Chapter 101 - 105: A Move that Shakes the World. Li Qianyuan Returns Home. The Eternal Night's Famous Sword. A Single Paper to Calm the Whole Hall. The Chess Skills of the Yu Emperor Can Be That Bad.

 Chapter 101: A Move that Shakes the World

Li Hao strolled back, carrying snacks and drinks. By the time he passed through the bustling streets, the vibrant lanterns were already lit, illuminating the lively city of Qingzhou.

Servants led tall, majestic horses through the streets, while the carriage wheels behind them rumbled softly, creating an ordinary scene. And yet, these horse handlers all possessed the power of the Soul-Succession Realm—a true sign of a prosperous city.

A faint smile played on Li Hao's lips as he witnessed the bustling activity around him.

With the Li family's decision regarding the true dragon fast approaching, undercurrents of anticipation and intrigue were already stirring in Qingzhou City.

Lately, Li Hao had noticed numerous figures dressed in foreign clothing entering the city, their presence a clear indication of their interest in the upcoming events.

While dining in restaurants, he couldn't help but overhear the related discussions. Some even mentioned the arrival of a high-ranking official, a relative of one of the candidates, who had come to show his support.

As far as Li Hao knew, his mother didn't seem to have any extended family. His stepmother had once told him that his mother was born into a small clan, which was later destroyed by a demon. It was then that she met Li Hao's father, Li Tiangang, who came to their aid, and a beautiful romance blossomed.

These newcomers to Qingzhou were undoubtedly connected to his stepmother, who hadn't given up hope.

Li Hao smiled softly, unbothered by their presence. Instead, he eagerly anticipated the upcoming day, silently counting down the days.

Passing by a bustling bridge, Li Hao's attention was drawn to a group of people playing chess. He paused to watch, no longer in a hurry to return home.

"Don't push!"

"A kid like you, what are you pushing for?"

Most of the onlookers and players were middle-aged or elderly, with only a few young men in their thirties, including Li Hao.

When he finally reached the chessboard, the game was only in its middle stage, but the outcome was already clear.

With a quick glance, Li Hao knew the white pieces were destined to lose.

Although the white pieces seemed to be in a powerful position, resembling a dragon, they were trapped, with no route of escape.

Unless the white player had the audacity to twist and turn, sacrificing a piece to bite off a section of the black pieces, there was little hope for victory.

However, to be forced into such a vulnerable position step by step showed a lack of courage, and it was unlikely that the player would possess such boldness now.

Li Hao shook his head slightly and turned his attention to the player with the black pieces.

He was an elderly man with a ruddy complexion and white hair, gently swaying a folded fan, a serene smile on his face. He seemed to be enjoying the evening breeze as he patiently awaited his opponent's concession.

"I concede."

The white pieces were returned to their box, and the elderly man playing the white pieces sighed in defeat.

"What a pity."

"Tsk, tsk. If only the move there had been different, there might have been a chance."

"Nonsense! It was clearly that move earlier..."

"I feel like the game could have continued. Why concede?"

The surrounding spectators, who had been intently watching the game, began to discuss the outcome. Some expressed regret, while others analyzed the earlier moves, pointing out where the white player had gone wrong. There were also those who didn't understand why the game had ended so abruptly and felt that conceding was too hasty a decision.

Different levels of chess skill led to different interpretations of the game.

But the chessboard had already decided the outcome, and this game was now over.

In the midst of their discussion, the sound of approaching horse-drawn carriages interrupted them.

"Get out of the way! Move, move!" The leading horseman shouted angrily as he saw the crowd gathered by the bridge.

His arrogant attitude angered many, but when they caught sight of the warhorse with its dragon bloodline, their faces paled, and they quickly scrambled to make way, not daring to obstruct the path.

Soon, the crowd parted, and the carriage rolled through.

"Scram, scram!" The carriage driver shouted at the chess players by the roadside.

The onlookers, who had been forced to move aside, murmured softly among themselves. The carriage driver, having groveled before his master for so long, now acted arrogantly, abusing his power.

Although they felt indignant, the crowd was no match for the powerful family the carriage represented. Reluctantly, the people in front of the chessboard scattered, not daring to linger.

Even if they were in the right, they knew better than to argue.

In an instant, only Li Hao, the elderly black-piece player, and two young men in their thirties who had been standing behind the old man, remained.

The elderly man continued to gently sway his fan, his gaze seemingly fixed on the evening breeze rustling the willows by the river, as if the noisy commotion around him didn't exist.

The two young men standing behind him, however, exuded a chilling aura, their eyes glinting with a cold light. One of them turned his head and glared at the approaching carriage driver.

"What are you looking at?" The carriage driver shouted angrily, sensing that these remaining few were no ordinary people and likely had influential backgrounds. But he remained unfazed by their presence.

In terms of background and connections, who in the Great Yu Dynasty could compare to his master?

"If you don't want your family to suffer, get out of here. Do you know who my master is?" the carriage driver warned.

In a flash, one of the young men appeared in front of the carriage driver, as if he had teleported. He slapped the man across the face, and his head twisted to the side, his neck broken.

The crowd that had been forced to move aside earlier gasped in shock at this sudden turn of events.

Some felt a sense of satisfaction, believing that the arrogant carriage driver had gotten what he deserved.

However, others thought that while the man had been rude, his actions didn't warrant death.

They felt sympathy for the now-deceased carriage driver.

But the young man who had delivered the slap didn't spare him another glance. He lifted the carriage curtain and stepped inside.

A startled cry came from within the carriage, followed by the sight of a fat, lavishly dressed old man sitting inside. He seemed taken aback by the unexpected intrusion.

There were also women inside, and they, too, cried out in alarm, intending to scold the intruder. But the cold, harsh gaze of the young man silenced them, their faces turning pale as they felt that any resistance would result in their immediate deaths.

"Slap yourself, kneel, and then get out." The young man issued his command in eight simple words.

The fat old man, trembling with anger and fear, sputtered, "Do you know who I am? I'm acquainted with the Prince of Yan, and I..."

"There may be someone above your head," the young man interrupted coldly. "But there is no one above our master's head!"

"If you say another word, none of you will leave this place alive!"

A chilling aura filled the carriage, causing the women inside to tremble with fear, their faces contorted as they struggled to hold back their tears.

The old man's face turned an ugly shade of purple, resembling pig liver. Despite his immense power and influence, he was helpless in the face of this brazen act. Even the most powerful nobles were vulnerable to the wrath of a commoner, and now he found himself in such a predicament.

He could only grit his teeth, slap himself, and then kneel down, enduring the humiliation.

However, without a rider to guide it, the horse soon found itself careening towards the riverbank, its path haphazard and chaotic. In its panic, it crashed straight into the river, taking the carriage with it.

The loud splash attracted the attention of many passersby in the distance.

The young man, however, acted as if nothing had happened. He quietly returned to the elderly man who had been playing with the black pieces, his expression calm as if he had been standing there the entire time without moving a muscle.

The elderly man playing black seemed a little disappointed, his gaze shifting from the riverbank back to the chessboard. "What a pity for this river in autumn," he sighed.

As he prepared to get up and leave, his eyes fell on a young boy standing nearby, who, instead of moving away, had picked up some of the chess pieces from the box.

From start to finish, Li Hao's gaze never once fell upon the arrogant carriage driver or the carriage itself.

In Qingzhou City, he had no need to bow down to anyone.

Unless, of course, he was in that particular mansion.

At this moment, Li Hao picked up the white pieces from the chess box, one by one, two by two, three by three...

He seemed to be amusing himself, placing these white pieces in a specific arrangement, connecting them in a line and forming a powerful formation.

The formation resembled a dragon's claw, tearing a bloody gash in the path of the black pieces.

He did this not to continue the game, as the outcome had already been decided, and it wasn't even his game to begin with.

It was simply that today, he felt a strong aversion to witnessing such stifling and depressing situations.

So, he added a single stroke to the scene.

The elderly man playing black raised his eyebrows slightly, glancing at the chessboard and the newly placed pieces. Suddenly, he paused, a hint of surprise flashing across his face.

The two young men standing behind the old man, dressed in plain and simple garments, also noticed the background of this young boy, and their expressions shifted slightly. The one who had taken action earlier seemed poised to teach Li Hao a lesson, but the old man's fan blocked his path.

"Do you also understand the game, young friend?" The elderly man playing black asked with a smile.

"A little," Li Hao replied.

Having placed all the pieces, Li Hao felt a sense of relief.

"Your moves are quite exquisite, and your youthful passion is admirable!" the old man praised.

"Youth is full of wild ambitions," Li Hao said indifferently. "Please don't take offense, old sir."

The black-piece player softly repeated Li Hao's words, a smile spreading across his face. "If you understand the game, young friend, why don't you take a seat and play a game with me?"

Li Hao glanced at the chessboard and considered for a moment before replying, "Alright."

