I was terrified.

I've pulled off my clothes for men while I work but never have I gone all the way.

I had never been seen fully naked by a man before, yet there I stood, completely exposed in broad daylight in front of a man I barely knew.

I expected to see lust dance in his eyes as he looked at me, but instead, all I saw was a detached look. He looked like he was thinking about what to have for breakfast than a naked woman.

He walked around, taking in the whole view and I blushed, badly wanting to cover up.

He could see everything, the cellulite, the fleshy thighs, the pouch on my stomach which was a result of late-night eating, my knobby knees, and the chipped paint on my toes…all my insecurities laid out for him to see.

"Good enough," he murmured as he walked past, but I heard it. "Now I want you to move."

"Move?!" My voice came out in a high-pitched squeak.

"Yes," he regarded me cooly. "Walk around as if this is your house and you could do anything you wanted- including walking around naked. I want you to feel comfortable enough in your skin."

I nodded and squared my shoulders, and did as he instructed. I walked around, sat, played with my hair, read a book, did whatever I pleased.

It wasn't until I bent over to pick up my clothes that I remembered that I was naked.

I was completely naked!

A flush crept onto my cheeks and I immediately covered myself up.

"Zoe, what did I say? Own your body. You shouldn't be ashamed of it. It's the most precious thing you have."

"I-I just got caught up in the moment," I explained, my face flaming.

Master walked over to me, and took my hands, and put them on the side.

He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "You have to understand Zoe, there is no way you can be comfortable in your own skin, and not feel sexy if you are not confident."

"O-Okay," I said, looking down at the ground, trying to avoid his gaze.

"Look at me, Zoe," he ordered. His hand raised my chin, and he looked me in the eyes.

"Don't look away, Zoe. Look at me, in the eye. It shows you have confidence and that is the first step to owning your body. Do you understand?" He asked.

"Y-yes." I gulped, nodding.

"Now I'm going to teach you a few rules of seduction and after that, you will try and seduce me. Is that clear?"

I nodded, unable to say anything.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

What the fuck did I sign up for?

Taking a step back, Master began to explain the rules.

"Rule number 1, Eye contact." He said as his eyes pierced into mine.

His eyes were so dark that I almost lost myself in them.

I had to use all of my strength to not look away.

He leaned closer to me, and whispered, "It's all in the eyes, Zoe. Never look away. The eyes never lie. It shows everything… Fear, love, pleasure, pain. Your eyes tell a story. Use them. Make a connection. Look at them like you are the predator and they are your prey. It shows power and control."

His fingers caressed my cheek as he wrapped my slender fingers around his wrist.

He moved my hand towards his neck and placed it behind his nape.

I gasped as his lips brushed against mine.

"Rule number 2, Touch." He said as his hands traced the curve of my waist.

My breath hitched.

He was so close to my naked body.

The feel of his hands on my skin was electrifying.

I was trembling.

My knees felt weak and I felt lightheaded.

His hands were sending waves of pleasure through my body.

"The art of touch is very important. The right amount of pressure is key. Too soft and it is annoying. Too hard and it's painful. Make it sensual. Make it seductive. Let the man know you want him. That you crave him. Give him goosebumps." He explained.

My breathing became ragged as his hands moved lower.

He caressed my bare thigh, his fingertips tracing a line along the back of my leg.

My heart was pounding and I could barely think straight.

I was mesmerized by his touch.

"Rule number 3, Voice. Make it soft, smooth and low."

His hand cupped my face as he stared deep into my eyes.

He leaned closer, his mouth mere inches from mine.

I could feel his breath on my skin, warm and tantalizing.

"Zoe…" He purred, his lips brushing against mine.

I shuddered, my pulse racing.

My stomach tightened and my knees buckled.

His hands moved up and down my spine and I arched my back, moaning.

There was something different about the way he called my name.

Something I couldn't put my finger on.

Like an animalistic growl.

It was so deep, so raspy and so fucking sexy.

He was a natural at this.

"Rule number 4, Move with grace. Let the music guide you. Be one with the beat. Be in the moment. Feel it." He stated.

My eyes widened and I swallowed nervously.

My body felt hot, like I was burning up.

I wanted to look away, but he wouldn't let me.

His eyes locked onto mine, not letting me go.

I could feel my blood rush through my veins.

My breathing became labored and I could hear my heart beating.

"Now you're going to dance." He pulled away, making me gasp.

"What?" I asked.

"You are going to dance for me," he smirked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"But, but... I-I.." I stammered, trying to catch my breath. I was panting like a dog.

How was he able to snap back into his usual stoic self so easily?

He didn't even have a single drop of sweat.

He was totally unaffected.

I, on the other hand, was a fucking mess.

"There's a dance pole in the corner. I want you to dance as if I'm a customer you want to impress." He grabbed a chair and positioned it in front of the pole.

Sitting down, Master spread his legs and leaned back, a challenging smirk on his face.

"So…" He gestured for me to dance.

"What?!" I shrieked, my hands instinctively flying to cover my body. My white teeth chewed on my bottom lip, and my eyes shifted between his and the ground.

"I want you to seduce me," he said.

I was speechless.

"Do I have to repeat myself?"

"No, I-I just don't know what you want me to do..." I said.

"Use the four rules and seduce me. Let your body do the talking. And don't hold back. Give it your all. I want to be left breathless and weak. Show me what you got. You have to believe you are the sexiest woman alive and show it. You have to show that you have complete control over me. Can you do that?" He asked.