Chapter 249: Seen Off by the Entire Clan

"Le, Le Ping?!'

Ji Tianchao's voice trembled, his expression a mix of astonishment and excitement. Despite his countless battles and trials, this elderly man had always remained calm and composed. But now, he wondered if his old eyes were playing tricks on him.

The figure that had flown in at great speed hovered above the Yunzi Peaks, his body draped in a divine robe that radiated energy. His gaze was calm as he looked down at the people on the peaks.

When he saw Ji Yunyue, Li Hao paused for a moment, his face softening slightly. It seemed that she had not come to harm earlier and had been rescued by the Ji family in time.

Moreover, he did not sense the presence of that couple, but he did not concern himself with them anymore.

"This, this is Le Ping?"

Ji Yunqing, Ji Yunyue, and the others also reacted, including their children, all looking up at the young man's figure in astonishment.

When they saw his face, similar yet different from that child, and the aura of the Great Peace Dao Realm he exuded, they were all stunned, filled with bewilderment and confusion.

The previous Ji Le Ping had been extremely talented, but they had all seen clearly that he had only reached the Three Immortal Realm. Now, this young man's divine power was unleashed, unable to conceal his aura, which was unmistakably that of the Tai Ping Dao Realm!

In just over a month, even if that child had broken through to the Four Established Realm, it was impossible for him to have reached the Dao Realm in one go, wasn't it?

"Elder Tianchao, I wish to leave this place. I would trouble you to open the secret realm of the Holy Land for me."

Li Hao descended and landed, his demeanor calm and collected as he cupped his hands slightly.

At this moment, his posture was no longer that of a junior or a younger generation. Instead, he exuded an air of tranquility, regarding all beings in the world as equals.

"You, are you really Le Ping?!"

Hearing the young man's address, a look of disbelief mixed with excitement appeared on Ji Tianchao's astonished face.

Li Hao's expression remained unchanged as he heard his address, and he said, "That is no longer my name."

Everyone was stunned, and Ji Tianchao's face twitched slightly. "So, are you going to change your name back to Li Hao now?"

Hearing this, Li Hao immediately understood that they already knew about his past. He must have guessed that they had learned it from that couple, and he shook his head slightly and said, "I have my own name. If we meet again in the future, you can call me... Haotian."

He had already decided on this when he was reborn in the abyss.

Cutting off his past, he had also bid farewell to the tiny infant body he had originally crossed over with.

I borrowed your body as a toddler, and in return, I gave you parents.

From now on, he would live his own life.

As for the debt of gratitude he owed that couple, he had already repaid it in full. He owed them nothing, nor did he owe anything to the infant whose body he had occupied.

After all, if it weren't for him, that child would have died at the age of six from the assassination of the Shenjiang Mansion.

Now, it was truly over.

Hearing Li Hao's words, everyone was stunned. Haotian? What about his surname?

"Child, we already know what happened on Prisoner Island. We have executed all the criminals who were involved."

Ji Yunqing quickly added, "As for your parents... according to the clan rules, they have been expelled. We all thought you were dead, but now that you're back, just give us a nod, and we'll send someone to find them and bring them back."

Li Hao's expression remained unperturbed, and he said, "Elder Yunqing, I have no parents. Whatever punishment or reward the Ji family metes out to them is none of my concern. I came here only to ask you to open the secret realm of the Holy Land for me. Otherwise, if I force my way through, it might cause damage to you."

Hearing the young man's words, everyone looked at Li Hao in astonishment.

But then they thought of the news that had been brought back from the Great Yu Shencheng, recalling the indignant roars of the many elders in the hall more than a month ago, and their furious curses directed at that couple. They all fell silent.

If it hadn't been for Li Hao's status as a Dao seed, that couple probably wouldn't have been able to walk out of the hall.

Even if Qingqing had been barely saved by Old Thirteenth's desperate protection, her husband would undoubtedly have died.

After all, not only had they failed to produce a Dao seed, but they had also indirectly caused the death of the Ji family's Dao seed. This was an unforgivable sin.

"Child, although your parents were foolish, you still have us. You are still a member of the Ji family. We will do our utmost to nurture and support you." Ji Yunyue said anxiously.

"That's right," the others chimed in, their faces filled with worry as they looked at Li Hao.

Li Hao remained silent, his gaze falling on Ji Tianchao, who was staring at him with a mix of astonishment and suspicion.

Earlier, when he had emerged from the abyss, his clothes had been destroyed, and now he wore a battle robe constructed from his divine power. This caused the omnipresent attribute to be unable to completely conceal his true self.

Seeing that the old man had already sensed it, Li Hao did not hide it anymore and instead turned off the omnipresent attribute at this moment, allowing his physical aura to be fully revealed.

"Everyone, take a closer look. Do you still sense any traces of the Ji family in me?" Li Hao asked.

Everyone was taken aback, and they quickly sensed his aura, only to have their faces change drastically as they looked at Li Hao in shock.

"How... How is this possible?" Ji Yunqing exclaimed, unable to hide his bewilderment. "Are you really Le Ping? Your appearance, your cultivation... and now, I can't even sense your bloodline aura?"