At this point, all the onlookers who had been watching the game from a distance had left, leaving only the four of them under the drooping willows.

Li Hao set down the snacks and trinkets he had been carrying on the grassy patch beside him and took a seat.

The old man playing black noticed this and smiled to himself, thinking that it was indeed the nature of youth to be carefree.

However, as Li Hao set down his belongings, revealing his fine clothing, the old man's gaze fell upon the beautiful jade pendant hanging from Li Hao's waist, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The two young men standing behind the old man also noticed the pendant, realizing that this young boy likely came from a notable background. His earlier actions were not those of an ordinary person, and they, too, fixed their gazes on the dragon-blood treasure jade at his waist, their pupils shrinking involuntarily.

"Please, old sir," Li Hao said, inviting the old man to make the first move.

The elderly man playing black snapped back to attention, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He had not expected to encounter the child from those years ago in such a random manner.

With a smile, he began the game.

Soon, the order of play was established, with Li Hao taking the white pieces and moving second.

The onlookers who had retreated to a distance dared not approach any closer, fearing they might get caught up in trouble.

Moreover, the young men standing behind the black-piece player had already displayed their extraordinary abilities, and they did not want to inadvertently offend such individuals.

Most of the passersby were drawn to the commotion of the carriage falling into the river, and many rushed to help, tossing ropes to rescue those within.

Meanwhile, on the chessboard, the black and white pieces clashed in fierce combat.

After the initial setup, the game progressed with layer upon layer of aggressive moves.

Li Hao's moves were relentless, each one a deadly strike, and more fierce and ruthless than usual.

The elderly man playing black slowed down, his moves becoming more deliberate. The fan he had been gently swaying earlier was now closed and set aside.

Each time he moved a piece, he would furrow his brows and carefully consider his options before making a decision.

In contrast, the young boy's moves were swift, precise, and fierce, his offense relentless and overwhelming.

The old man's expression grew increasingly solemn as he focused all his attention on the game.

The two young men standing behind him also had grave expressions, their eyes fixed on Li Hao.

Soon, the outcome of the game was decided.

The elderly man playing black had a somber expression, clearly not expecting to lose, and certainly not in such a crushing manner.

It had been... many years since he had last tasted defeat.

The two young men behind him glared at Li Hao, anger flashing in their eyes.

It seemed that if the old man gave the word, they would immediately strike, ending the young boy's life.

Li Hao sensed their intent and glanced up briefly, but he didn't pay it any mind.

If they wanted to make a move, he was ready for them.

The elderly man playing black stared at the chessboard for a long moment before finally speaking. "Let's play another game."

Li Hao had already stopped playing, and he replied indifferently, "If we play again, you will still lose."

The old man paused, taken aback by the young boy's audacity. Never before had anyone dared to speak to him with such disregard.

However, seeing that the boy didn't mean any harm, he took a deep breath and suppressed his anger, saying, "Let's play another game. If you win again, I'll give you a small gift."

"I lack nothing," Li Hao said, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he finished speaking.

"I'm sure you'll like what I have to offer," the old man said with a smile.

"That's not necessarily true," Li Hao replied calmly. "Moreover, if I win again, I'm afraid your companions might feel the need to intervene on your behalf."

The two young men's expressions shifted, and they glared at Li Hao, their eyes cold.

The old man playing black waved his fan dismissively and smiled at Li Hao. "They are impetuous and don't know any better. Don't mind them. If they have offended you in any way, I apologize on their behalf."

Hearing this, the two young men's faces changed, and their eyes widened in shock.

Li Hao was surprised and glanced at the old man, seeing sincerity and warmth in his eyes.

"Alright then."

Li Hao agreed.

Thinking about how brutal the earlier skirmish had been, he felt it unnecessary to vent his frustration on them.

Soon, the second game began.

This time, Li Hao's moves were much gentler, and the game proceeded with mutual attacks and counterattacks.

The black-piece player's thoughts were not as tense as before, and he chatted casually as he played: "Speaking of which, why would someone as young as you immerse yourself in the way of the game instead of venturing to the borderlands to join the military or diligently practicing martial arts to strive for glory and fame?"

"Glory and wealth are but dust and clouds."

Li Hao casually placed a piece, saying, "The ultimate purpose of life is merely to have enough food and clothing. It seems I've been lucky since birth, never having to worry about such things. Why bother with all that effort?"

"Hmph, how spineless!"

One of the young men behind the black-piece player coldly huffed.

Li Hao glanced up at him. So what if you're a bodyguard?

The black-piece player looked at Li Hao in surprise. These didn't sound like words a youth should be able to say. On the contrary, they seemed like the musings of a weathered and experienced elder who had let go of worldly desires.

But earlier, the boy had also spoken of the ambitious spirit of youth.

"A youth should have the ambition to soar above the clouds and conquer the nine continents."

The black-piece player said with interest, "Don't you want to see the view from the mountaintop?"

"What's so great about it? It's just another part of the mortal realm."

Li Hao casually replied, "Some people's journey is to the stars and the ocean, but I'd rather enjoy a life of poetry and wine in the countryside. To each their own."

The black-piece player paused, his hand hovering over the board.

He stared at the boy in front of him, and for a moment, it seemed like the sealed depths of his heart were stirring.

However, one of the young men behind him scoffed:

"You haven't even climbed to the mountaintop, so how can you say such grand words without knowing the view from the top?"

Li Hao frowned slightly and glanced at him without replying.

The black-piece player snapped back to attention, his expression turning solemn. "Hua'er, apologize to the young master!"


The young man, Hua'er, looked at the black-piece player in disbelief, shocked by what he had just heard.

Was his father actually asking him to... apologize to someone? Who was this person?

How many people could bear the weight of his apology? And how many would dare to accept it?

"Fa... Father, I..."


The black-piece player turned his head slightly to look at him.

His eyes were calm, like the wind after a snowfall, but they made Hua'er break out in a cold sweat.

Hua'er's expression changed, and he quickly bowed to Li Hao, saying, "Young master, I was out of line. Please forgive me."

"Never mind."

Li Hao waved his hand.

The black-piece player smiled slightly and continued to place his pieces, chatting casually.

He asked the boy about his pursuit of fame and glory and whether he admired those who stirred up storms in the world.

The boy asked if they were still alive.

The black-piece player thought about it and couldn't help but smile wryly.

The second game ended.

Li Hao won again, but this time, he held back and allowed for more back and forth.

Li Hao felt that the old man's skill was slightly better than Fifth Uncle's, but compared to his own, it fell short by a few points.

"It's getting late. Old man, until we meet again."

Li Hao stood up, picked up the odds and ends of snacks and trinkets that barely amounted to three or four taels of silver, and waved goodbye before turning to leave.

"I haven't given you a gift yet."

The black-piece player quickly said.

"No need."

The boy didn't turn back, only waving his hand as he walked away. "I said I don't lack anything."

The black-piece player was taken aback, then smiled and murmured,

"In this world, who truly lacks nothing..."

"Hmph, so this is the famous Li family of Qingzhou, renowned across three generations? Their cultivation is indeed formidable, so profound that I can't see through it, but they're a bit foolish."

Watching the boy's departing figure, Hua'er's eyes narrowed, his expression mocking.

That boy probably didn't realize how great an opportunity he had just given up.

How laughable!

Hearing Hua'er's words, the black-piece player glanced at him and sighed inwardly, shaking his head. "This child's talent likely surpasses your imagination. At only fourteen years old, his chess skill is already at the master level, and he's cultivated to the Fifteen-Li Realm. How terrifying."

At fourteen years old, to have cultivated to the Fifteen-Li Realm and achieved such proficiency in the art of chess—that talent was beyond their reach.

The two young men fell silent, unable to refute his words. Indeed, it was as he said.

A fourteen-year-old at the Fifteen-Li Realm—that kind of talent was something they could only look up to.

"You were holding back, Master. His skill was displayed on this small chessboard, but your pieces are placed on the entire world..."

The other young man, who seemed more cultured, smiled as he spoke.

Hearing this, the black-piece player smiled and waved his fan dismissively, though he knew it was flattery.

It made him feel better about losing two games in a row.

"Haha, well said!"

"However, if I meet that boy again, I must win back our losses on the chessboard!"

He didn't like losing.

With that, he strolled away, his sleeves fluttering as he laughed toward the city gates.

"Master, we've only just arrived, and the show hasn't even started yet. Won't you stay and watch?"

"I've seen enough. It's excellent, truly excellent!" 

 Chapter 102: Li Qianyuan Returns Home

Time passed quietly in the small courtyard.

Ever since Li Hao and Bian Ruxue returned from the temple fair, the two had not ventured out again, quietly awaiting the arrival of that fateful day.

Usually, Bian Ruxue practiced her swordplay in the courtyard, focusing on the intent behind the sword rather than the moves themselves.

Otherwise, the power of the sword techniques would be too fierce, and the last remnants of autumn in the courtyard would be slashed away.

