Bound by Blood, Liberated by Knowledge

The laboratory was quiet, save for the soft hum of magical tools and the occasional scribble of notes on parchment. The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and focus, the atmosphere charged with the weight of discovery. This was where I thrived—where the boundaries between the old and the new blurred into something greater.

For the past six months, my mind had been consumed by the challenge of combining the knowledge from my previous life with the magic of this world. The goal was ambitious: to purify the bloodlines of demonic beasts and safely introduce their enhanced attributes into common animals, like horses and hounds. If the experiment succeeded, it would revolutionize the way animals were used in the military and open new paths for treating warriors without strong bloodlines—like Tomas, my closest ally and captain of my knightly order.

The process wasn't simple. It involved intricate methods, a fusion of science and magic, and more trial and error than I had anticipated. We began with genetics, studying the differences between common animals and those infused with demonic blood. Each step required precise calculations—charting lineage, identifying compatible traits, and isolating abnormalities that could lead to uncontrollable mutations. Gene editing tools from my previous life—concepts of CRISPR and recombinant DNA—were carefully translated into magical glyphs that interacted with the animals' essence.

Next came the chemistry of purification. In this world, blood held power—an essence that could not simply be diluted. It had to be refined, its volatile magic stabilized through alchemical processes. We used magically imbued filters to separate impurities, then combined the purified essence with catalysts derived from rare herbs and enchanted minerals. The result was a purified blood serum, capable of granting enhanced strength and stamina without corrupting the host.

But the real challenge lay in the organ transplants. While humans could not survive with the organs of beasts, animals proved more adaptable—especially with the correct rituals and potions. We dissected and transplanted tissues with surgical precision, using enchanted scalpels to fuse foreign organs seamlessly into their new hosts. I taught my companions the importance of sterility—something they found strange at first, but soon realized was critical in preventing magical infections. Magic alone wasn't enough; science had to fill in the gaps.

Our experiments progressed step by step. We began with small rodents, testing the stability of the blood serums. At first, the results were disastrous—spontaneous combustions, seizures, and grotesque mutations. But we kept refining the process, adjusting the ratios and reinforcing the stabilization runes. By the third month, we saw success: a rat infused with the blood of a small demon beast developed enhanced reflexes without adverse side effects.

Encouraged by our progress, we scaled the experiment up to larger animals—hounds and then horses. Every success, every breakthrough, pushed us further toward our goal. The horses showed remarkable improvement, their speed and endurance surpassing anything we had seen before. They moved with the grace of predators, but without the aggression. It was like seeing the dawn of a new breed of warhorses.

Days blurred into weeks, and weeks into months. Time slipped away unnoticed as we lost ourselves in the work. Six months had passed before I realized just how deeply we had buried ourselves in the project. By then, our small laboratory had become a hub of innovation—filled with vials of glowing serums, intricate diagrams, and enchanted tools scattered across every surface.

One evening, as the glow of the setting sun filtered through the high windows of the laboratory, I stared at the latest data spread across the table. That was when it struck me—a revelation I had been waiting for all this time.

The purified essence from the demonic beasts could do more than just enhance animals. It could serve as a foundation for restoring or even augmenting weak bloodlines in humans. If I could stabilize the serum further, I might be able to infuse the essence into Tomas without triggering a rejection.

"His body could accept the enhancements, allowing him to push beyond the limits of an ordinary knight."

For months, I had watched Tomas pour his heart into his training, knowing his lack of lineage would prevent him from reaching the highest ranks of knighthood. Gold level would be his ceiling, no matter how hard he tried. But now... Now, there was a way. A way to break that ceiling.

The idea of modifying bloodlines had been a distant dream until now—a vague concept at the back of my mind. But with this breakthrough, it was within reach. Tomas could rise beyond gold, perhaps even touch the aura of a Terrenal knight. The thought sent a thrill through me. For someone like Tomas, whose loyalty and determination were unmatched, the opportunity to achieve greatness was more than deserved.

I carefully packed the latest batch of data and samples into a leather-bound case, sealing it with wax and a protective rune. This was no longer just an experiment.

"This was the key to changing lives."

Tomas, the captain of my knights—he would be the first to benefit. If it worked, the implications were staggering.

As the moon rose high in the night sky, I leaned back in my chair, exhaling slowly. There was still much to do—more tests to run, more variables to account for. But tonight, for the first time in months, I allowed myself to hope.

The fire in my chest burned brighter than ever.

"I wouldn't stop until Tomas reached the heights he deserved."

His journey, just like mine, was only beginning. And with every discovery we made, we were one step closer to building a future where bloodlines no longer determined fate.