Chapter 255: Incidentally Resolved

Following Xia Linglong's appearance, several other direct and distant elders of the Xia family emerged as well. They stood beside Linglong, their faces filled with curiosity as they secretly sized up the young man.

This young man, who had just stepped out of the Qingzhou Tianyuan Shenjiang Fu, was now being personally welcomed by their family head in the Zhenwei Shenjiang Fu. Such an honor had never been bestowed upon even Chu Gonggong, who served by the Yu Emperor's side and had come under his orders. The most they had done was invite him into the mansion and greet him at the courtyard.

But at this moment, they didn't find it strange at all.

After all, this was a young man who had become a duke at the age of fifteen and held the position of Grand Marshal.

"Greetings, Senior Xia Linglong."

Li Hao bowed respectfully, acknowledging her with formal courtesy.

Xia Linglong smiled gracefully, her elegant attire exuding nobility. She possessed both the dignified majesty of a family head and the gentle softness of a woman. She invited the young man into the mansion, treating him as an esteemed guest.

Along the way, apart from the two elders of the Xia family, the other renowned generals and virtuous ladies of Linglong's generation followed behind, their curiosity getting the better of them as they observed the fifteen-year-old who was already walking side by side with their family head.

"We can't even see through his aura."

The two elderly members of the Xia family wore grave expressions. Meeting this young man in person, they realized that the rumors had not exaggerated his capabilities in the slightest.

Upon reaching the East Pavilion Courtyard, Xia Linglong led Li Hao to the seat reserved for esteemed guests and ordered her servants to brew tea as a token of hospitality. She then engaged Li Hao in conversation.

"I heard that General Haotian previously selflessly led away the Candlelight God of the Taikoo Realm to save billions of people in Liangzhou, causing it to fall deep into the River of Extinction. May I ask when General Haotian returned?"

Xia Linglong inquired curiously.

The young man's arrival had caused no stir, and now that he had appeared in Youzhou while the states and the Emperor himself eagerly awaited his return, she couldn't help but wonder if the Xia family's intelligence network had failed or if it had simply been too long since they had last reorganized, allowing corruption to fester within.

Li Hao was a bit surprised. It seemed that the head of the Xia family was unaware that the River of Extinction had already been crossed.

So, Li Xiaoran hadn't spread the news? Li Hao's eyes flickered, suspecting that the Li family's actions were driven by some other motive.

"Recently," Li Hao replied vaguely, not elaborating further.

Seeing that Li Hao was reluctant to discuss the matter of the River of Extinction, Xia Linglong immediately dropped the subject. After all, with the Merit Treasury now open, information about the River of Extinction was extremely valuable, especially concerning a Youdu-level River of Extinction.

"On behalf of the people of Liyang City, my Xia family thanks General Haotian," Xia Linglong said, her smile fading as she spoke solemnly.

It was difficult to repay such a debt of gratitude, but she wouldn't gloss over it.

This had happened in Youzhou, and the Xia family would have to acknowledge this favor. Even if the Emperor had sent this formidable general, they would still have to remember this kindness threefold.

"It was a minor matter, Senior. Please don't mention it," Li Hao chuckled lightly, genuinely not considering it a big deal. It had simply been a convenient act of assistance.

It had nothing to do with fame or favors. As a member of the human race, he couldn't stand idly by and watch the slaughter of demons and monsters.

Xia Linglong brought up the previous events in Liangzhou, using the opportunity to praise the young man and ease the strangeness between them.

However, seeing that Li Hao only responded lightly, without a hint of arrogance or boastfulness, she couldn't help but feel a bit surprised. It was rare for someone with such extraordinary achievements to remain so composed.

As they conversed, she gradually sensed that this young man had a carefree and unconstrained personality, unconcerned with trivial matters. He was like a chivalrous hero from the jianghu, possessing both heroic spirit and gentle refinement.

Unconsciously, she began to compare him to the younger generation of the Xia family in her mind. Setting aside their cultivation, his calm and adaptable demeanor surpassed more than half of their younger members.

She sighed inwardly. Why was it that the ancient and solemn military family of the Li clan could produce such a talented and unrestrained child, while their own family members were so rigid and conventional?

Yes, they could become renowned generals by following the established path, but for their seemingly glorious yet aging Shenjiang Fu, this lack of flexibility was a detriment.

Aside from her exceptionally high talent in martial arts, Xia Linglong was also adept in social interactions. Before she had sent the invitation letter to Li Hao, she had already gathered information about him. During their conversation, she skillfully steered the topics according to his interests, refraining from directly asking for his help in their family's battle against the Gluttonous Valley Master.

After all, it would be rather imposing to ask for assistance right off the bat.