As the sword dance ended, the girl turned her head to glance at the pavilion.

However, it was empty, and the boy who once occupied it was no longer there.

A hint of gloom and dejection crept into the girl's clear eyes, as pure as the first snowfall, but only for a moment before she composed herself and resumed her sword intent cultivation.

Meanwhile, Li Hao's figure could occasionally be seen in the Li family ancestral hall. He would seek out Fifth Grandpa for a game of chess or retreat to the Listening to Rain Tower, where he would casually flip through a book and spend the entire day reading.

The two-month period was drawing closer, with only ten days remaining.

On this day, Li Hao sat by a pond in the courtyard, taking out his painting board, which he hadn't touched for half a month, intending to capture the last deep autumn leaves in his art.

A figure rushed into the courtyard—it was Li Yuanzhao.

He hurried to Li Hao's side, panting, "Brother Hao, Qianqian is looking for you."


"Yes, Ren Qianqian, the one who went to Cangyu City with us before," Li Yuanzhao quickly explained.

Li Hao recalled, "What does she want with me?"

"She said her father agreed, and she wants to learn swordsmanship from you," Li Yuanzhao blurted out.

Li Hao remembered this matter and was slightly surprised.

"Brother Hao, will you agree? If you do, I'll go get her," Li Yuanzhao asked. He was just the messenger.

Li Hao thought for a moment, then nodded, "Alright."

Since she was so insistent, it would be impolite to refuse further.


Li Yuanzhao grinned, "She's waiting outside the mansion. I'll go get her right now."

Li Hao nodded in response.

After he finished grinding the ink and completing his painting, Li Yuanzhao returned with a slender and beautiful girl, Ren Qianqian.

The girl held a sword in her arms, her head not turning much as she gazed around with her eyes, taking in the magnificent Shenjiang Mansion that countless people admired and aspired to live in.

Even as the daughter of a Grand Master, well-traveled and knowledgeable, Ren Qianqian couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness as she entered the Li family estate.

The journey from the main gate of Shenjiang Mansion to Shanhe Courtyard was not short. Along the way, at regular intervals, there were guards with an innate killing aura, and patrols of servants were also a common sight.

It was more like a small palace than a mere mansion.

As they walked, Ren Qianqian had already spotted several figures with auras similar to her father's, and some even more profound and restrained.

However, they lacked the ethereal quality of having transcended the mortal realm. Instead, they exuded an aura of having waded through a sea of corpses and blood!

This secretly startled her. These individuals, who had crossed the heavenly threshold and could be considered Grand Masters, seemed to be mere guards within the Shenjiang Mansion.

"Brother Hao, Qianqian is here," Li Yuanzhao announced with a smile.

By the pond, Li Hao sat alone.

Ren Qianqian looked at the teenage boy who had become famous in recent days, and her eyes sparkled.

Ever since the battle in Cangyu City, she had expected his name to sweep across Qingzhou City, but she never imagined the extent of the fervor and excitement it would generate when it actually happened.

At this moment, she beheld Li Hao dressed in white, exuding an innate noble aura, holding a brush pen, having just paused from his painting.

Ren Qianqian was surprised and taken aback. She had assumed that a genius like Li Hao would be constantly pushing himself to the limit in his cultivation.

Yet, here he was, enjoying a moment of leisure.

"I've made up my mind."

Ren Qianqian gathered her thoughts and straightened her posture. "I want to learn the sword from you. I want to learn the strongest sword techniques of the Li family. I'm willing to serve you for the rest of my life!"

A slight twitch tugged at the corner of Li Hao's mouth. Yet another child willing to give up everything for the sword.

A soft sigh escaped his lips as he set down his brush on the inkstone beside him.

Then, he turned in his chair to face the girl directly and asked earnestly, "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I am!" Ren Qianqian's eyes were solemn and determined.

"Does your father agree?"

"He already promised."


Ren Qianqian nodded, hugging her sword tightly. "I want to surpass the Grand Master level. With my sword, I will achieve immortality!"

Li Hao smiled faintly and said, "What good is immortality? Even Grand Masters are not invincible, and immortality is not truly eternal."

"Once today passes, you will be a part of the Li family. From then on, you won't be able to leave, even if you abandon your martial arts. As long as you remember, you won't be allowed to depart."

"Unless you die!"

As he said this, his eyes sharpened like blades, fixing on the girl. "Can you really do it?"

Ren Qianqian's heart trembled slightly, and she subconsciously wanted to back away under Li Hao's intense gaze, as the pressure was too overwhelming.

But as she lifted her heel, her body stopped. If she couldn't even bear the gaze of a boy her age, how could she talk about practicing the sword or achieving immortality with it?

She took a deep breath and hugged the sword tighter, gritting her teeth. "I can! I can do it!"

Li Hao looked at her intently for a moment before withdrawing his gaze and saying indifferently, "Very well. From today onwards, you are my sword attendant. You will hold my sword for me."

Ren Qianqian's heart trembled, and she immediately nodded. "Thank you!"

"No need to thank me. We're just helping each other," Li Hao said. "Later, I'll take you to meet Uncle Zhao. You'll sign the household contract with him and familiarize yourself with the environment and rules of the Shenjiang Mansion."


Ren Qianqian nodded and then asked, "When can I start learning the sword?"

Li Hao glanced at her and said, "I'll teach you one sword move. You can slowly ponder and understand it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."


Ren Qianqian's face lit up with joy, but then she noticed that Li Hao didn't have a sword by his side, so she quickly offered, "You can use my sword."

"No need."

Li Hao turned and picked up the brush pen that was resting on the inkstone beside him.

Then, he casually flicked out a sword qi.

The sword qi sliced through the pond, and the water automatically parted, the sword mark like a cascading waterfall.

It took quite a few breaths before the water slowly flowed back together, and the sword qi, after reaching the end of the pond, caused no disturbance to any plant or tree.

Both Li Yuanzhao and Ren Qianqian were stunned, frozen in place.

"Brother Hao..."

Li Yuanzhao snapped out of his daze and hastily spoke up, "Brother Hao, I want to learn too!"

"The sword manual in the Listening to Rain Tower, go read it yourself."

Li Hao shot him a sideways glance, "Come back when you can't understand it anymore."


Delighted, Li Yuanzhao bade farewell and scurried off.

However, Ren Qianqian remained transfixed, staring at the spot by the pond, lost in a daze.

Time flew by.

In the following days, Li Hao continued to spend his time reading in the Listening to Rain Tower, occasionally wandering into the courtyard deep in thought.

As for Ren Qianqian, Li Hao didn't rush to teach her the sword techniques of the Listening to Rain Tower. Instead, he let her practice her swordsmanship in the courtyard, offering pointers from time to time to perfect her sword techniques and bring them closer to the realm of perfection.

In the courtyard, Li Hao stood with his hands clasped behind his back, gazing at a barren, withered tree.

Bian Ruxue approached, her eyes flickering slightly as she noticed a girl practicing her sword on the other side of the tree.

Over the past few days, she had heard that the girl was Li Hao's sword attendant and the daughter of a Grand Master.

However, the status of being a Grand Master's daughter wasn't particularly noteworthy in the Shenjiang Mansion.

Bian Ruxue could tell that the girl's swordsmanship was quite exquisite, but it still fell short of her own.

Thus, she didn't pay it much mind, for there were countless sword practitioners in the world, and many of them possessed extraordinary sword techniques.

"Brother Hao, what are you looking at?" Bian Ruxue asked, seeing Li Hao staring at the barren tree.

The last vestiges of autumn had long since faded from the tree.

Li Hao's gaze sharpened as he softly replied, "I'm looking at the wind."

"The wind?"

Bian Ruxue looked around, sensing the wind but unsure how one could "see" it.

"It's a pity the wind is too gentle," Li Hao said with a smile. "Too weak to stir up the fallen leaves, let alone shake this tree."

Bian Ruxue was taken aback, her eyes falling on the barren tree.

Indeed, she could feel the gentle breeze on her face. If it were spring, with the tree in full bloom, one could observe the wind's movement through the swaying branches.

But now, it was deep autumn.

Suddenly, the sound of hoofbeats rang out, thudding across the ground.

Immediately after, a large group of horses galloped by outside the courtyard, their speed unabated.

Bian Ruxue was perplexed.

It wasn't unusual to ride horses within the mansion, but who would dare to ride in such a large group, and with such reckless abandon?

She sent her soul out of her body and looked up, spotting a group of figures dressed in monk robes riding past the path outside the Shanhe Courtyard, heading toward the distant Water Flourishing Courtyard.

The leader of this group was a middle-aged man clad in pure white, his face bearing the serene expression of a Buddhist.

In addition to her sword training at the Jian Lu, Bian Ruxue had also learned about the famous powers in the world from her senior brothers, which would be useful when she eventually ventured out into the world.

