Demotion Part 1

"Beat his ass, Jasper!" a student beloging to the Spade faction at Six Star Academy.

It was night time, but the lights on the football field were bright enough t illuminate the match that was about to take place. Several mamerbs of the Spades cheered on their comrade as he entered teh field.

Jasper, a high ranking member wth the power to manipulate ice and conjure it, gave a thumbs up to his friends. Jasper wore a black letterman jacket with the letters KnoS on his sleeve. 

"So you're the jack of spdes, huh," a tall member of the faculty asked. She was the only member of speds who could delegate powers to students. However, she abused that power in a tyranical rule.

"Yes." Was all jasper said as he walked past her.

Grabbing his arm, she hissed: "Thats yes, ma'am to you."

"Yes, ma'am." Jasper repeated. When he tried to wrench his arm for his grip, he struggled.

She smiled. "If youre that weak, i doubt you make it far in my Faction."

Jasper wrenched his arm from her vice grip. "I'm not weak. You're just abnormally strong." he added a sarcastic, "Ma'am" before entering the combat space.

In the direct center of the foot ball field there was a large cube drawn. It was twenty yards by twenty yards. His opponent way already inside, as well as the ref.

"Hurry up, kid," the ref motioned for Jasper to hurry up. "I almost declared that you forfeited if you Ace hadnt told me to hld on a few minutes."

Jasper sized up his opponent. They were a club member, judging by the band on his sleeve.

"No weapons?" Jasper mocked. "You Clubs usually carry a stick or something that you can manipulate with whatever power card you have."

The Club member crouched low and touched rhe turf. "I have all i need to beat you right here."

Jasper exchanged glances wth the ref, who just shrugged.

"Alright, you two know the rules. The first one to knock the oher out of he arena space, or have the other incapicted by the end of htis match wins. You obviously cant have anyone join in and your cards need to be legal. Are we clear?"

Jasper and the Club nodded.

Stepping back, the ref raised his hand and started the match. Once again, the spade memerb shouted something to Jasper. 

However he didn't get the chance to hear it, let alone respond. The ground beneath him began to bend and warp. It was like he was standing on waves that rose and fell, growing in size until-


Jasper fell back then was tossed into the air before falling back onto the ground. Frost formed around his fingers, but he needed to touch whoever he wanted to freeze. He couldn't even see his opponent. He got a side ways view of the stadium, where his comrades stared in disbelief. His body floated passed the Ace of Spades as it slammed dwon and floated up.

Finally, as teh ground beneath him flattened, he stood up to attack. But bfore he could charge in, the ref had declared the Club player the winner. Staring down at his feet, Jaspr noticed that he was stading at the tent years line, thirty yards awya from the ring!

"Shit." he muttered, clutching his shoulder. It felt bruised and his head was pounding.