As the banquet proceeded, Xia Linglong engaged Li Hao in discussions about poetry, songs, calligraphy, and paintings. She herself had a basic understanding of these arts, but as she conversed with Li Hao, she discovered that his interest went far beyond mere hobbies—he had profound accomplishments in these fields.

This left her in awe. It was hard to imagine that a young man with such extraordinary martial arts skills would also have the heart to delve into other pursuits. He truly lived up to his reputation as a talented individual in both literary and military arts.

Fortunately, she had prepared in advance. To ensure that Li Hao wouldn't feel bored during his stay in the Xia family mansion, she had invited a retired senior scholar from the Hanlin Academy in Youzhou to their estate.

However, when the elderly scholar was introduced during the banquet and learned of Li Hao's identity, he became excited and grabbed Li Hao's hand. He then recited the poems that Li Hao had casually recited in the brothel, one after another.

With each line, the old man asked Li Hao, "Did you write this?"

Li Hao felt a bit embarrassed, as if he had been caught red-handed plagiarizing. He had never felt so guilty, not even when facing the Demon King...

"'With a single body, I traverse three thousand miles in battle. With a single sword, I stand against a million armies!'"

The elderly scholar's frail body trembled, and his eyes glistened with tears as he exclaimed, "Only a general with your heroic spirit could have written such poetry!"

During the banquet, Xia Linglong and the others were also captivated by the poems recited by the old man. They felt their blood boiling, and the strong liquor they drank seemed to ignite a fiery passion within them. They yearned to unsheathe their swords and charge into battle against the demons, shedding blood on the battlefield!

Although they were warriors and not scholars, they could still appreciate the beauty and meaning of the poems. At that moment, they gazed at the young man with awe, their eyes shining with admiration and complexity, as if they resented him for not bearing the surname Xia.

Why hadn't their Xia family produced such a gifted genius?

Xia Linglong's eyes, which had initially held only surprise, now reflected a mix of emotions. She had memorized two lines from the poem that the old man had recited, feeling that they resonated with her own experiences on the demon battlefield.

A woman of delicate stature, she stains herself with blood on the battlefield, adorning herself with war paint.

While others embroider silk handkerchiefs, she embroiders the majestic landscapes of the Great Yu.

Upon first hearing the youth's name, one might assume he is merely a proud young man. But upon witnessing his true nature, it becomes clear that he is no ordinary mortal.

Throughout the banquet, Xia Linglong and the other members of the Xia family were consistently awestruck by Li Hao's extensive talents. Midway through the meal, as she watched the elderly scholar from Hanlin Academy deep in conversation with Li Hao, her gaze drifted, her mind wandering.

She hesitated, unsure if she should broach the subject of the eastern battlefield with the young man or invite him to join the fight.

Giving this young man a few more years, she knew he would undoubtedly become a protector of the Great Yu Dynasty, but asking him to face such danger now filled her with a sense of guilt.

As the banquet drew to a close, Xia Linglong remained silent, prompting Li Hao, who had heard of Youzhou's plight, especially the chaos in the east that had claimed countless lives, to inquire.

"I've heard that the eastern region of Youzhou is in turmoil and facing great challenges. Is there anything I can do to help?" Li Hao asked, his eyes shining with sincerity.

Xia Linglong's heart tightened at his question, and as she met his earnest gaze, she shook her head and offered a faint smile.

"Although there is turmoil, my Xia family is capable of restoring peace."

"Family Head," Xia Yuanshi, one of the elders of the Xia family, spoke up, his face darkening slightly as he saw Xia Linglong avoiding the topic.

While he, too, admired the young man greatly, he was keenly aware of the dire situation in Youzhou. With Li Hao's strength comparable to the Jiexue Realm, he would be an incredible asset.

The other members of the Xia family, seeing Xia Linglong's reluctance, wore complicated expressions, torn between their admiration for the young man and the pain of the ongoing war in Youzhou.

Caught in this conflict of emotions, their faces reflected their inner turmoil.

Sensing their hesitation, Li Hao furrowed his brow in confusion and addressed Xia Linglong, "Senior Xia, please speak freely. Whether or not I can be of assistance is another matter."

At that moment, he also realized that the reason for his invitation went beyond mere gratitude for the events in Liyang City.

Xia Linglong's expression shifted slightly upon hearing Li Hao's words, and as she fixed her gaze on him, the elderly scholar from the Hanlin Academy, perceptive to the changing atmosphere, paused in his conversation and quietly observed them.

Xia Yuanshi and the other elders looked on anxiously, wanting to speak but restrained by the family rules and Xia Linglong's authority.

Xia Linglong and Li Hao locked eyes for a prolonged moment, and after a brief silence, she sighed inwardly and, thinking of the people of Youzhou, finally voiced her original intention.

"The Gluttonous Valley Master?" Li Hao's eyes flickered at the mention of the name.

