Chapter 181: Reinforcements, The Hao Tian Banner


As Li Hao munched on the steamed bun, he felt a sense of familiarity with the taste, as if he had eaten it somewhere before.

Looking up, he recognized the old man running the tea stall. It was the same man he had met on his way to Qi Zhou to slay the demon.

"Is that you?" Li Hao asked, surprised.

"Hmm?" The old man looked at him, puzzled.

Li Hao stared at him, sensing his aura, only to find that he was an ordinary mortal.

"Boss, weren't you the one selling tea at the border of Qi Zhou before?" Li Hao asked.

The old man looked at him in astonishment. "You know this old man?"

"I passed by your stall before, and you taught me how to make these steamed buns," Li Hao said.

Hearing this, the old man seemed to recall as well. "Oh, it's you! What are you doing here?"

"I was about to ask you the same question. Aren't you the one who's been selling tea in Qi Zhou for many years? Why are you here?" Li Hao asked.

"Well, I heard from some young heroes who came to drink tea that business is good over here, so they're all heading this way. I thought to myself, why not bring my old self over and give it a try?" the old man explained with a smile.

"Indeed, business is much better here. Look over there," he said, pointing to a group of youths dressed in fine clothes and riding horses toward them from outside the Long Guan Road. Seeing the tea stall, they dismounted.

"Old man, bring us some tea!" one of them called out.

"It's impolite to call people that way. You should address him as 'boss,'" another youth said.

"Hey, you're too uptight. We're people of the jianghu now. Calling him 'old man' makes us seem more carefree and cool," the first youth replied.

"My father always said that when you're out and about, don't mistake rudeness for coolness, or you'll get beaten up," another youth chimed in.

"Oh, look at you with your rhyming reply," the first youth said, amused.

The group of youths sat down casually, chatting and glancing over at Li Hao. Seeing that he was around their age, they assumed he was another adventurous youth who had come to Cang Yan City.

"Coming right up!"

The old man smiled and went over to serve them, handing them a pot of hot tea. "We also have some steamed buns and snacks if you'd like some."

"Sure, bring us a few servings, one for each of us," they replied.


The old man agreed with a smile.

He turned back to the stall and started preparing the order, chatting with Li Hao as he worked. "Young hero, are you here to join the excitement in Cang Yan City as well?"

"I live here," Li Hao replied, drinking his tea and eating the bun.

"The journey from Qi Zhou to here is quite far. Did you come alone? It can't be easy traveling such a long distance," Li Hao said.

Hearing this, the youths at the neighboring table looked over, intrigued. One of them, who seemed more outgoing, eagerly asked, "Brother, do you live here? Did you just buy a place or join the army?"

"Brother, have you seen that Hao Tian young general?" another youth asked.

"The journey is indeed long, and the road is rough, so take your time," the old man said with a smile. "As long as you reach your destination, the slow pace becomes part of the scenery."

Li Hao, who was interrupted by the youths, glanced at the tea stall owner again, finding the situation a bit odd. However, he reminded himself that coincidences happened all the time, and he might be overthinking it.

"Boss, I'm leaving now," Li Hao said, finishing his food and getting up.

He turned to the youths and smiled. "It's quite dangerous at the border. You'd be better off finding somewhere else to have fun."

"Then how come you're here..." one of the youths started to say, but Li Hao had already turned and walked away, disappearing outside the tea stall.

Li Hao soared into the sky.

The mark of a fifteen-li realm!

The youths were left speechless, their words dying in their throats.

This guy, who seemed to be around their age, was actually a fifteen-li realm cultivator!

However, they quickly exchanged glances and became excited.

They had heard that countless geniuses were flocking to Cang Yan City to challenge that legendary young man, and it seemed the rumors were true.

Here, one could encounter geniuses everywhere!

"Brothers, let's finish up and go!" the youths said, suddenly full of enthusiasm.

They quickly finished their food, eager to be on their way.

"What a bunch of impatient fellows..." the tea stall owner shook his head and smiled.



