"There is no future for us. I am getting married Zoe and there's nothing you can do to change that."

Master's words hit me like a ton of bricks.

What was wrong with him? Was he really this heartless and cruel?How could he treat me like this, when I had just confessed my love for him.

I had begged like a fool, and had practically thrown myself at him.

How was I supposed to feel, when he was telling me, that he was getting married.

Getting married to another woman.

My mind was haywire. Who was she? Why her? Why not me?

My body was weak. I felt drained. My heart was aching and it felt as if my soul was crushed.

I couldn't understand his actions.

Why did he bring me here? Why did he invite me to this bachelor's party? Was it to taunt me? For me to have a taste of something that was not meant for me. Something that was not mine. Something that would never be mine.

My body was trembling.I didn't care about anything anymore. I just wanted to leave.

Leave this place and forget the memories of tonight.

I let go of his erection and wiped the side of my mouth.

"You're right, Master. You're getting married and there's nothing I can do to change that. If you would excuse me." I said as I stood up and began walking away.

I grabbed the clothes on the chair and quickly put them on.

"Where are you going?" Master asked, his voice firm and demanding.

"I'm leaving." I replied, as I headed towards the door.

"No you're not." He said.

I stopped.

"Yes. I am. You can't keep me here." I replied. "I'm just a stripper to you, nothing more. You can't force me to stay."

"Yes. I can." He said. I could see the anger in his eyes.

Was he mad that I didn't want to f^ck him.

He walked towards me, his gait smooth and steady. His face was hard and expressionless.

"Don't think, for a second, that you can walk away from me, Zoe. I paid a lot of money for you." He said.

I turned to him. My face was cold and hard.

"You're a piece of work aren't you, Mr Blackwood." I said, emphasizing the word 'Mr Blackwood'.

He was no longer 'Master' to me.

"You're the biggest piece of shit. I would rather f*ck any man out there, than sleep with a jerk like you. I don't give a sh*t who you are or how rich you are. You can go and rot in hell for all I care." I yelled at him.

His face turned red and his eyes were furious.

"Who the f*ck do you think you're talking to?" He raised his voice. His chest was heaving. His nostrils flared.

"I'm talking to man who just wants to f^ck and dump me like a piece of trash." I yelled.

"You taught me to love and accept my body. And now you just want to use me, then toss me aside, and get married to someone else. You want to f^ck me and get married to another woman." I shouted at him.

Tears stung my eyes and I was trembling.

I was angry and I didn't know how to control myself.

"You're nothing but a slut, Zoey. Why will you think I would ever marry someone like you. You're nothing to me. You're just a stupid whore who strips on stage for money. What kind of job is that, Zoey. Huh? You're such a pathetic excuse for a woman." He said.

I slapped him across his face.

"F*ck you!!" I screamed at him.

He gripped my wrists and pushed me against the wall. My back hit the wall hard and the air in my lungs was knocked out.

He was furious and his eyes were burning.

I was scared. I had never seen him like this.

Master was scary.

"I will take what is mine." He said as he slammed his mouth onto mine.

I tried to push him away, but he wouldn't let me go. His body was pressed against mine and there was no way out.

"Let go of me." I screamed.

"I'm not yours. And I will never be yours. I hate you Mr Blackwood. I hate you so much." I cried.

I was hurt. So hurt.

The image of him getting married, made me feel nauseous. Jealousy ran through me and I couldn't control the rage.

Master didn't reply to me. Instead he kissed me again. This time with so much passion.

My hands were pinned above my head and his lips were on mine. He was kissing me with so much force, that it was hard for me to breathe. His lips were soft and wet. His tongue entered my mouth and he kissed me roughly.

He sucked on my lower lip, then gently bit it. He groaned as he shoved his tongue into my mouth.

His hands held me in place, keeping me trapped, as he assaulted my mouth.

"Mhhhhh...stop. No.." I mumbled, my words muffled by his lips.

"I can't stop." He groaned, as he grinded his erection on my belly. He was so hard.

"Let go of me please. I don't want to." I cried. I pushed him away and ran.

I opened the door and left the room.

"Zoe." I heard him call out.

But, I kept running.

I ran out the hallway and out the building. Tears streamed down my face as I continued to cry.

"F^clkkkkkkkk!!!!" I yelled out.

I was angry and furious.

So much was going on, and it felt like I was losing my mind. Master was getting married. To another woman.

Not only that, he was trying to f*ck me, and wasn't willing to leave her. He wasn't willing to leave her for me. Even after I basically threw myself at him.

How was this fair?

How was it fair that he was getting married to another woman. How was it fair that he wouldn't be with me.

How was it fair that Master, was breaking my heart and trampling all over it.

How was it fair that he invited me to his bachelor's party to f*ck him and dump me.

To remind me that he was mine. Only for 3 days. That I wasn't his. He didn't love me.

