Chapter 269: Right and Wrong, Let the World be the Judge

Lin Wujing bowed his head slightly and said, "Buddha, he's extremely stubborn. Despite being scorched by the Ten Directions Karma Fire, his flesh rotting away, he still refuses to divulge any information. He spent a long time at Tianmenguan and had a close relationship with the Fist Saint of the Li family. I suspect he may have given the item to them."

"The Li family..."

A gleam appeared in the Buddha's eyes, as if a golden wheel and a silver river were converging, brilliant and profound, "If the Li family obtained this sacred object, they wouldn't have needed to perform the Soul Burning Ancestral Ritual before attacking Qingzhou on this trip."

Lin Wujing's eyes flickered, "Is it possible that they consider this item an unparalleled treasure, surpassing even the souls of their ancestors? After all, it was left behind by a sage. If they could gain even a glimpse or a hint of its secrets, it would be a profound enlightenment."

"If not for that youth, Li Qianfeng had studied under me for ten years and could have descended the mountain to claim the True Dragon position, allowing the Li family's influence to spread across the land, with our Buddhist teachings flourishing and saving countless sentient beings."

The Buddha sighed softly, "But all of that was shattered by that demonic star. On the night Li Jun perished, a general star fell, and a demonic star rose. This is the calamity of the Great Yu Shenchao..."

Lin Wujing focused his gaze, remaining silent for a moment before speaking, "If the sacred object isn't with the Li family, it's most likely still at Tianmenguan. However, after the incarnation of the demonic star dissipated, I investigated Tianmenguan and didn't find the object. Unless it's with that demonic star."

"Thieves colluding with the demonic star, the decline of the Divine General's Mansion, demons lurking in the shadows. Before the great calamity arrives, we must recover that sacred object. Only then can my Buddhist sect emerge and save all beings."

The Buddha spoke with conviction.

Lin Wujing nodded slightly, "I'll try to enlighten him again."

After bidding farewell to the Buddha, Lin Wujing left the spiritual realm and headed towards a secret location in the mountains.

This place was behind Wuliang Mountain, where a winding path led to a cave. The cave was dimly lit, and following the damp stone steps downward, one could hear the constant dripping of water.

Deep within, there was a dungeon, filled with the clanking of chains and an intense heat.

In the center of the dungeon was a lava-like fire pit, with a ragged figure chained within. His hands and feet were bound by heavy chains, and at the end of the chains was a huge, heavy iron ball.

The muscles of his legs and arms were stretched and torn, his skin cracked and bleeding. His hair hung loosely, and his eyes shone with a defiant light.

Within the lava pit, red snake-like creatures swam back and forth, occasionally sending splashes of molten fire onto his body, burning his flesh and causing white mist and pits to form.

As Lin Wujing approached, enveloped in Buddhist light, a massive red dragon emerged from the lava pit and bowed before him, its scales shimmering. A female voice echoed from the creature, "Greetings, Bodhisattva."

Lin Wujing's expression remained indifferent as he gazed upon the chained figure, "Still unwilling to confess? Even the Ten Directions Karma Fire couldn't enlighten you. Do you know the gravity of your sins?"

The chained figure lifted his head slightly, his hair falling away to reveal a pair of bright, mocking eyes, "Don't waste your breath. You will never obtain that item!"

"The Buddha has promised that if you return it, you will be allowed to join Wuliang Mountain, follow the Buddhist path, and your past transgressions will be absolved."

Lin Wujing's voice turned cold, "You, a lone wanderer, have made countless mistakes in your early years. Now, if you repent and turn back, it's not too late. With the Buddha's intervention, even His Majesty will show mercy and erase your past sins. You can leave the mortal world behind and enter the path of enlightenment."


The chained figure laughed, "If I wanted to be an official, I wouldn't have waited until now. If I wanted to be a general, I would already be a marquis!"

"Have you ever heard this saying: 'wealth and honor are but dust, and glory and luxury are but clouds'? You bald monks pretend to be righteous all day, but it's all for those offerings. You claim that your Buddhist sect doesn't seek fame, but in reality, you compete fiercely for those offerings."

"You say that your sect enlightens sentient beings, but without those offerings, who will care for the common folk?"

"Building golden statues for the Buddha while the poor lie unburied in the streets. I spit on that!"