Li Hao quietly returned to Cang Yan City and made his way back to the bamboo fence courtyard.

The patrolling Grandmaster saw him and immediately saluted. Li Hao waved for them to continue their duties.

Ren Qian Qian was cultivating in the courtyard and opened her eyes when she sensed his arrival. Seeing that it was Li Hao, she put away her cultivation technique and ran over.

"Young Master, you're back," she said.

"Mhm, has there been any news recently?" Li Hao asked.

"Not on our side," Ren Qian Qian replied.

"But this morning, Senior Hong Zhuang received a military report. I don't know the details, though," she added.

Li Hao recalled the strict city guards he had encountered when entering the city, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He turned to Ren Qian Qian and said, "Help me find some clean clothes. I'm going to go ask about it."

"Okay," Ren Qian Qian nodded.

Li Hao released his spiritual soul and scanned the entire city, quickly locating Li Hong Zhuang.

He vanished from the small courtyard and appeared in the City General's Mansion where Li Hong Zhuang resided.

Li Hong Zhuang had been cultivating her sword technique when she suddenly sensed his presence and looked up. Seeing Li Hao appear like a gentle breeze, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hao'er, you're back. It would normally take at least six or seven days to travel from Tian Ji Tower to here, right?" she asked.

"Mhm, just got back," Li Hao replied, sitting down in a nearby chair and popping a snack into his mouth.

"I heard from Qian Qian that there was a military report. When I returned, I noticed the soldiers on high alert. Is something going on?" he asked, reaching for another snack.

"The demons lurking outside Liang Zhou have been pretending to retreat, but now they're gathering in the western region of Liang Zhou, preparing to attack," Li Hong Zhuang explained, her brows furrowed.

"This is according to Fifth Brother's intelligence. He sent scouts last night, and the military report arrived this morning," she continued.

"Those demons just won't give up, will they!" she said, her eyes flashing with killing intent and anger.

Li Hao understood. He had suspected as much about the situation at the border.

"What's the situation in the western region now?" he asked.

"We don't know yet," Li Hong Zhuang shook her head. "Fifth Brother only told us to be on guard as well. The demons might attack us at any time, so he wants our scouts to be vigilant and not let down their guard."

"That's why I had the city soldiers stay alert today. I also sent several teams of elite scouts to the border. The first team to leave has returned after scouting eight hundred li away, but they didn't see any traces of the demons," she added.

Li Hao had cleared out the demons within five thousand li of the border, but he didn't mention that to Li Hong Zhuang.

"Just because we cleared them out before doesn't mean they're not back now."

Therefore, Li Hao didn't say anything, waiting for her scouts to return with information.

"If those demons dare to come here, I'll sweep them away again."

"It'll be good to add some more ingredients. This way, I can save on my grocery expenses." Now that he had separated from the Li family, he was self-sufficient and earned his own money through the rewards he received and by selling demon materials.

Previously, when he had no money, it was Song Qiume who had paid for everything. Li Hao hadn't had the chance to repay her for that debt or the kindness she had shown him.

"If the other scouts don't detect any demon activity, it means these demons are probably concentrating their forces to attack the western region."

"In that case, we'll go and investigate the battle situation in the west," Li Hong Zhuang said.

"However, it's also possible that these demons are splitting up. The main army might not have reached us yet, so I'll continue to send people to investigate over the next few days."

She wouldn't be careless or lax. With the speed of the demon army, it wasn't unusual for them to travel a thousand li in a day. The powerful demons among them could act as vanguard, reaching a thousand li away in less than half a day and attacking cities in advance.

Li Hao nodded, agreeing that this was indeed a prudent approach.

"Keep me updated if there are any developments."

Li Hao prepared to leave immediately.

Li Hong Zhuang glanced at him and said, "You've only been in Yongzhou for five days, and you're back already. Didn't you thoroughly search the Tianji Tower? Or did the master of the Tianji Main Tower not allow you to look further?"

"No, he let me browse freely."