Was that what he meant by, there was no future for us?

He didn't love me. Master didn't love me the way I loved him. He didn't care me the way I did for him. His body didn't crave me, the way mine did for him.

His heart didn't belong to me, the way mine belonged to him.

I was a poor stripper, and he was a rich and man.

I yelled and cried so hard like a lunatic. I didn't care that I was on the streets, where everyone could see me. I was hurting. So much. The pain was too unbearable.

I ran until my legs couldn't carry me anymore. Until the tears blurred my vision and I couldn't breathe.

My body ached and my heart was bleeding.

I was crying. My soul was aching.

Everything was crashing down on me and I couldn't hold on.


I don't know how long I ran or even where I was going.

My body was tired and everything was hazy. All I could remember was the pain, as I collapsed.

The cold wind blew against my skin and I hugged my faux-fur coat tighter. I had only a lingerie underneath, so the coat was my only covering.

I had no money and no phone.

Everything was left back at the party.

My legs were sore and I couldn't walk.

The moon was shining bright above me, and the sky was full of stars. My hair was blowing in the wind and my cheeks were stained with tears.

I sat down on the grass and cried.

My hands were shaking.

"Zoey. Zoey." I could hear someone calling my name.

I turned around.

Was it Master? Was he coming to get me? Did he realize his mistake? Did he regret his words and was coming to beg for my forgiveness.

I stared at the person. But, it wasn't him. It was a different man.

"Zoey." The man approached me. He was wearing a custom-made suit. It looked very expensive.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The man didn't reply. Instead he stood there and looked down at me.

I squinted my eyes, trying to recognize him. I didn't know who he was. But, something about him was familiar.

"Hey." He said again and reached out his hand to me.

It was hard for me to see, because the street lamps were far away.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

I nodded.

He helped me up and wrapped his suit jacket around me. His white shirt was slightly un-buttoned and I could see his chest.

It was so hard.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just taking a stroll." I replied.

"In your lingerie and faux-fur coat?" He asked.

"It's none of your business." I replied.

He shook his head and rubbed his temples.

"I saw you run out of the club. Are you okay?" He asked.

I didn't reply.

"Do you need me to call someone?" He asked.

Again, I didn't answer.

He sighed and scratched his head.

"Zoey." He called my name.

"What do you want?" I asked again.

"Don't you remember me?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"From the strip club? I paid you double for a dance and was willing to triple it when you ran out." He said.

My eyes widened. It was him. The private client from the strip club. I knew he looked familiar.

"What are you doing here? Were you following me?" I asked.

"No. I wasn't. I was at the party. when I saw you running." He replied.

"Oh." I said.

"Do you need a lift home? It's not safe here. There are a lot of thugs." He asked.

I thought for a moment.

"What are you doing here? Were you following me?" I asked.

"No. I wasn't. I'm actually a guest at Adrian Blackwood's bachelor party. He invited me." He said.

"Adrian's company is a rival to mine. We both own high-end multi-billion dollar companies. He's my biggest rival and we hate each other. But we invite each other to our parties to keep the peace. I was getting a lap dance from one of the other strippers at the party when I saw you running." The man explained.

My ears perked up and my eyes widened.

Master's first name was Adrian.

His real name was Adrian Blackwood and my private client was his biggest rival.

I swallowed thickly.

"Wow." I replied. "That's so interesting."

"So, where do you live? Let me give you a ride. It's not safe here." The man said.

"I…Well. I don't live around here. I just came here to strip for Master… no I mean Mr Blackwood." I replied.

"Ok. Then let me call my driver and I will give you a ride to the hotel." He said.

"No." I shook my head. I didn't want to go back to the hotel.

Master paid for the hotel and I didn't want anything that had to do with him anymore.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I…I don't want to." I replied.

"Well, I can't leave you out here. So I will drive you to my place…It's…"

As the man was talking, I noticed something from the corner of my eyes. Someone was walking towards us.

It was Master. He was approaching us.

I could see his silhouette from afar.

His hair was messed up, his face was red and his shirt was hanging loose.

This was my chance, I thought to myself as the man was talking.

I needed to make Master jealous. I had to show him what he was missing out on.

If he was going to marry another woman, I was going to f^ck another man.

"Thank you." I said to the man, even though I heard nothing that he was saying.

Then I grabbed him by the collar and kissed him hard on his lips. My tongue entered his mouth and I sucked his lower lip. I closed my eyes and moaned into his mouth.

The man was shocked, but he didn't push me away. Instead he returned the kiss and his hands grabbed my waist.

Our lips were wet and he was kissing me back with the same force.

I opened my eyes and saw Master, watching us. There was so much jealousy in his eyes.

He was furious. So angry.

His eyes were wide and his jaw clenched. His fist was clenched too.

Good. I wanted him to suffer. I wanted him to feel what it was like to be rejected