Li Hao's appearance had changed, and with his cultivation base reaching the same Tai Ping Dao Realm as theirs, the situation was becoming more and more incredible. They hadn't paid much attention to it before, but now, they couldn't even sense his bloodline aura?

The boy's words struck everyone like the tolling of a bell, heavy and resounding.

In the distance, several figures rushed over, sensing the unfamiliar aura emanating from Li Hao. It was Ji Daoxin, Ji Qingyuan, and the others.

The sudden appearance of a stranger with the aura of a Taiping Dao Realm cultivator on the peak of the holy mountain took them by surprise. Seeing the boy surrounded by Ji Tianchao and the others, they were stunned, and they also heard Li Hao's declaration.

After a brief moment of bewilderment, they hurried over and landed outside the group. Ji Daoxin examined Li Hao with a shocked expression and asked, "You climbed out of the abyss by yourself?"

Li Hao glanced at the family head and nodded slightly, acknowledging his presence.

The other Ji family members, upon seeing Ji Daoxin, quickly bowed in greeting.

Ji Qingyuan also studied Li Hao, a complex mix of emotions flashing in his eyes. The boy no longer carried a trace of the Ji family's aura, but his bearing was exceptional, exuding a transcendent quality. Compared to before, he seemed even more formidable and awe-inspiring.

To every member of the Ji family's side branches, the pursuit of their bloodline power was a lifelong endeavor.

Yet, this young man had willingly cast aside that very bloodline.

It filled Ji Qingyuan with a complicated mix of emotions, as if something he had sought tirelessly since childhood had been casually discarded by another youth. And instead of falling into despair, that youth had risen to even greater heights.

"Child, how could you be so foolish...?"

"Although it was your parents' fault, you are still a descendant of our Ji family!"

Ji Yunqing's face was pale, unable to accept such a heavy blow.

With the boy severing his connection to the Ji family's bloodline, had they truly lost him forever?

Li Hao remained silent, listening to the sorrowful cries around him and watching the mournful expressions on their faces. He, too, felt a twinge of regret, but he knew that breaking away would inevitably bring pain, and this was a necessary part of the process.

"There's no need to be sad," Li Hao said calmly. "Just pretend that you never met me."

Hearing this, Ji Yunyue and the others became even more distraught.

How could one forget the brilliance of a dazzling firework once witnessed?

If they had never met Li Hao, they wouldn't be suffering like this. But now, the memories were etched in their minds, and time couldn't be reversed, leaving them in anguish.

Ji Daoxin also understood what had transpired. Although he didn't know how Li Hao had escaped from the abyss or how his appearance had changed so drastically, it was undeniable that something extraordinary had happened to the boy, even causing his cultivation to breakthrough to a whole new level.

From the intelligence brought back from the Great Yu Shencheng, he was also aware of the boy's age.

Counting the years, he was barely sixteen, with a month to spare.

And yet, he had already reached the Taiping Dao Realm!

This cultivation record was unprecedented in the Ji family's thousand-year history.

In fact, in the entire Da Huang Tian, Ji Daoxin had never heard of anyone so young achieving the Taiping Dao Realm!

After all, there was a profound gap between the Jue Xue Realm and the Taiping Dao Realm.

"Are you truly leaving us, the Ji family?"

Ji Daoxin couldn't help but ask, his heart heavy with sorrow.

With Li Hao's current cultivation, he could have broken through the Dao Domain when he was still in the San Bu Xu Realm. Now, he was likely capable of dominating the Taiping Dao Realm, unmatched beneath the realm of enlightenment.

Such power justified the title of the Ji family's strongest Dao seed in ten thousand years.

And now, were they truly going to lose him forever?

The others tried to persuade him as well, their faces filled with grief.

Li Hao looked up at Ji Daoxin but didn't answer. Instead, he asked, "I no longer carry the Ji family's bloodline. If I stay, can I still be considered a Dao seed?"

Ji Daoxin was taken aback by the boy's question, and he paused, unsure how to respond.

Now that Li Hao no longer had a trace of the Ji family's bloodline within him, he was, in essence, no longer a member of the Ji family. Could he still be considered their Dao seed?

In the past, he wouldn't have even entertained such a question—it was simply impossible. But now, this boy had once been a member of the Ji family, and they had never encountered such a situation before.

"If you..."

Ji Daoxin struggled for words, wanting to give an answer, but Li Hao shook his head and said, "Let's part ways amicably, with dignity intact."

Ji Daoxin's body trembled slightly, and as he looked into the boy's calm eyes, he realized that he couldn't change his mind.

"Child, you haven't truly experienced the joys of life yet. Our Ji family owes you, and we want to make it up to you!" Ji Yunyue pleaded, tugging at Li Hao's sleeve.

Li Hao shook his head gently and replied, "I remember the debt of gratitude I owe you for letting go of me in the abyss. If the opportunity arises in the future, I can lend you my strength once."

"What debt? It was I who dragged you down, and letting go was the least I could do. Besides, in the end, I wasn't even able to help you..." Ji Yunqing argued.