Understanding human relationships and recognizing people could be even more important than swordsmanship in the rivers and lakes.

And the people before her were from Wuliang Mountain.

The middle-aged man at the forefront was dressed as a Bodhisattva, a cultivator at the Four Establishments realm!

Second only to the Wuliang Buddha, who had enjoyed a thousand years of incense offerings!

Bian Ruxue's expression shifted slightly as she noticed a young man riding alongside the Bodhisattva.

He hurried past, but suddenly turned his head to glance at Bian Ruxue's soul, their gazes meeting.

In that instant, Bian Ruxue felt a chill run down her spine, sensing that this person could kill her in an instant if he wanted to.

This concern immediately turned into worry for Li Hao.


Li Hao smiled.

The gentle breeze blew past, rustling a fallen leaf and flipping it onto the back of his shoe.

As the countdown to the competition continued, the Shenjiang Mansion became livelier with each passing day after Li Qianfeng's return.

Every day, visitors called on the mansion, most of them heading toward the Water Flourishing Courtyard.

These visitors were mostly relatives of the Liu family, naturally there to support their nephew.

Three days before the competition, Li Tiangang, accompanied by Li Xuanli and the ladies of the various courtyards, went deep into the Shenjiang Mansion to the Forgetful Mountain and invited out the old lady who had been vegetarian and chanting sutras for twenty years.

This old lady was Li Tiangang's mother.

Chen Hefang.

And Li Hao's maternal grandmother.

At the same time, the old lady was also from one of the Five Great Shenjiang Mansions, the Chen family.

She had once married into the Li family and given birth to nine sons renowned throughout the world for the previous generation's True Dragon.

However, it seemed that the old lady had long since cut ties with the Chen family.

The thousand-year-old Shenjiang Mansions had deep-rooted grievances and complex relationships, and the entanglements within the mansion itself were even more intricate and difficult to explain in a few words.

With Chen Hefang's arrival, the people of the Shenjiang Mansion gathered in the Qinglian Courtyard, which had been cleaned up after being vacant for a long time.

In the grand hall, the second generation of the Li family, including Li Tiangang, gathered to pay their respects. Even the eighth uncle, Li Fenghua, who was guarding the border, returned for this True Dragon selection, unless there was a truly unavoidable reason for his absence.

Here, Li Hao met Li Qianfeng again.

For Li Qianfeng, this was his first time seeing Li Hao.

As for when he was a child and Li Hao was brought to the courtyard by his mother, he hadn't paid any attention, and even if he had seen him, he had long forgotten about it.

So this was the son of the seventh uncle?

He stood with his hands behind his back, tilting his head to appraise Li Hao, his eyes narrowed.

As for Li Wushuang, who stood behind Li Hao, and the rest of the Li family's third generation, he had seen them all, but none of them caught his eye.

The originally formidable Li Wushuang, under his scrutiny, turned out to be only at the Divine Travel realm and had not even reached the fifteenth level.

Even if they were to compare strength within the same realm, he was not afraid.

It was only this young man, whose fame had spread throughout Qingzhou and was gradually reaching other states, that made him feel a sense of unfathomable depth.

He couldn't see through Li Hao's cultivation level at all. 

 Chapter 103: The Eternal Night's Famous Sword

"Are you Xiao Hao?"

Standing outside the hall, in addition to Li Ganfeng, were the children of He Jianlan, the third generation of the Li family.

Li Minguang and Li Sibei, both in their mid-thirties, stood with him.

In terms of age, they were much older than Li Hao and the others, almost twice their age and more.

Both had already joined the military and held the rank of general, with extremely high cultivation levels. Li Minguang had just entered the first stage of the Three Immortals, and his sister, Li Sibei, had been in the Heavenly Man Realm for many years.

In terms of cultivation, the two of them were the most outstanding among the third generation of the Li family, far surpassing their peers.

The same was true for their achievements.

After all, their age gave them an advantage.

However, He Jianlan had stated publicly many years ago that her children would not compete for the True Dragon seat.

This statement, being public knowledge, naturally carried a lot of weight.

However, even if they were to compete, Li Minguang was already eighteen years old when he entered the Fifteen-Mile Realm.

At twenty-five, he entered the Heavenly Man Realm.

Now, ten years later, he has reached the Three Immortals, an extraordinary achievement!

However, compared to Li Ganfeng and Li Hao, who are of the same age, he falls short.

At this moment, Li Minguang smiled as he sized up Li Hao.

Even before returning to Qingzhou, he had already heard of this talented cousin, and he was quite curious to meet him in person.

Such a brilliant and exceptional talent had already surpassed their Ninth Uncle back in the day.

He and his sister, Li Sibei, were born earlier and grew up with their Ninth Uncle. In fact, in terms of age, he was even older than his Ninth Uncle!


When it came to seniority, he still had to respectfully address his younger cousin as 'Uncle', following the strict rules of the Li family.

But he did so willingly, as the Ninth Uncle he played and cultivated with as a child had later embarked on a remarkable journey, astonishing everyone in the courtyard year after year like a dazzling meteor.

Unfortunately, heaven was jealous of such talent.

Fourteen years ago, when the Ninth Uncle passed away, he had drunk a cup of sorrow in the distant border army.

Drinking alcohol in the military was a serious offense, but he had done it anyway.

After finishing the drink, he had willingly accepted his punishment—a hundred military lashes that tore his skin and flesh to shreds.

Yet, he hadn't frowned or shown any sign of pain; instead, he had smiled.

It was only later, in the privacy of his own tent, that he had wept bitterly.

"Cousin," Li Hao nodded in greeting.

"You've hidden your cultivation so well that even I can't see through it. You must have cultivated a technique to conceal your aura," Li Minguang said with a smile.

Li Hao smiled faintly.

Li Minguang then turned his attention to Li Ganfeng, standing beside Li Hao. Compared to Li Hao, who exuded a refreshing breeze, Li Ganfeng was like a sword unsheathed by half an inch. Although he was restrained, he had already revealed a sharp and cold aura, and his aura was deep and vast, far surpassing that of a typical Fifteen-Mile Realm cultivator.

Seeing the accomplishments of his two cousins, a look of satisfaction appeared in Li Minguang's eyes. "This time, we're back to watch you compete for the True Dragon seat. Your eldest sister and I won't be participating. In terms of talent, we can't compare to you, so the future of the family will depend on you."

Li Ganfeng nodded slightly. "Rest assured, cousin."

Li Hao observed his cousin for a moment and thought that his character resembled their Second Aunt somewhat.

Setting aside his talent, the innate air of a capable leader that he carried made Li Hao feel that he would also be a suitable candidate for the position of family head.

"However, while you compete, don't let it create resentment and grudges between you," cautioned Li Sibei, standing beside them.

Unlike her brother, who had also changed into fine clothes, she still wore her military attire, giving her a tall and straight posture. Her eyebrows had a hint of heroism, setting her apart from ordinary women.

"Yes, cousin," Li Hao acknowledged with a smile.

Li Ganfeng nodded, his expression calm.

Seeing their responses, Li Sibei smiled slightly and nodded to Li Wushuang and the others behind Li Hao and Li Ganfeng. It wasn't appropriate to chat further outside the hall, so she didn't linger and just greeted them briefly.

Not long after, the elders inside the hall finished paying their respects to Grandma, and Li Hao, along with the other third-generation members of the Li family, were summoned inside.

Led by Li Minguang, the group entered the hall and saw Grandma Chen Hefang sitting at the head, with the other elders and the ladies of each courtyard seated on either side. The concubines stood respectfully behind the ladies.

Li Minguang, with his tall and sturdy build, knelt down in the center of the hall to pay his respects.

The rest followed suit and knelt as well.

"All of you may rise," Chen Hefang said with a smile.

As everyone stood up, Li Hao raised his head to observe his grandmother. Her hair was snow-white and neatly combed, giving her a very elderly appearance. Her skin had wrinkles, but no age spots, and her complexion was ruddy, making her look like a very clean old lady.

Despite her age, one could still see that she had been an extremely beautiful woman in her youth, and although old age had taken its toll, her bone structure remained exquisite.

As Li Hao examined her, Chen Hefang was also assessing her grandchildren.

She was most familiar with Li Minguang, having held him as a child and watched him play in the Qinglian Court with Jun Ye.

However, after the deaths of her eldest and third sons, followed by the losses of her sixth and ninth grandchildren, she had turned completely gray-haired overnight. She had then handed over the management of the mansion to her eldest daughter-in-law, He Jianlan, and retreated to Forgetful Mountain to pray for the early return of her ninth grandchild's soul.

Thinking of her sixth and ninth grandchildren, Chen Hefang's eyes filled with sorrow.

Countless nights, she had dreamed of them running towards her, full of life and vigor, calling out to her as they had in their childhood, "Mother, Mother..."

Those two children had suffered greatly. One had left behind only a single son, while the other had not even married yet.

