Reineza’s Reflections and Secrets of the Beasts

The dawn breaks gently over Violet Castle, filtering through ancient stained-glass windows, casting rays of light that dance across the marble floors. The air inside is fragrant with the scent of roses from the garden, mingling with the faint aroma of parchment and old wood. The castle is an architectural marvel, every inch of it an intricate blend of artistry and history—elegant spires rise high above the forest canopy, and tapestries as ancient as the family itself drape the walls, each telling stories of victories, losses, and hope.

Here, I reside with my family, each corner of the castle echoing with memories, joys, and silent fears. Life in the Flower Duchy has always been both a gift and a burden. Every morning, I awaken in the quiet solitude of my chambers, my thoughts inevitably drawn to Raion, my husband, and our children—Raimon, Edward, and Guillermina.

I cherish every second with them, yet I sometimes long for the days when I roamed the world freely. In my youth, I was known throughout the empire as the Free Elf—a knight of gold rank, and an adventurer who sought thrills where others dared not venture. The freedom to wander, to fight for justice, to live without constraints... those days now seem distant, but they remain vivid in my heart.

The turning point of my life, however, wasn't my marriage to Raion or the end of my adventures. It was the day Raimon was born.

That day remains etched in my soul. I had endured battles that shook the earth beneath my feet, but nothing prepared me for the terror of those first ten seconds after Raimon's birth. The air had been still, the world seemingly holding its breath. And there he was—my firstborn, lifeless in my arms.

In those moments, my heart shattered. The castle, the world itself, seemed to crumble around me. I remember feeling as though the very air was suffocating me, that I had failed in the most important moment of my life. Ten agonizing seconds stretched into an eternity. And then, without warning, Raimon gasped. His tiny chest rose and fell, and the cries that followed were the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.

The relief was overwhelming—joy beyond words, and a vow forged in that instant. I swore that I would dedicate my life to protecting him and our family, no matter the cost. That day marked not only his birth but also the birth of a new purpose within me.

Despite my responsibilities, I still carve out moments for myself. In the ancient library beneath the castle, I indulge in my love for history and arcane knowledge. It is here that I reflect on the nature of the creatures that inhabit our world, many of which I encountered in my youth.

In this world, beasts fall into two distinct categories—those that embody chaos and destruction, and those that possess intelligence and emotion.

Demonic Beasts are divided into three ranks: mythical, ancestral, and current. They are creatures born of madness and carnage, thriving on bloodshed. Long ago, they ruled over the world, spreading terror across all lands. The Glacial Wolf Demon, which my father-in-law hunts, belongs to this category—an ancient being, pure chaos encased in ice.

In contrast, fantastical and elemental beasts, such as Phoenixes, Unicorns, and the Dragon Kings, possess intelligence and emotions. These beings, though rare, coexist with the world in harmony. They seclude themselves from the affairs of mortals, yet their interventions during moments of crisis have saved countless lives.

Among these, the most powerful are the Dragon Kings, revered and feared by all. These majestic beings represent the pinnacle of magical creatures, capable of bending the elements to their will.

The Flower bloodline, however, bears a complicated legacy tied to the Silver Dragon King—a being whose history is as tragic as it is violent. Unlike the other Dragon Kings, who were noble and occasionally merciful, the Silver Dragon King was a creature of unbridled cruelty. He regarded all intelligent races as nothing more than livestock and slaves, meant to serve his whims.

It was during the first uprising of mortals that the Silver Dragon King carried out his most infamous atrocity: the massacre of an entire human tribe—the ancestors of the Flower family. In a fit of madness, he destroyed them without mercy, believing them unworthy of defiance. Yet, in his arrogance, he underestimated the hatred he had sown. The lone survivor of that tribe rose up, consumed by vengeance, and in a titanic battle that raged for days, the Silver Dragon King was slain.

While the noble families of the empire inherited blessings from their ancestors, we, the Flowers, inherited a curse. This curse manifests in the volatility of our bloodline, dooming many of our descendants to early deaths. I know this pain too well—it haunted me during Raimon's birth, and it lingers still in every step I take.

Unlike the descendants of other Dragon Kings, who live with strength and stability, our line teeters on the brink of destruction. It is a curse I have sworn to defy, but one that weighs heavily on my heart. Raimon, my beloved son, carries the same burden—and with it, the hopes of changing our fate.

My days at Violet Castle are filled with these reflections, moments with my children, and duties as the Duchess. I walk through the gardens of roses, watching as Edward and Guillermina chase one another through hidden passages, their laughter filling the ancient halls. Raimon, though older, joins them occasionally, and those moments bring a warmth to my soul that even my wildest adventures could never compare to.

But I know dark times are ahead. The world is changing, and our family will be at the heart of it. Raimon, with his unique insight and courage, is destined to face challenges that none of us can foresee. I will protect him—we all will, just as he seeks to protect us.

For now, though, I cherish the peace that still lingers over the castle, the calm before the storm. As long as my family remains together, I have faith that we can overcome whatever awaits us.

And in those quiet moments, beneath the starlit skies of Violet Castle, I remember who I once was—the Free Elf, the adventurer—and I remind myself: I am still her. But now, I fight for something far more precious than freedom—I fight for my family.