"Then why are you back so soon?" Li Hong Zhuang asked, puzzled.

Because I finished browsing... Li Hao laughed and waved his hand, saying, "It's been a long journey, and I haven't bathed in several days. I'll just go change my clothes first."

"..." Li Hong Zhuang was speechless. Did you rush back just to take a bath?

Before she could ask further questions, Li Hao had already walked out of the general's mansion and disappeared from her sight.

"This guy..."

Li Hong Zhuang shook her head, finding the situation amusing. She wondered how Li Hao, with his carefree personality, had managed to cultivate to such a high level. He was in stark contrast to the disciplined offspring of the Shenjian Fu, yet he excelled beyond any of them.

Back in the small courtyard, Li Hao took a quick bath and changed into new clothes. He sent a sound transmission to greet Feng Lao, who was secretly stationed there, and then suddenly remembered that he had returned in a hurry and hadn't taken the time to explore Yongzhou or bring back any delicious local specialties.

However, his main concern was the possible demon attack on Tian Meng Pass, as he suspected that his departure wouldn't have gone unnoticed by the Demon Tianji Temple.

"They didn't take the opportunity to attack Tian Meng Pass while I was away. It seems the main army has indeed shifted its focus to the western region."

"Perhaps they thought that even if they breached the pass in my absence, they would have to retreat once I returned, considering the number of battle flags here."

Li Hao knew that the demons outside the pass must have witnessed the power of his battle flags, and the Tianji Temple was certainly aware of it as well.

For them to still dare to approach Cang Yan City, which was adorned with numerous battle flags, was a bold move.

Shaking his head, Li Hao decided not to dwell on it further. Since the demons were attacking the western region, it indicated their genuine intention to invade Liang Zhou, and he had to defend Tian Meng Pass.

"The world is starting to descend into chaos..."

Li Hao felt that he needed to step up his efforts as well. He asked Ren Qianqian to invite the young chess saint, Xu Zhuan, to meet him.

Li Hao treated artistic masters like Xu Zhuan with utmost respect.

Ren Qianqian also embodied Li Hao's attitude and approached the young chess saint's residence with humility. She politely conveyed Li Hao's invitation to the chess master.

Xu Zhuan was already in his seventies, his hair a silvery white. Due to his mediocre talent in martial arts, he had not cultivated but relied on his reputation to acquire some financial resources, which he used to purchase pills to strengthen his body.

However, being a mortal with a weak constitution, he couldn't consume powerful elixirs, so the pills only extended his lifespan by a decade or so compared to ordinary mortals and gave him a slightly stronger physique.

His attendant was surprised and delighted to see Ren Qianqian and quickly ushered her in.

Upon learning that the young man had returned, Xu Zhuan smiled, recalling their previous encounter and the intense, evenly matched game they had played. He eagerly accepted the invitation.

Ren Qianqian presented ten taels of gold to Xu Zhuan on behalf of her young master.

Xu Zhuan hurriedly declined, but Ren Qianqian insisted that it was her young master's rule.

...He had already received over a dozen such bags before.

It was hard to refuse such hospitality, hard to refuse...

With a face full of smiles, Xu Zhuan followed Ren Qianqian into the carriage, heading toward the bamboo fence courtyard.

The surrounding aristocratic offspring recognized Ren Qianqian and exclaimed in surprise. Seeing her humble and respectful demeanor toward Xu Zhuan, they assumed that the old man was a revered elder in the Four Establishments realm.

However, after the carriage departed, they learned from the innkeeper that the old man was merely a mortal with the nickname "Little Chess Saint."

"Just a chess player?"

Everyone was astonished. How could a mere mortal receive such courteous treatment from the renowned Sword-Attendant Pride?


In the bamboo fence courtyard, Li Hao had prepared refreshments and tea, and the bamboo mats were laid out.

When he heard the carriage approaching, Li Hao knew that the elderly master had arrived.

As Xu Zhuan entered the courtyard, Li Hao immediately stood up to welcome him, saying, "Master, you must have had a tiring journey."

