Cedric's Resolve

The sun cast a warm glow over the grand halls of the Ducal Institute as Cedric walked slowly along the familiar corridors. The echoes of countless footsteps and voices seemed to reverberate from the stone walls, each corner holding a memory from the past decade. Graduation was imminent, and a mix of excitement and nostalgia filled the air.

Cedric glanced around, taking in the faces of fellow students bustling about, preparing for the final ceremonies. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret that Raimon wasn't with them. His closest friend had decided to stay behind to continue his studies, focusing on his research and responsibilities.

"Hey, Cedric!" a voice called out.

He turned to see Marcus, a tall, lanky young man with sandy hair and a mischievous grin. Marcus had been a steadfast companion throughout their years at the institute.

"Lost in thought again?" Marcus teased, clapping Cedric on the shoulder.

Cedric smiled slightly. "Just taking it all in. Hard to believe it's almost over."

"Tell me about it," Marcus replied. "Feels like just yesterday we were first-years, terrified of Sir Galen's combat classes."

Cedric chuckled. "I recall you nearly fainted during that first sparring session."

Marcus feigned offense. "Me? Never! I was simply... assessing the situation."

They both laughed, the easy camaraderie a testament to their long friendship.

As they continued down the corridor, they were joined by Liana, a sharp-eyed young woman with a talent for strategy, and Tommy, a quiet but strong-willed swordsman. Together, they formed a close-knit group that had weathered many challenges.

"Have you guys seen the preparations in the Great Hall?" Liana asked. "It's looking magnificent."

"I heard Duchess Reineza herself contributed to the decorations," Tommy added.

Cedric nodded. "She has a keen eye for detail."

The conversation drifted to memories of their time together—late-night study sessions, intense training exercises, and the occasional escapade that pushed the boundaries of the institute's rules.

"Remember when we snuck into the library's restricted section?" Marcus reminisced.

Liana rolled her eyes. "How could I forget? We almost got expelled thanks to your brilliant idea."

"Hey, we found some fascinating texts, didn't we?" Marcus defended.

Cedric smiled, but his thoughts drifted to Raimon. Despite their misadventures, it was Raimon who often guided them, ensuring they didn't cross lines that couldn't be uncrossed. His absence was keenly felt.

"Have any of you heard from Raimon lately?" Cedric asked.

"He sent me a letter," Liana said. "He's been busy with his research but sends his regards."

"Typical Raimon," Marcus commented. "Always with his nose in a book."

"He's dedicated," Cedric corrected gently. "And he's achieved remarkable things because of it."

They reached the courtyard, where the afternoon sun filtered through the leaves of the ancient oak trees. Cedric found a bench and sat down, the others joining him.

"Speaking of achievements," Tommy began, "what are your plans after graduation?"

Cedric took a deep breath. "I've been giving it a lot of thought. I want to form an elite order of knights—a small squadron of the best of the best."

"An order?" Liana raised an eyebrow. "That's quite an undertaking."

Cedric nodded. "I know. But I believe it's necessary. The world is becoming more dangerous. There are threats that require a specialized force capable of handling any situation."

"What inspired this?" Marcus asked.

Cedric gazed into the distance. "Raimon used to tell us stories when we were younger, about special forces teams from his family's histories. They operated with precision and unity, able to take on challenges that others couldn't. I want to create something like that—to protect those who can't protect themselves, and to safeguard my family and others from emerging threats."

Tommy leaned forward. "Count me in. I've been searching for a purpose beyond the usual knightly duties."

Liana smiled. "You'll need a strategist."

Cedric looked at them appreciatively. "Your support means a lot."

Marcus grinned. "Well, I suppose someone has to keep you all out of trouble."

They shared a laugh, the mood lightening.

"Do you have a name for this order?" Liana inquired.

"I've been considering 'The Tenebris Guard,'" Cedric said. "Embracing the shadows to protect the light."

"Fitting," Tommy remarked.

As they discussed the possibilities, Cedric felt a renewed sense of purpose. The idea of leading a team resonated deeply with him, and the support of his friends strengthened his resolve.

Later that evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Cedric returned to his quarters. On his desk lay the sword Raimon had gifted him—a masterpiece of craftsmanship. He picked it up, feeling the balance and weight. The blade seemed to absorb the light, a subtle iridescence playing along its edge.

He remembered the moment Raimon had presented it to him.

"This is incredible," Cedric had breathed, drawing the sword from its sheath.

"It's forged to complement your abilities," Raimon had explained. "May it serve you well in the journeys ahead."

"Thank you, Raimon. This means more than I can express."

Cedric ran his fingers along the hilt, the intricate patterns symbolizing strength and loyalty. The sword was more than a weapon; it was a reminder of their friendship and the trust Raimon placed in him.

He made a silent vow. "I will honor this gift and the responsibility that comes with it."

Placing the sword carefully back in its sheath, he prepared for the graduation ceremony.

The day of graduation dawned clear and bright. The Great Hall was adorned with banners and floral arrangements, the air filled with a mix of solemnity and celebration.

Cedric stood among his peers, dressed in formal attire, the sword at his side. As the headmaster gave the commencement speech, Cedric's mind wandered through memories—the challenges overcome, the lessons learned, the bonds formed.

When his name was called, he stepped forward to receive his diploma. Applause echoed through the hall, and he caught sight of his family in the audience, their faces beaming with pride.

After the ceremony, the graduates mingled, exchanging congratulations and farewells. Cedric sought out his friends.

"To new beginnings," Liana toasted, raising a glass.

"To the future," Tommy added.

"And to enduring friendships," Cedric concluded.

They clinked their glasses, the sound ringing clear.

As the festivities continued, Cedric felt a blend of emotions—excitement for what lay ahead, gratitude for the experiences shared, and a touch of melancholy at the closing of this chapter.

He found a quiet moment to write a letter to Raimon.

*Dear Raimon,

Graduation was a success, though it wasn't the same without you here. Your gift has become a symbol of my commitment to the path ahead. I wanted you to know that I'm forming an elite order of knights—the Tenebris Guard. Your stories and guidance have inspired me more than you know.

I hope our paths cross again soon. Until then, take care, my friend.



Sealing the letter, he entrusted it to a messenger.

That night, as the stars filled the sky, Cedric stood on the balcony overlooking the institute grounds. The future was uncertain, but he felt ready to face it.

"Here's to the next adventure," he whispered into the night.