From a young age, they had dedicated themselves to cultivation and never gotten to experience the joys of the mortal world before their bones were buried at the border.

"Minguang, come closer and let Grandma take a good look at you," Chen Hefang said, her emotions hidden as she smiled.

Li Minguang's eyes filled with heartache as he looked at his grandmother's white hair, and he walked forward, bending his once-straight back.

As she spoke, tears welled up in the eyes of several of the ladies present.

Seated at the end, Jiang Xian'er's eyes glistened with moisture, and she turned her head slightly.

These young men were still here, but how many of those young men from years ago had returned?

Those vigorous and ambitious youths were now the fathers of these children and the husbands of these ladies.

Li Minguang's heart trembled, and he nodded firmly, "Grandson will keep your words in mind."

Chen Hefang's eyes softened as she called Li Sibei over. She examined this girl who had once been so young and was now so heroic and valiant. They say daughters take after their fathers, and indeed, Li Sibei's features bore a resemblance to her father, Li Xingbei.

The more Chen Hefang looked, the more she liked what she saw, and she couldn't help but sigh.

Then, her gaze shifted to the other grandchildren, their young faces already showing signs of emerging talent and a youthful vigor.

Even though it was their first meeting, she could see glimpses of familiar figures in them.

"Which one is Hao'er?"

Chen Hefang asked softly.

Li Hao was slightly taken aback and took half a step forward, "I am, I have met Grandmother."

Chen Hefang sized him up and down before beckoning him closer with a gentle wave of her hand and a smile, "Come closer so I can have a good look at you."

Under the gaze of everyone present, Li Hao obediently stepped forward and stood before Chen Hefang.

She examined him carefully and then sighed softly, "You look so much like your mother!"

Li Hao's eyes flickered, but he remained silent.

"It's our first meeting, and I don't have much to give you. I heard you like the sword, so I have one for you."

As Chen Hefang spoke, she summoned a servant who brought forth a sword case.

Upon seeing the sword case, Li Tiangang stood up, "Mother, this, this was Ninth Brother's..."

Jiang Xian'er's eyes also fixed on the sword case.

"Yes, it was your ninth brother's companion sword, Eternal Night!"

Chen Hefang's palm gently caressed the sword case as she looked at Li Hao with loving eyes, "This sword is one of the Ten Famous Swords in the world. I heard you also practice the sword, so I'm giving it to you. Don't let this famous sword gather dust."

Li Hao's heart trembled. One of the Ten Famous Swords in the world could slay powerful demons, and its sharpness was unparalleled.

Moreover, this sword possessed extremely special powers, but one would need to reach the corresponding realm to unleash its full potential.

Currently, in his hands, it could only be used to sever souls and exorcise evil, in addition to its sharpness.

But that was enough.

"Thank you, Grandmother," Li Hao said softly as he received the sword.

Although his tone was light, Chen Hefang could hear the weight of his gratitude. She smiled in response.

The others remained silent. This sword had been sealed away for many years, and now it was given to Li Hao, showing how much his mother favored this grandson whom she had just met.

However, it was mostly because Chen Hefang saw a reflection of Li Junye in Li Hao.

Both were dazzling and brilliant.

In the crowd, Li Ganfeng's expression turned slightly gloomy, but he said nothing.

Liu Yuetron smiled, but her smile seemed forced. However, at that moment, everyone's attention was on Li Hao and the black sword case, so no one noticed her.

After entrusting the sword to Li Hao, Chen Hefang called Li Ganfeng to her side.

She spoke gently, "I heard you've been cultivating in Wuliang Mountain. I have three rare Buddhist scriptures here that I'd like to give to you."

Li Ganfeng's expression turned slightly unnatural.

She gave a famous sword to Li Hao, and he received Buddhist scriptures? However, he didn't dare show his thoughts and simply bowed his head, "Thank you, Grandmother."

Chen Hefang smiled, "Within these scriptures is a top-notch Buddhist technique called the Great Compassion Hand. If you can master it, not only will it enhance your own power, but it will also aid in your future cultivation of the sword path."

Li Ganfeng was taken aback and couldn't help but show his delight, "Thank you, Grandmother!"

Chen Hefang waved her hand, indicating for him and Li Hao to step aside. She then summoned her other grandchildren and presented them with gifts as well. Although there were differences in the value of the gifts, they were not significant.

After the meeting, the crowd dispersed from the Qinglian Court.

However, Chen Hefang detained He Jianlan and a few other ladies, seemingly to inquire about the affairs of the mansion in recent years. At the same time, she also asked Liu Yuetron to notify the Bodhisattva at the Four-Establishment Realm, who had come down from Wuliang Mountain and resided in the mansion, to come and meet her.



Time passed in the blink of an eye.

After the elderly matriarch emerged from seclusion, Qingzhou City became even more bustling.

Soon, the day arrived to decide the True Dragon successor.

Outside the God General Mansion, the streets were packed with people. Numerous carriages arrived, carrying dignitaries and nobles. Many civil and military officials had come from all over the Ten States to offer their congratulations.

Such a grand occasion had occurred once before, about a decade ago, and now it was just as lively.

The threshold of the God General Mansion was nearly trampled by the influx of visitors.

Members of the Liu family, who were related to the Li family by marriage, arrived one after another.

In the outer states, the Liu family was also a prominent clan. In recent years, with Liu Yuetron's marriage into the God General Mansion, the Liu family had risen even further, and their influence in the imperial court had increased as well.

The Liu family had a tradition of producing many scholars and officials, with several zhuangyuan (top scorers in the imperial examinations)

in their lineage, and they held important positions in the current court.

In addition to the Liu family members and their entourage of civil and military officials, there were also counts and marquises who came to pay their respects and show their support for Li Ganfeng, showcasing his extensive connections.

Furthermore, individuals from the other four God General Mansions also arrived, but they merely paid a casual visit without taking sides, seemingly only interested in witnessing the strength of the Li family's True Dragon candidate.

Outside the mansion, the crowd was in an uproar.

Inside, however, Li Hao had set up a comfortable armchair and was basking in the sun.

Before long, Bian Rushue returned to the courtyard, followed by a string of footsteps.

Li Hao raised his eyebrows slightly and flipped open the poetry collection that was hanging in front of his face to block the sunlight. He turned his head and saw a familiar face.

The figure with white hair and a body as sharp as a sword, walking just behind Bian Rushue, was none other than the Sword Saint, Jian Wudao. 

 Chapter 104: A Single Paper to Calm the Whole Hall

Li Hao frowned slightly. He remembered telling Xue'er that she didn't need to ask her master to come down from the mountains and stand by his side. It would be meaningless.

After eight long years, Jian Wudao once again stepped into this familiar courtyard.

As soon as he entered Shanhe Court, his eyes landed on the young man lounging in an armchair, basking in the sun with a carefree attitude.

Jian Wudao had expected such a talented youth to be constantly training, but instead, he found him in a state of utter relaxation.

However, with a major battle looming, it was perhaps understandable that he was taking this last opportunity to unwind.

Following closely behind Jian Wudao were four figures, three male and one female, all his disciples. The one with the highest cultivation among them had already reached the Three Immortals realm.

The four of them sized up Li Hao, their eyes reflecting surprise and curiosity.

"Brother Hao," Bing Ruoxue said as she ran over with a smile. "I invited Master and the others to come down from the mountains."

Although she had interrupted his peaceful slumber, Li Hao couldn't bring himself to scold her. He got up and tossed the poetry collection aside, watching as the Sword Saint approached. He heaved a soft sigh.

It was he who had taken away Little Tail, but it was also he who had let her go.

And it was Little Tail herself who had truly bid him farewell.

Who could he blame for any of this?

Li Hao blamed no one, for he had already retracted those extra steps he had taken.

So, after a gentle sigh, Li Hao put aside all his distracting thoughts and smiled as he cupped his hands in greeting, "Sword Saint, it's been a while. I trust you are well?"

"Hmm?" Jian Wudao was slightly surprised. "You still remember me?"

Li Hao smiled and said, "How could I forget the legendary Sword Saint?"

Jian Wudao raised an eyebrow. He had expected this peerlessly talented young man to be either brimming with vigor and arrogance or immersed in the bitterness of cultivation, resulting in a reclusive personality.

But instead, Li Hao was like a calm breeze, devoid of joy or sorrow, exuding an air of freedom reminiscent of the untamed wilderness.

"Your father, Lord Xingwu, has indeed fathered an exceptional son. The Li family's prestige will soar to new heights in this generation." Jian Wudao said calmly.

Li Hao smiled in response, bringing the pleasantries to a close.

Jian Wudao's gaze shifted to the black sword case held by a maid standing next to Li Hao.

As he had said many years ago, a true sword enthusiast would be able to pick out a sword from among ten thousand weapons at first sight.

When he entered Shanhe Court, his eyes had naturally been drawn to the black sword case before settling on the young man.

