, he couldn't shake the feeling that dark times were approaching. The shadows of the past were reaching into the present, and the stakes were higher than ever.