I Should've Trusted You

Long after she had returned home, Claire sat on the edge of her bed, her head cradled in her hands.

The events of the day replayed in her mind like a broken record, each revelation more shocking than the last. She had tried to justify Jake's actions, to believe his frantic denials, but the evidence Alex presented was irrefutable.

Jake had not even had anything to say. He couldn't even refute them, how could he when he was caught going into Vanessa's house at that hour?

Did this mean Emma was indeed innocent of the accusations Jake leveled against her? She was brought out of her reverie when her phone rang and she glanced at it to see who was calling.

She declined the call and placed her phone on do not disturb when she saw that it was Margaret calling. Why was she calling?

Did she know anything about what Jake did or did she only just found out like her too? How could Jake had gone that far to pull Alex down?