A glint appeared in his eyes as he asked, "Is that the Evernight Sword?"

"Has Sword Saint seen it before?" Li Hao asked.

"It briefly shone in the past, but it has since faded into obscurity," Jian Wudao replied, his gaze steady. "It slightly disgraces its name. Evernight should blanket the sky, making its name known to all under heaven!"

"Are you blaming my ninth uncle, the Sword Saint?" Li Hao said calmly.

Jian Wudao did indeed hold that thought, even though he felt he shouldn't voice it. But his deep respect for swords made him extremely displeased when he learned that this renowned sword had been sealed away and forgotten.

He had once gone to the Li mansion to request it, even offering other promises in exchange.

However, that old lady had turned him away.

Today, his mention of it was merely in passing. After so many years, bringing it up again served no purpose, especially not with a junior.

"My ninth uncle only wielded this sword for three years before it rose to fame as a renowned sword under heaven. How could it be a disgrace?" Li Hao said nonchalantly. "Moreover, if my ninth uncle were still alive, this sword would undoubtedly be known to all. Of course, if the Sword Saint is willing to leave your Sword Pavilion and join my ninth uncle in vanquishing demons and eradicating evil beyond the borders, perhaps this sword would already be the supreme sword under heaven."

Hearing the subtle ridicule in Li Hao's words, Jian Wudao's expression changed slightly.

The four disciples behind him were also taken aback, and the leading middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "Young Master Li, please apologize to my master!"

Li Hao merely glanced at him and laughed softly without saying a word.

This was Shanhe Court, not the Sword Pavilion.

Bing Ruoxue had not expected her master and Li Hao to clash so soon after their first meeting. Caught off guard, she felt tense and anxious.

Jian Wudao stared at Li Hao, his eyes turning slightly cold. "Li Jiulanger is indeed extraordinarily talented. Now that he has passed the sword on to you, do you think you can live up to its legacy?"

"This sword was forged by my Li family using rare metals gathered from all over the world. Whether or not I can live up to it is none of an outsider's business," Li Hao said with a smile.

"Brother Hao," Bing Ruoxue couldn't help but call out.

Li Hao glanced at her and saw the dilemma written on her face as she stood between them. His smile faded slightly.

Many years ago, in this very courtyard, the little girl had stood by his side without hesitation, always speaking up for him.

When she heard that she was to be taken away, the little girl had cried and said that she no longer loved the sword and would never practice swordplay again...

Those days were long gone and would never return.

Just like the fallen leaves in the courtyard, once they withered and fell, they could never go back to the branches.

Even if spring came and new buds sprouted, they would only be new leaves...

At that moment, several figures hurried over from the inner court—Li Tiangang, followed by Yu Xuan and Li Fu.

"Sword Saint!" Li Tiangang exclaimed from a distance before approaching and bowing slightly. "I didn't expect you to come and support my son. I am grateful."

Jian Wudao was a powerhouse from his father's generation, and when he was a child, he had even come to their home to spar with his father.

Although his father's overall combat strength could defeat Jian Wudao, he was not specialized in swordplay and had lost several times in sword duels.

"There's no need to mention supporting him," Jian Wudao said nonchalantly. "I came here for the sake of Xue'er. I just wanted to join in the festivities and have a cup of wedding wine. I hope I'm welcome here."

"Of course, you are most welcome," Li Tiangang said, slightly surprised. He felt that there was a subtle hint of criticism in the Sword Saint's words and glanced at Li Hao, suddenly understanding. His son's carefree nature had probably led to some lapse in hospitality.

The disciples behind Jian Wudao also realized the futility of quarreling with Li Hao.

They had come to deliver a favor, but instead, a pointless argument had caused tension. That would be a foolish trade-off.

However, they couldn't help but feel a sense of displeasure and dislike towards this famous young man of Qingzhou.

After they left, Bian Ruoxue stood by Li Hao's side, her face hesitant as she asked, "Brother Hao, are you angry?"

Li Hao sat back down in the chair and smiled, "No, there's no reason to be angry."

"My master is very serious about the sword, and sometimes he may say things that sound unpleasant. Brother Hao, please don't take it to heart," Bian Ruoxue explained.

Li Hao smiled, "Don't worry, I'm not angry."

Bian Ruoxue looked at him for a moment, seeing that he truly didn't seem upset, and breathed a sigh of relief. "I noticed that Li Qianfeng invited the Bodhisattva from Wuliang Mountain to support him. That's why I asked Master to come."

"Thank you for your concern."

Li Hao understood her good intentions and smiled, "Go and keep your master company. He's new to this place, and I'll just stay here and enjoy the sun for a while longer."


Bian Ruoxue nodded and left as instructed.

After she left, Li Hao opened the poetry collection again and placed it over his face, continuing to bask in the sun.

Nearby, Ren Qianqian held the sword case and kept glancing towards the inner court.

A moment ago, her heart had been in her throat due to the overpowering aura of the Sword Saint. She had felt a sense of trembling all over her body.

This was the world-renowned Sword Saint, after all! Yet, the young man before her remained calm and fearless, showing no sign of intimidation. She had been worried that the Sword Saint might get angry and teach Li Hao a lesson.

However, Ren Qianqian's worries were unfounded. In the Godly General Mansion, regardless of whether Li Hao had made a mistake or not, Jian Wudao, even with his temper, would not have dared to take action, as doing so would not only affect Li Hao but also bring shame to the entire Godly General Mansion.

Meanwhile, in stark contrast to the sparse presence at Shanhe Court, Shuihua Court was bustling with activity and guests.

The inner court was packed, and even the outer court was overflowing with people.

Maids and servants scurried about, busy attending to the guests.



At the Tan Palace Academy, within the White Hall, many disciples wanted to go down the mountain to show their support for Li Hao and witness how he would choose his path as a true dragon of the Li family.

However, they were stopped by a notice from Song Yufeng.

Instructor Sun Hongdian, who was well-versed in social etiquette, explained the reason behind the notice to the disciples.

There were two reasons.

First, with Li Hao's talent, it was certain that he would obtain the true dragon position, and there was no need for others to intervene.

Second, the Tan Palace Academy saw no benefit in adding fuel to the fire and inviting unnecessary trouble.

A disciple immediately spoke up, "But Zhou Zheng went there!"

Sun Hongdian scolded, "His father is an old subordinate of Lord Xingwu. What about your father?"

The disciple fell silent, as it was clear that his father was not.

At the edge of the Cold Lake Cliff.

Two figures stood there, gazing into the distance towards the bustling city below, faintly sensing the concentration of powerful auras.

"That kid painted so many pictures for you, and you're not going to see him?" Song Yufeng asked with a smile, his hands clasped behind his back as he looked at Song Qiumo.

Song Qiumo glanced at him, "If I go, aren't you afraid that I'll drag the Tan Palace into this?"

"Of course not," Song Yufeng smiled. "The Li family is not unreasonable, and besides, that kid will definitely get the true dragon position. What's there to fear about supporting him?"

Song Qiumo snorted, "If you're not afraid, why did you come to see me?"

"That kid hasn't come up the mountain for quite some time, and I saw you standing here every day, so I thought you might be bored," Song Yufeng explained with a smile.

Song Qiumo rolled her eyes, "I'm waiting for him to bring me small pastries."

"I didn't say what you were waiting for," Song Yufeng smiled. "Besides, you can always go down the mountain and buy some yourself."

Song Qiumo retorted, "I promised your ancestor that I would stay here."

"Why confine yourself for a lifetime because of a promise?" Song Yufeng sighed. "Besides, you've been guarding this place for almost a thousand years. Our Song family is forever grateful."

Song Qiumo remained silent.

After a moment, she spoke up again, "Speaking of which, he's also your teacher at Tan Palace. Why aren't you going?"

Song Yufeng smiled and said, "I'd rather be the one who lends a helping hand in times of need than the one who adds flowers after victory."



At Shanhe Court, in addition to Jian Wudao and his disciples, more people started to arrive.

Most of them were people that Li Tiangang had visited during this period, and they all came to show their support for Li Hao.

The inner court was filled with guests, and Li Tiangang sat in the main hall, entertaining the guests with conversation and laughter. From time to time, the voices of middle-aged men laughing resounded through the court.

There were not many young people, and those who were there sneaked glances at the young master basking in the sun in the front yard, their eyes filled with curiosity but dared not approach.

The title of a fourteen-year-old at the Fifteen Continents Realm was too resounding, and it made people feel awe.

"Li Shi."

A figure appeared beside Li Hao, and he lifted the poetry collection to see a familiar face.

Zhou Zheng seemed slightly nervous when alone with Li Hao, especially when he thought of the hundred poems from the other day. He felt both admiration and reverence for this peer of his.

"How did you get here?" Li Hao asked, slightly surprised, his eyes scanning behind Zhou Zheng to ensure no other students were present, and only then did he relax.

