Waning Moon's Vengeance

The night was cloaked in darkness, the only light emanating from the crescent moon that hung low in the sky. I stood atop the highest tower of our hidden sanctuary, the Crescent Moon Organization's stronghold, surveying the empire that lay before me. For years, I had meticulously orchestrated our plans, ensuring that every move we made brought us closer to our ultimate goal: the subjugation of the intelligent races and the restoration of the natural order as I envisioned it.

My name is Norman Wilkes, and I am the leader of this clandestine society. To the uninitiated, I might appear as just another devoted follower of our cause, but beneath this facade lies a soul stripped of humanity, bound by a relentless hunger and an unyielding desire for vengeance. My eyes, yellow and reptilian with a grid-like pattern, pierce through the shadows, ever watchful for threats and opportunities alike. My scaly skin, concealed beneath the flowing robes of our religious attire, serves as a constant reminder of the sacrifices made to attain the power that fuels our organization.

Our supreme council, the heart of the Crescent Moon Organization, convenes under the guidance of the waning moon—myself. Alongside me are the four cardinals, known as the Full Moons, each one a master of their respective domains and unwavering in their loyalty. They, too, share my vision and understand the necessity of our actions, however ruthless they may seem. The ten Bishops of Lunar Stars, lesser in hierarchy but no less essential, carry out our will across the empire, their skills in assassination and subterfuge ensuring that our enemies are silenced before they can pose a significant threat.

Our peripheral members, the cold-blooded assassins, are the lifeblood of our operations. These individuals, once innocent children kidnapped from their families, bear the curse of blood imprinted upon their hearts. This curse binds them to our cause, stripping away any remnants of their former selves and molding them into perfect instruments of chaos. Their existence is a testament to our resolve and the lengths we will go to achieve our aims.

The Crescent Moon Organization's true objective transcends the mere creation of chaos within the empire. Our ultimate goal is the enslavement of the intelligent races, returning them to a state of subservience to the mythical demonic beasts that once dominated these lands. We believe that intelligent beings have disrupted the natural balance, and it is our duty to restore it by subjugating those who threaten it. The chaos we incite is but a means to an end, a distraction from our true purpose.

My rivalry with Ex-Duke Alaric Flower and his loyal companion, Sir Leon, has been a driving force behind many of our actions. Their influence and power within the empire posed a significant obstacle to our plans, and eliminating them was imperative. Our histories are intertwined, perhaps forged in the fires of youth where our paths first crossed under circumstances now lost to time. Their unwavering dedication to their causes made them formidable adversaries, and their downfall would not only weaken the Flower family's legacy but also pave the way for our ascendancy.

The Crescent Moon Organization draws its strength from the bloodline of Orochi, a nine-headed pseudo-dragon whose insatiable appetite for bloodlust manipulates us into performing massacres and kidnappings. Orochi's influence ensures that our actions are relentless and unyielding, as his hunger drives us to consume and destroy without mercy. The attacks on noble families with ancient bloodlines, such as the Royal family of the Solar Empire and the Ducal family of Raimon, are not merely acts of vengeance but necessities to satiate Orochi's monstrous desires. These noble lines are direct threats to our vision, their power a direct affront to the natural order we seek to restore.

The fear that grips me is palpable whenever I consider the ancient bloodlines of the Seven Dragon Kings. These families, with their storied legacies and immense power, stand as symbols of everything we despise and aim to dismantle. Their existence is a threat to the pure, untainted world we envision, one where nature reigns supreme and intelligent beings are mere pawns in a larger, natural scheme. My determination to eradicate their influence is unwavering, fueled by the memories of their past actions and the fear of what they represent.

As I gaze out over the empire, I see the threads of our influence weaving through every corner, every shadowed alley, every whisper of rebellion. The infrastructure we have meticulously built—roads, bridges, fortified borders—serves not only to strengthen the northern territories but also to facilitate the smooth execution of our plans. The enchanted materials and magical runes imbued in our constructions ensure that our stronghold remains impregnable, a bastion of our power against any who dare oppose us.

The final steps of our grand design are within reach. The Coliseum in the northern block, an arena capable of hosting battles for 30,000 spectators, stands as a testament to our ambition and strength. The magical towers, dedicated to Kira and Elowen, are poised to become centers of arcane research and power, further solidifying our dominance over the magical and martial aspects of the empire. Our opulent governmental buildings and the state-of-the-art cavalry station are nearing completion, each one a symbol of our relentless pursuit of control and order.

As the days pass, the realization of our vision grows ever clearer. The massive walls surrounding our city, fortified with protective spells and surveillance enchantments, are almost complete. They will not only protect our growing population of 100,000 permanent residents and 100,000 floating citizens but also serve as a formidable barrier against the demonic threats that lurk in the north. Our city, a beacon of our power and resilience, will stand as the cornerstone of the Crescent Moon Organization's influence within the empire.

In the final moments of my reflection, I am reminded of the unyielding path we have chosen. Our actions, though dark and ruthless, are driven by a singular purpose: to restore the natural order and ensure the dominance of the Crescent Moon Organization. The legacy of our enemies, the Flower family, and their allies will crumble beneath our might, paving the way for a world where nature reigns supreme and intelligent beings are subservient to the true power of the mythical demonic beasts.

As the waning moon continues its descent, so too does the empire inch closer to the realization of our ultimate goal. The Crescent Moon Organization stands as a shadow over the land, a silent force orchestrating the downfall of those who threaten the natural balance. With every passing day, our influence grows, and the empire becomes ever more susceptible to our control. The final act of our grand design is near, and nothing will stand in our way.