"Please don't go to such lengths, Young General. You'll wear out this old man," Xu Zhuan quickly said. Although he was known as the Little Chess Saint and had quite a reputation, the Great Yu Dynasty valued martial arts above all else.

The most revered individuals in this world were those who practiced martial arts.

Chess was considered a trivial and unconventional pursuit.

"Not at all, Master. Please." Li Hao ushered him to a seat and poured him a cup of tea.

Xu Zhuan had experienced Li Hao's hospitality before, but he still felt uncomfortable accepting it and remained cautious and polite. "Young General, you're too kind."

Accompanying a general was like accompanying a tiger. This was the reality for literary scholars who associated with generals.

"Please don't stand on ceremony, Master."

Li Hao laughed and waved his hand, signaling for his attendants to step back. He gestured for the Little Chess Saint to make himself comfortable.

Xu Zhuan picked up the teacup, took a sip, and then immediately put it down, reaching into his chess box to grab some chess pieces.

Ren Qianqian knew that Li Hao enjoyed playing chess and disliked being disturbed while doing so. If interrupted, he would fly into a rage, similar to how martial artists would react if disturbed during their cultivation.

She was already accustomed to this.

Retreating to the side, she began cultivating while keeping watch over Li Hao at the same time.

One move for you, one move for me, the two played chess in silence.

Xu Zhuan gradually relaxed and became immersed in the game, no longer as restrained as he was before, his entire being focused on placing his pieces.

The first game ended with a slight victory for Li Hao.

The Little Chess Saint's skills were exceptional, reaching the fifth dan level. Li Hao's occasional lapses in concentration could easily lead to a reversal.

As he noticed the experience prompt appearing on the board, Li Hao smiled faintly and invited his opponent to continue.

This peaceful moment persisted until a piercing shout abruptly intruded.


The blood-stirring roar startled Xu Zhuan, who was deep in thought, causing him to tremble and accidentally drop the piece he was holding onto the board.

It happened to knock over a group of white pieces, altering the game's dynamics.


A gigantic, pitch-black palm viciously slammed down. The brilliant golden light of the formation flickered uncontrollably, and countless divine patterns whirled rapidly, but ultimately, they couldn't withstand the impact, shattering with a loud bang!

The massive demon palm ruthlessly crushed the defensive foundation stones outside the formation.

With the destruction of the formation, a gap was torn in the Great Wall, and in an instant, countless demons surged forward like a tidal wave, pouring through the breach beneath the three-headed Demon King. They breached the wall and charged toward the city!

Numerous soldiers of the Xuan Word Camp spat out blood and fell to the ground, unable to hold their ground.


Li Wushuang watched as the figure flew backward, and Li Xuanli, severely injured, crashed into the battlements, shattering the stones. His battle armor was dented, and even his indestructible body couldn't withstand the impact, leaving him badly wounded.

Li Wushuang rushed forward to support him.

"Quick, retreat!"

Li Xuanli climbed to his feet, his face flushed with surging blood as he glared at the three-headed Demon King looming above. Anger burned in his eyes, but the sight of his daughter calmed his thoughts.

"Pull back the defense line and retreat quickly!"

"Hurry, send out a distress signal!"

He roared out his orders.

The deputy general who had rushed to his aid quickly passed on the instructions, and soon, smoke signals rose into the sky.

"Cover the governor's retreat!"

Upon witnessing the situation, the other generals swiftly gathered, their expressions solemn as they realized this was a life-or-death moment.

Without a Four Establishments cultivator to hold the line, the breach in the formation meant that the three Demon Kings could not be stopped!


A general at the Immortal Establishment realm bellowed, brandishing his long spear as he led his battalion into the fray.

The torrent of humanity clashed with the endless demon wave, like two mighty rivers colliding. Blood and severed limbs flew, and the battleground was clearly divided, resembling the black and white pieces on a chessboard.


Xu Zhuan's gaze shifted from the disrupted chessboard back to the officer who had rushed in with the report.