Given the status and position of Tan Palace, there was no need for them to get involved. After all, Tan Palace students were everywhere, and it would be unwise to associate too closely with the Godly General Mansion.

Sometimes, it was best to maintain a distant yet friendly relationship, as it would be the most lasting and difficult to destroy.

The two casually chatted about poetry, and many people who saw Zhou Zheng talking to Li Hao were surprised, secretly remembering the young man's appearance to avoid offending him in the future.

When the time came for noon, Li Tiangang led a hall full of guests, and Yu Xuan went to bring Li Hao to his side. Father and son walked ahead, leading Jian Wudao and the others, as well as the entire hall of guests, to Chen Hefang's courtyard.

The place was already packed with people.

Liu Yuerong and the others had already arrived earlier, and guests who came to support Li Qianfeng were already seated.

According to their identity and status, they were seated from the inner court to the outer court.

As Li Tiangang and the others arrived, the noisy voices in the courtyard lessened slightly, and everyone turned their eyes towards them.

When they saw Jian Wudao beside Li Tiangang, many people's expressions changed, and low exclamations could be heard.

Many people were surprised that Li Tiangang had managed to invite this Sword Saint to support his son.

After all, he was a top expert at the Four Establishments realm, known for his detachment from fame and wealth, usually secluding himself in the Sword Lodge. Yet, he had been persuaded to descend from the mountains.

However, some understood when they learned that Li Hao's fiancee was a disciple of the Sword Saint.

After entering the inner court, under the arrangement of the housekeeper next to the old lady, the guests were seated according to their official position, status in the martial arts world, and cultivation level. This was an extremely meticulous and massive undertaking, and one had to be careful to avoid any mistakes.

After all, those present placed great importance on "reputation."

Jian Wudao and his disciples naturally entered the inner court.

As they arrived, the voices of the guests on Liu Yuerong's side quieted down, and wary gazes were cast their way.

A hint of a smile and pride appeared in the eyes of Jian Wudao's four disciples as they glanced at the young master of the Li family.

Thinking of his previous rude remarks, they smiled coldly inwardly.

Look at this! This is the status that my master brings!

"Sword Saint, it's been a while."

Several figures approached, and in the lead was the Bodhisattva from Wuliang Mountain.

This Bodhisattva had a fair complexion and was of middle age. He wore clean monk's robes, and his hair was as black as ink, a smile on his face.

Jian Wudao's eyes narrowed slightly. The Bodhisattva from Wuliang Mountain was a very difficult person to deal with.

"I didn't expect to meet you here, Jian Wudao."

Next to the Bodhisattva was another middle-aged man, exuding an air of elegance. He looked at Jian Wudao with a haughty gaze.

Jian Wudao replied calmly, "The contest between the sword and the knife has yet to yield a result. Perhaps we can try again some other time."

The other person was a Northern Knife Saint who had sparred with him several years ago, but no conclusion had been reached.

"Nice to meet you for the first time, Sword Saint. I've heard of your great reputation," said another elderly man with a smile.

He was short, with a green robe and a long beard that hung down to his abdomen.

Jian Wudao's expression remained calm. "Aren't you from the Demon Suppression Bureau? Why aren't you out there suppressing demons?"

"I'm just here to drink a cup of wine. I won't stay long," the elderly man replied with a smile.

The guests at the other tables held their breaths.

It was rare to see top figures like these Four Establishments realm experts in one place, and there were already four of them here.

The disciples behind Jian Wudao also had changed expressions. They had thought that with their master's presence, they would at least hold their ground, but they hadn't expected the other side to invite three experts.

After a brief exchange, the four returned to their seats.

Jian Wudao's expression turned cold as he glanced at Li Tiangang and said, "If you had only invited me, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to hold my ground here."

Li Tiangang smiled bitterly. He had expected this and said, "There's another senior on the way."

"Who is it?"

"The master of Tianjian Mountain."

Jian Wudao's eyes narrowed slightly. "It's been a long time since I've seen that fellow. I wonder how he's been."

Li Tiangang sighed inwardly. Unfortunately, even if that person arrived, they would still be slightly inferior. However, at least the gap wouldn't be as large.

He looked at his son, Li Hao, who was nonchalantly basking in the sun, and sighed inwardly. The Sword Saint had been invited by Xue'er, and the master of Tianjian Mountain had been invited by him, but his son, despite his high cultivation, had no connections of his own.

Just as Li Tiangang was sighing, a voice suddenly rang out in the inner court:

"Announcement—The Arhat of Wuliang Mountain has arrived to pay his respects!"

Soon, a middle-aged man in monk's robes walked into the inner court with a smile on his face. When he saw the Bodhisattva sitting at the seat of honor, he nodded and recited a Buddhist phrase.

He then scanned the area and, upon seeing only a few tables of guests on Li Tiangang's side, looked slightly surprised. He stood in the center and said, "I have been ordered by the Buddha to deliver a string of Buddha beads to the Vajra of the Cosmos."

Li Qianfeng was slightly surprised. He stepped forward and said, "I am Li Qianfeng. Greetings, Arhat."

"The Buddha of Wuliang Mountain asked me to give you this string of Buddha beads," the Arhat said with a smile.

He and Li Qianfeng knew each other, and he deliberately spoke loudly to boost Li Qianfeng's prestige.

As expected, when the guests in the courtyard heard the Arhat's words, they were stunned and looked at him in shock.

Even the Buddha, who presided over Wuliang Mountain, was standing up for Li Qianfeng?

Jian Wudao and Li Tiangang's expressions changed slightly, and their faces turned gloomy.

With the Buddha's support, even the master of Tianjian Mountain coming would be of no use.

"I didn't expect this. Xue'er didn't need to go through so much trouble," Jian Wudao said with a shake of his head. His expression had returned to calm, and he felt that there was no need for him to have descended from the mountains.

Li Tiangang sighed and said, "Thank you, Master."

Li Qianfeng thanked the Arhat in front of the guests, his expression respectful as he accepted the Buddha beads.

The Arhat smiled and was about to say something when a voice suddenly rang out from behind:


"The Emperor Yu's hand-delivered decree has arrived! Li Hao of the Li family is to receive the decree!"

In an instant, the entire courtyard fell silent, and everyone held their breaths. 

 Chapter 105: The Chess Skills of the Yu Emperor Can't Be That Bad, Right?

A Imperial Edict from the Yu Emperor?!

In the midst of the courtyard's silence, everyone's gaze turned towards a single spot.

There, a noble young man sat upright, with a young girl holding a large black sword case standing by his side.


Li Hao was taken aback upon hearing this announcement. The Yu Emperor?

At the same time, Li Tiangang, Jian Wudao, and their disciples, who were seated at the same table, looked at Li Hao with surprise and confusion in their eyes.

Regardless of the reason, Li Hao quickly got up and, amidst the sound of footsteps, saw a group of figures approaching from outside the courtyard.

Flanked by the mansion's guards, several "top students" carried the imperial edict in their hands.

"Who is Li Hao?" asked an old man dressed in a purple robe.

His eyes scanned the courtyard full of guests, but he did not seem surprised.

However, when he saw the Sword Saint, the Bodhisattva, and the other Four Establishments realm cultivators, his eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, the once quiet courtyard buzzed with hushed discussions. Many were surprised to see this old man, who was a favorite of the Yu Emperor, had served the previous emperor, and was himself a Four Establishments realm cultivator—an extremely powerful figure even in that noble dragon court!

Who would have thought that he would come in person to bestow an imperial edict?

In the past, the imperial edicts of rewards for the Five Great Divine Generals' mansions were mostly presented by this Chancellor Chu, but they were mostly for Li Hao's grandfather's generation.

On rare occasions, for Li Tiangang's father's generation, who had established great achievements, Chancellor Chu would also come to present the edict.

Who would have thought that now, Li Hao, as a member of the third generation, would also warrant a personal visit from the chancellor?

"Greetings, Chancellor," Li Hao said as he quickly stepped forward and bowed slightly.

Chancellor Chu September sized up the young man before him and smiled, "Indeed, a dragon among men, a talented individual. There's no need for excessive courtesy, Count's young master. Please accept the edict."

Upon hearing him mention "Count," many people suddenly realized that this young man, aside from his astonishing cultivation talent, was also a Count!

His talent and aura were so dazzling that people tended to overlook his noble title.

Just this title alone put him above half of the people present.

Understanding the implication in his words, Li Hao immediately responded with a slight bow, befitting his status as a Count.

If not for this title, even as the son of Xing Wu Hou, he would have had to kneel to receive the edict.

"...Grateful for the Li family's millennia of meritorious service, and Xing Wu Hou's excellent education... In the past, the ninth son of the Li family, Zhen Guo Hou, led the iron cavalry to guard the border and sacrificed for the country..."

"Today, we are fortunate to have this son. His talent is unparalleled through the ages, his nature is sincere and true, unlike the common crowd, intelligent and erudite, benevolent and righteous..."