"Those are two different matters," Li Hao explained. "In the face of life and death, granting someone's wish is an act of kindness. Whether or not it bears fruit is the outcome, but the intention to help is what matters. I appreciate your kindness."

The fact that even her releasing his hand was considered a favor to be remembered made her wonder just how disappointed and wronged this child must have felt by that couple, for him to cut off his bloodline connection so decisively!

"Child, your parents were often away fighting battles when you were growing up, and they weren't able to accompany you. Give your aunt a chance to take care of you, will you?"

Ji Yunyue pleaded, still hoping to keep Li Hao by her side. Even though he no longer carried the Ji family bloodline, in her eyes, he was still her grandson.

Sensing the sincerity in the once-aunt's words, Li Hao smiled faintly, his eyes calm and serene. "Since my childhood, I have been alone, caring for the generations of stars. From now on, it will be the same as it always was."

The image of the child sitting alone in the courtyard, gazing up at the starry sky, remained in his heart.

But that courtyard no longer existed.

Nor did the little tail that used to chase after him in that courtyard.

Nor did the bloodline connection that once responded to him from tens of thousands of miles away.

Yet, the stars of the heavens remained.

And so did the child with a pure heart.

Having weathered storms and tribulations, he was no longer the boy he once was, but he was still himself, unchanged.

Hearing Li Hao's words, Ji Yunyue felt as if her heart had been stabbed, and the tears she had barely managed to hold back earlier now flowed uncontrollably, streaming down her face.

The others who wanted to persuade him fell silent, their mouths shut.

Looking at the calm and peaceful eyes of the young man, they felt a pang in their hearts, understanding that this dazzling genius no longer belonged to the Ji family.

When the young man had first arrived, he introduced himself as a member of the Ji family, only to be rejected and scorned by countless people.

Now, as he was leaving, everyone wanted him to reclaim that surname, but they desperately realized that it was no longer possible.

"Farewell, everyone," Li Hao said, giving a slight bow. "May the mountains remain unchanged, and the sun and moon endure forever. Until we meet again."

After saying this, he looked at Ji Daoxin and said, "Please trouble Elder Ji to open the secret realm for me."

Ji Daoxin remained silent. At this point, he knew that the situation could not be reversed, and the broken mirror could not be mended; the mistakes could not be rectified.

Just like today's wind, no matter how strong it blew, it could not turn back time to yesterday.

"Child, the doors of my Ji family will always be open to you. Even if you don't want to be a part of the Ji family anymore, as long as you come, my Ji family will always welcome you."

Ji Daoxin stared deeply at Li Hao, his words carrying weight and meaning. "From now on, if you ever encounter any difficulties, just send a letter, and my Ji family will definitely lend you our full support!"

Li Hao merely smiled faintly and did not respond.

The other party was the patriarch of a venerable family, and his words were both heartfelt and strategic.

Seeing the clarity and maturity in the young man's eyes, Ji Daoxin realized that he couldn't treat Li Hao as an ordinary youth. His words were indeed an attempt to minimize the damage that had been done.

After all, a genius like Li Hao was destined to become a renowned figure in the Great Wilderness in the future. Even if he was no longer a member of the Ji family, they absolutely could not afford to offend him. Whether it was to recruit him as a venerated elder or to forge a friendship, it was worth expending great effort.

"Child, let me escort you and see you off."

Ji Daoxin personally saw Li Hao off.

Such treatment was usually only accorded to a returning war god or one departing for battle.

News of Li Hao's resurrection quickly spread throughout the Ji family, and many people rushed over, including the other geniuses.

Accompanied by Ji Daoxin, Ji Tianchao, and the others, the young man walked downhill alongside them.

A large group of people followed behind, and many continued to call out sadly and desperately, trying to persuade the young man to stay, but his figure remained unwavering.

When they heard that Li Hao had cut off the Ji family's bloodline and intended to leave, countless members of the Ji family, from the peak to the foot of the mountain, were shocked and anxiously called out, begging the young man to stay.

These sad and urgent pleas accompanied them from the peak to the foot of the mountain, but the young man never looked back.

Countless members of the Ji family watched the departing figure with sadness and despair, feeling as if the sky was falling. Their initial excitement and joy had turned to hopelessness.

As an ancient sacred clan with a glorious history spanning tens of thousands of years, it had always been them expelling people. But now, they felt abandoned.

"He... he's leaving the Ji family?"

Ji Xuan Shen also rushed over and, from a distance in the air, heard the countless discussions on the mountain. He immediately understood what had happened and was stunned.

The next moment, he abruptly accelerated, descending like a comet in front of Li Hao and the others who were on their way down the mountain.

Ji Xuan Shen looked at the patriarch, Ji Tianchao, Ji Qingyuan, and the other war gods who were seeing Li Hao off, feeling both incredulous and furious. He couldn't understand why they weren't doing everything in their power to keep him.

"Are you really leaving? You've already obtained the Dao seed, and I haven't even challenged you yet!"

Ji Xuan Shen glared at Li Hao, anger flashing in his eyes.