The officer had already entered the courtyard and, upon seeing Li Hao, immediately knelt on the green stone slabs in front of the chess table, presenting a document with both hands. "Young General, there's an urgent military report from the Governor of Liangzhou's Army Headquarters!"

Li Hao frowned slightly, his game disturbed, but knowing the importance of military reports, he set aside his displeasure and gestured for the officer to hand over the report.

Before he could even begin reading it, a figure rushed in, interrupting them. It was Li Hongzhuang, clad in crimson armor.

Having spent a long time on the frontier, she never took off her armor except when bathing or sleeping.

Even when sleeping, she wore soft armor, always ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

"I just heard that a horse messenger arrived in the city, covered in blood. Is there trouble in the western region of Liangzhou?" she asked anxiously as she spotted Li Hao.

Li Hao's expression changed slightly, and he quickly unfolded the military report, scanning its contents.

"The western region has fallen, and there's a Demon King leading the charge!"

Li Hao's brows furrowed as he absorbed the news. The western region had fallen so quickly? Just last night, Li Hongzhuang had mentioned that their scouts detected demon gatherings, and the intelligence reached them this morning. Now, in the afternoon, the demons had gone from gathering to attacking in just over ten hours.

And the western region had a defensive formation, too.

But with three Demon Kings... it was no surprise they had broken through.

Li Hao's frown deepened. The appearance of the three Demon Kings among the demon horde didn't surprise him, but the lack of a Four Establishments cultivator defending the western region certainly did.

Was the defensive strength of the western region so weak?

"A Demon King!"

Li Hongzhuang's pupils constricted as she heard Li Hao's words, and she asked urgently, "What about Fifth Brother? How is he?"

Her heart clenched as images of her third and sixth brothers' deaths flashed through her mind, along with the funerals she had attended, the mournful wails, and the white mourning clothes.

"He's fine for now," Li Hao replied.

Li Hongzhuang breathed a sigh of relief, her tense shoulders relaxing slightly. "Then, is he asking us for reinforcements? How do they plan to hold their ground with the formation broken?"

Li Hao shook his head as he glanced at the military report, a sigh escaping his lips as he folded it and set it aside.

"He's not requesting reinforcements. Instead, he's warning us to be cautious and vigilant against the Demon Kings. He also mentioned that they're pulling back to the second line of defense," Li Hao explained.

Li Hongzhuang paused, then understood the situation. Her expression became complicated as she turned to Li Hao and asked, "Then... should we go and help?"

Li Hao pondered for a moment. The presence of his dark side's clone to manage the formation meant they could hold their ground for a while.

As he weighed his options, another voice interrupted from outside the courtyard.


A Hao Tian Army soldier rushed in and reported to Li Hao, "Young General, we spotted warning signal fires outside the pass, and some of our scouts have come under attack!"

Both Li Hao and Li Hongzhuang's expressions changed at this news.

Trouble was brewing on their side as well, so soon after the western region fell?

"Do we know how many there are?" Li Hao asked.

"Not yet," came the reply.

Li Hao glanced at Li Hongzhuang, seeing the concern mirrored in her eyes. She was considering the same strategy as Li Xuanli—to pull back the defense line, concentrate their forces, and buy time until reinforcements arrived.

He fell silent for a moment before speaking. "By the time this report reaches us, they should have already fallen back to the second line of defense. Take my battle flag and go with Li He. Both of you are at the Immortal Establishment realm, so you can get there as fast as possible."

"With your marked battle flag, you'll be a formidable force to aid them. I'll stay here and hold the pass."

Li Hao intended to send them with his marked flag, a symbol of his power, to assist in the battle, while he himself would remain at Tianmen Pass.

Once he dealt with the demons on their side, if time permitted, he would join the fight.

His battle flag contained half of his killing power, making it an incredibly formidable weapon, comparable to a full-force strike by a Dao Heart Realm cultivator!

This would also greatly aid the Fifth Uncle in holding off the demons.