"It is the fortune of the millions of people of the Great Yu to have such a person in the Li family!"

The edict was rather long, and as Chancellor Chu September recited it slowly, word by word, the courtyard remained silent.

First, it praised Li Hao's father, and then it mentioned that true dragon of the Li family who had established remarkable military exploits over a decade ago. However, the main focus of the praise was Li Hao himself.

His talent was simply described as "unparalleled through the ages."

Even without saying so, everyone present knew how terrifying this young man's talent was.

After all, many major forces kept records, and Li Hao's cultivation speed, excluding certain special circumstances, had already broken records!

The focus of this edict, however, was not on Li Hao's talent but on his nature.

A total of six adjectives were used to describe it.

It was evident how much praise and appreciation the Great Yu Emperor, the ruler who held the world in his hands, had for Li Hao.

In the past few hundred years, only a handful of people had received such accolades!

"Li Hao, accept the edict!" Chancellor Chu September said with a smile.

Li Hao quickly responded with a respectful acknowledgment, feeling both honored and surprised. When had this emperor seen him to give such high praise?

This was more than just coming to support him. With this edict, he wouldn't even need to undergo a test of his nature during the True Dragon's selection process.

After all, the emperor had used six whole words of praise in his edict, so how could the Li family say that this child's nature wasn't up to par?

Whose face would they be slapping then?

Li Hao accepted the edict with both hands and once again expressed his gratitude to the chancellor.

Chancellor Chu September smiled slightly and said, "Since I'm here, I might as well have a cup of wine and water from the Li mansion and share in the Count's young master's joy. May I?"

"You are most welcome," Li Hao replied with a smile, understanding that the chancellor intended to stay and show his support.

As the two conversed, the people in the courtyard snapped back to attention, their faces changing colors, their eyes filled with complex emotions.

Those sitting on the other side, who had come to support Li Qianfeng, wore unpleasant expressions. Aside from the Liu family relatives, most of those who wanted to curry favor with Li Qianfeng felt like they were sitting on pins and needles.

When did this chair start pricking people?

On the other hand, Li Tiangang quickly got up and smiled as he welcomed the chancellor, "Chancellor Chu, you've traveled a long way. Please have a seat."

He invited the chancellor to the seat of honor.

Chancellor Chu September smiled and followed Li Hao back to the table.

The people sitting around the table, including the Sword Saint's disciples, all stood up upon seeing this red-robed favorite of the emperor, a strong cultivator of the Four Establishments realm.

The Sword Saint remained seated, but a smile appeared on his face as he said, "Chancellor Chu, it's been a while."

"Sword Saint, your eye for talent is indeed impressive," Chancellor Chu September remarked with a smile.

Obviously, he was referring to the Sword Saint's presence to support Li Hao.

Hearing this, a hint of embarrassment appeared on Jian Wudao's face.

He had come to support Li Hao not because of the young man himself but because his disciple had begged him to, and he was rather fond of his little disciple, Bian Ruxue. Moreover, the reply they had received from Li Hao indicated that he had chosen the path of the sword.

This made him even happier, and so he had readily agreed to come down the mountain.

After Chancellor Chu September took his seat, the others bowed to greet him. Despite being a "top student," no one dared to show him any disrespect. Even the princes in that palace would address him as Uncle Chu.

Li Tiangang looked at the imperial edict and couldn't help but ask Chancellor Chu, "Chancellor, may I ask when His Majesty the Yu Emperor saw my son? Did he come to Qingzhou?"

This question piqued the curiosity of the others, and they, too, turned their gazes towards the eunuch and Li Hao.

Li Hao himself was filled with curiosity. When had he ever met the Yu Emperor? Could that old man he played chess with by the river be the same person who sat upon the dragon throne?

But he didn't look like him. Surely the Yu Emperor's chess skills... couldn't be that bad, could they?

Besides, he had heard that the Yu Emperor was in the prime of his life, with a majestic presence and eyes that seemed to gaze upon the nine heavens. Yet, the man he met was an elderly gentleman.

Chancellor Chu September noticed the curious stares and smiled inwardly. He had heard that the Yu Emperor had left the dragon court some days ago, but he had no idea where he had gone.

After all, the Yu Emperor occasionally liked to wander, sometimes with him, and sometimes alone. Naturally, he wouldn't pry into the emperor's whereabouts.

But now that the emperor had sent him on this errand, it seemed likely that he had indeed visited Qingzhou.

However, he wouldn't dare mention such a thing. To reveal the emperor's recreational activities would only bring trouble upon himself.

"I'm not exactly sure of the specifics," Chancellor Chu September said with a smile. "Perhaps it was out of gratitude for the Li family's generations of meritorious service, or perhaps he heard of the Count's young master's talent and sent someone to keep an eye on him. In any case, congratulations to Lord Xing Wu Hou for having such an exceptional son!"

Hearing this, everyone thought it was possible.

After all, the edict had commended the Li family, and it seemed that the emperor had high hopes for Li Hao, comparing him to Li Junye and implicitly wishing for him to inherit his talent and shake the Great Yu Dynasty.

Moreover, Li Hao's reputation in Qingzhou City was well-known, and it wouldn't be strange for word of him to reach the emperor's ears. It was plausible that the emperor had sent someone to make contact.

"It's my son's honor to receive His Majesty's recognition. I should be the one expressing gratitude to the emperor," Li Tiangang said hastily.

Li Hao's temperament had always been a source of worry for him, but he never expected that the emperor would take notice of him, and he felt both surprised and delighted.

Chancellor Chu September smiled but said nothing further.

Jian Wudao looked at Li Hao, his brow furrowed slightly, but he remained silent.

His four disciples, on the other hand, wore complex expressions. With the imperial edict in Li Hao's hands, even without their master's presence, it was enough to suppress Li Qianfeng's connections.

After all, when it came to connections, who could rival the Yu Emperor? Not even the Buddha of Boundless Compassion or the Immortal of Qian Dao Palace could compete.

What is an emperor?

The highest authority under heaven!

Bian Ruxue's eyes sparkled as she gazed at the young man seated across the table, his demeanor as calm as a gentle breeze. This scene reminded her of something from her childhood.

While everyone else was at a disadvantage, he alone stood out.

Not long after, the Bodhisattva of Mount Wuliang, the Sword Saint, and the other three Four Establishments realm cultivators from a different table came over to greet Chancellor Chu September. They exchanged a few polite words.

After all, he was the Yu Emperor's confidant, and they couldn't afford to offend or provoke him.

After the brief greeting, they returned to Li Qianfeng's side.

Liu Yuerong forced a smile, but it was strained, and her fingers beneath the table were clenched so tightly that they were turning white.

At that moment, only one thought occupied her mind: regret.

She regretted not killing Li Hao with the poison pill that neutralized his divine blood. Instead, she should have—

Poisoned him outright!

Even if it had been a riskier move, it would have been worth it!

Who could have predicted that the boy from back then would now be so full of vigor and brilliance? And this was all without his divine blood!

If he had awakened his divine blood, he would have been even more dazzling.

However, she didn't know that the physical enhancement provided by divine blood was negligible compared to the myriad body-refining techniques Li Hao had cultivated.

"I didn't expect the Yu Emperor to issue an edict. It seems our trip here was in vain," Jiang Haiping, the Sword Saint, said with a sigh as he drank a cup of wine.

One of the leaders of the Demon Subduing Division, Xiang Yugang, maintained a calm expression, but his heart sank.

He had come to support Li Qianfeng, and it seemed he had made the wrong move.

The others could be excused, like the Sword Saint and the Bodhisattva of Mount Wuliang, who were among the most powerful cultivators in the world.

But he was different; he held an official position, and at the top of that official hierarchy was the emperor himself.

He had unknowingly put himself at odds with the emperor.

"Mrs. Liu, I apologize," Xiang Yugang said after a moment's thought. He then rose to his feet and added, "I just remembered a matter at home, so I'll be taking my leave. Please, everyone, enjoy the meal."

With that, he bowed slightly and turned to leave.

Before departing, he noticed the gazes of Chu September, Li Tiangang, and the others, and he offered them a slight smile and a nod.

Liu Yuerong forced a smile, but the anger in her eyes was barely contained.

Seeming to sense her emotional turmoil, Lin Wuijing, the Bodhisattva of Mount Wuliang, smiled and said, "Mrs. Liu, you need not worry too much. At this point, it's up to Qianfeng's fate. I believe in him."

His expression remained gentle, as if he were untouched by worldly concerns, untainted by the dust of the mortal realm.

Liu Yuerong glanced at him, thinking that it was easy for him to be nonchalant since this matter didn't directly involve him.

However, remembering the secret information he had shared with her, she felt much more relieved.

While it was true that Li Hao's cultivation speed surpassed that of her son, the depth of their foundations at each realm was another matter.

(End of Chapter)