This was another powerful demon king. Before the Candlelight God revealed his true strength in the Half-Dao Realm, he and the Gluttonous Valley Master had been equals.

However, compared to the ancient and profound Taichu Realm, the Gluttonous Valley was relatively new, having risen to prominence only five hundred years ago through its savage and bloodthirsty ways. In just a short span of time, it had become one of the top demonic forces, striking fear into the hearts of many.

Its reputation alone was enough to send border cities into a panic, causing them to flee in the night rather than risk being devoured by the bloodthirsty demons.

Li Hao had read about these top demonic forces in the Listen to the Rain Tower, treating them as fascinating stories.

"Is it just the Gluttonous Valley?" Li Hao inquired.

Xia Linglong's eyes grew serious as she glanced at Li Hao and replied, "Yes. The Sacred Palace and Dragon Gate are besieging Qingzhou. Currently, we've only detected the presence of the Gluttonous Valley in Youzhou, but there may be other forces involved as well. It's hard to say for sure."

"Qingzhou is under siege?" Li Hao's eyes widened in surprise at the mention of Qingzhou.

Barely any time had passed since the resolution in Liangzhou, and now Youzhou was already facing its own crisis. "What's the situation in Qingzhou?" he asked urgently, his mind filling with images of familiar faces—the gluttonous woman, the two old men, the madam, Yuan Zhao, and the students of the Tan Palace Academy.

Not to mention the numerous pastry shops that lined the streets.

His heart clenched with worry.

Hearing Li Hao's anxious inquiry, Xia Linglong and the others were taken aback, suddenly realizing that the young man was indeed unaware of the situation in Qingzhou.

He must have just emerged from the River of Extinction and was not yet informed of recent events... Xia Linglong quickly surmised, and seeing his eager expression, she felt a sense of disappointment and regret. She knew that asking for his help in Youzhou was now unlikely, but she proceeded to explain what she knew.

"I've heard that Qingzhou has fallen by more than half. The leaders of the Sacred Palace and Dragon Gate have joined the battle, attacking even before reaching Qingzhou City. They are likely still engaged in combat, but after the Gluttonous Valley attacked Youzhou, we've had limited information about the situation in Qingzhou."

As she saw the urgency in the young man's eyes, she lowered her voice and continued, "If you wish to reinforce Qingzhou now, there's still time. My Xia family can lend you our battle flag to bolster your presence in Qingzhou."

By lending him their battle flag, she was suggesting that Li Hao go to Qingzhou and have his troops fly the Xia family flag, posing as reinforcements from their family.

While the Xia family's battle flag may not carry the same weight as Li Hao's, it still held significant influence over demons and would serve as a powerful deterrent. After all, it signaled the involvement of the Xia family, a formidable force to be reckoned with, causing even the Sacred Palace and Dragon Gate to reconsider their strategies, if only for a brief moment, thus buying some precious time.

Understanding the weight of her offer, Li Hao recognized the immense gratitude the Xia family was returning to the Shenjiang Fu.

Forgetting about the meal, he stood up and said, "I thank the Xia family on behalf of the people of Qingzhou. We must not delay. Let's set off."

Li Hao recalled the geographical layout of the Nineteen States and knew that the eastern region of Youzhou was on the way to Qingzhou, though they would need to adjust their route slightly.

"Then let us wish General Haotian a victorious journey..." Xia Linglong and the other members of the Xia family also rose from their seats, their faces a mix of emotions. It was only natural for the young man, hailing from Qingzhou, to rush to the aid of his hometown, and they had no reason to hold him back.


Li Hao's words startled the Xia family members, and Xia Linglong, realizing what he meant, exclaimed in surprise, "You... you want to help us attack the Gluttonous Valley first?"

"It's just a small matter. Let's hurry."

Li Hao said.

Hearing Li Hao's confident tone, the elderly Xia Yuanwu couldn't help but interject, "General Haotian, the Gluttonous Valley Master is at the peak of the Jiexue Realm. Although he hasn't mastered the Dao Realm, he's still extremely troublesome. If you're truly willing to lend a hand, we can lure him to the Ming River area in Youzhou..."

"There's no need for that. Just show me the way, and I'll take care of him."

Li Hao interrupted, knowing that they would have various worries and doubts. He didn't want to waste time, so he bluntly said, "I can handle the Taiping Dao Realm too. There's no need to worry."


The Xia family members were all stunned, looking at Li Hao in shock, suspecting that the young man had misspoken.

Li Hao had no time to waste explaining. The time it would take to convince them, he could have already killed the Gluttonous Valley Master dozens of times.

He glanced at Xia Linglong and said, "Senior Xia Linglong, please lead the way."

Xia Linglong was taken aback, seeing the casual look in Li Hao's eyes. Suddenly, she realized that this young man had just emerged from the River of Extinction and had survived being pursued by the Candlelight God. He must have made some new breakthroughs.

Could it be that he's now capable of matching the Taiping Dao Realm?

This thought was too terrifying to consider, but this young man had already created too many miracles for her to ignore. Her heart trembled, and although she dared not believe it, when Li Hao said it himself, she could only choose to trust him.

"Alright, I'll lead the way!"

Xia Linglong was extremely decisive. She raised her hand and summoned a long spear that flew into her grasp from a distance.

"I'll come too."

Xia Yuanwu quickly added, also calling upon his weapon.

Regardless of whether Li Hao was telling the truth or not, the fact that he was willing to help was an opportunity for them to lend their strength as well.

"Follow as fast as you can. I might be a bit faster."

Li Hao signaled to the Candlelight God, who nodded slightly. Its body suddenly turned, and its entire body was enveloped in blazing flames. It transformed from its youthful appearance into a ferocious beast with a fire lion's tail, hooves resembling a kirin's, and a majestic lion-like body.

It leaped into the air, its body radiating intense flames and heat, causing a wave of heat to sweep through the Zhenwei Shenjiang Fu.

Li Hao flipped into the air and landed on its back, then asked Xia Linglong to point out the direction.

Xia Linglong and the others stared at the young man sitting atop the demonic beast, feeling as if they were gazing upon a fiery deity. They were all astonished and awe-struck.

That youthful figure was actually a demon, yet none of them had noticed it before!

Such a feat could only mean that this demon was extremely formidable and far beyond their imagination.

Xia Linglong, holding her divine spear, flew into the air and felt the aura emanating from the demon beneath Li Hao. She was overwhelmed by a sense of terror, feeling an incredible sense of power that seemed even stronger than her own!

"Let's go!"

Li Hao shouted.

His voice snapped Xia Linglong and the others back to their senses. If they had any doubts or concerns before, they now felt a surge of confidence. Xia Linglong quickly pointed in the right direction, saying, "That way!"


The Candlelight God sprinted forward, its four hooves treading on flames as it rushed at incredible speed.

So fast!

Xia Linglong and Xia Yuanwu were both startled and hurried to catch up.

Aside from them, another elderly member of the Xia family looked on in shock but remained floating in the air, staying behind to guard the Xia family's Shenjiang Fu.

"My heavens, did I see that right?!"

"Is that a mount for the Silei Realm?!"

"Did I hear him right? Did he just say he'd casually take care of the Gluttonous Valley Master?"

"I don't know, but I heard he defeated the Great Elder of Dragon Gate before, and now... he might be even stronger."

After Li Hao and Xia Linglong left, the remaining Xia family members in the courtyard were all stunned, exclaiming in disbelief.

The young man had a refined and gentle appearance, and he seemed approachable, but at this moment, he exuded a formidable aura.

The sight of him sitting atop the demon, surrounded by fiery divine flames, ignited a spark of hope in their eyes. Perhaps this young man could truly resolve the chaos in Youzhou?



Li Hao sat atop the Candlelight God as they sped through the sky.

Xia Linglong and Xia Yuanwu displayed the Xia family's top-notch movement techniques, flying at full speed, but they could only barely keep up. They were both astonished, unable to discern the true nature of the demon beneath Li Hao.

The elderly Xia family member who had aided Liangzhou earlier was not Xia Yuanwu, so he hadn't recognized the Candlelight God.

Additionally, the Candlelight God rarely revealed itself, so its appearance was unfamiliar to most.

After about half an hour, with Xia Linglong's guidance, they arrived at the eastern battlefield of Youzhou, near the second line of defense.

Only the Candlelight God could maintain this breakneck speed, and Xia Linglong and Xia Yuanwu had to use their unaging energy just to keep up. By the time they reached the battlefield, they were almost completely drained of energy.

After all, they had been flying at nearly full speed, which was taxing even for those at the Silei Realm.

Fortunately, they still had some residual unaging energy, ensuring they retained their combat capabilities upon arriving at the battlefield.

From a distance, Li Hao could already hear the earth-shattering roars from the battlefield.

His expression turned slightly gloomy, reminding him of when he had chased after the ancient dragon to aid the frontline battlefield in Liangzhou.

Looking ahead, he saw a majestic line of defense erected on the plain in the distance. Countless demons were surging forward like a flood, attacking the defenses, and the formations on the defensive line had already been shattered. Humans and demons were engaged in a chaotic battle.

Li Hao's gaze swept the area, sensing several powerful auras lurking behind the wave of demons.

However, these auras were not strong enough and belonged to those at the Niming Realm at most.

"Gluttonous Valley Master, show yourself!"

Li Hao shouted.

The young man's crisp voice rolled out like thunder in the sky, instantly spreading across the entire massive battlefield. It was like a startling peal of thunder in the ears of the countless demons fighting there.