Hearing his insults, Lin Wujing smiled coldly, "The Buddhist path of enlightening sentient beings is the right way! The suffering you see is also caused by their own karmic fires, their self-inflicted hardships. It is their fate, a trial they must endure. You, with your mortal eyes, cannot see past the illusions and barriers. I do not blame you, but now you have the chance to transcend this sea of suffering, and yet you do not cherish it. How are you any different from those ordinary mortals?"

"I am an ordinary mortal, so why should I be any different?"

The chained figure sneered, "Your teachings may deceive those young men with weak willpower, but they hold no power over me. At my age, I've seen through the illusions of this world. If I were to be swayed by your words, I would have lived my life in vain!"

Lin Wujing's face turned cold, "A mere thief, yet you claim to have seen through the world. How laughable! If you don't desire power or wealth, why do you continue to steal?"

"Taking what belongs to others, benefiting yourself at their expense. There are countless paths in this world, yet you choose the most despicable one, looking down on the world with an air of arrogance. If this isn't demonic possession, then what is it?"

The chained figure laughed heartily, "So what if I like to steal and rob? This world is like that. Some succeed and become emperors, while others fail and become bandits and thieves."

"In this life, I will live as I please. You may see me as a thief, but I see you as prostitutes!"

"Right and wrong, let the world be the judge. I fear nothing!"

Lin Wujing took a deep breath, "I already knew that your demonic nature was deeply rooted and that you could only be enlightened through reincarnation. You colluded with the Divine General's Mansion, seeking a refuge for yourself in case of future troubles, but you were wrong. The Divine General's Mansion is in no position to help you, a thief with a notorious reputation, at the cost of their ancestors' millennium of glory!"

The chained figure's laughter abruptly stopped, and he stared intently, "Has something happened to the Li family?"

Lin Wujing's cold smile deepened, "You're already in a dire situation, and yet you still have the heart to worry about them? There's no need to feign such deep emotions here. There are no members of the Li family present. Li Qianfeng is the Buddha's personal disciple, and if he knew of your existence, he would only view it as a stain on the honor of the Divine General's Mansion. He would be the first to strike you down!"

The chained figure's eyes flickered, and he asked no more questions.

A cold smile appeared on Lin Wujing's face as he said, "At such a young age, he has already reached the pinnacle of officialdom. When His Majesty passes on the throne, he might even be considered for succession. With such prestige and glory that will last for generations, do you think he would give up all of this to plead for your life?"

The chained figure paused, then laughed softly, "Truly impressive, reaching the pinnacle of officialdom at such a young age. No wonder he is so highly regarded..."

"You only need to hand over the sacred object, and you can be set free immediately. Don't persist in your delusions. No one will come to save you!" Lin Wujing shouted sternly.

The chained figure lifted his head to glance at him and laughed, "I don't need them to save me. So what if I die? I have already experienced the pleasures of this world, tasted the finest wines and beheld the most beautiful people. What's there to fear in death?"

"You say he is a demon child. Haha, you'd better hope I don't escape, or I'll let the world know who the master of the Ancient Demon Hall really is!"

Lin Wujing's expression turned grim, his eyes icy, "Burn him! Burn him to ashes!"

In the lava pit, fiery flames raged, and large swaths of fire roasted the chained figure. The splashes of molten fire scorched his flesh, burning him intensely.

But instead of cries of pain, loud laughter echoed from within.

Lin Wujing's eyes turned icy cold, knowing that this old man was stubborn and wouldn't yield until the pain became unbearable.



In Qingzhou City, after leaving the Divine General's Mansion, Li Hao wandered the streets, buying some fragrant pastries for Xiyan, Zhu Huoshen, and himself.

He then went hiking and paid a visit to an old friend.

In the main hall of Tan Palace, he shared a pot of tea with Song Yufeng.

By the emerald pool, he made a barbecue feast for Song Qiumo.

He also played a few games of chess with Shen Yunqing and others.

Numerous disciples of Tan Palace came to visit and seek guidance, and Li Hao casually answered their questions. In the eyes of the White Palace disciples, Li Hao still seemed to be a teacher of Tan Palace.

Li Hao was quite satisfied with this trip to Qingzhou. He had enjoyed delicious food and drinks, visited old friends, and when it was time to leave, he didn't want any grand send-offs. He only bid farewell to Song Qiumo before quietly departing.

Passing by the bustling brothel, he noticed that the plaque above the entrance still bore the two lines of poetry he had recited casually when he got drunk there.

The youthful vigor conveyed in the poem made Li Hao smile slightly as he continued on his way without lingering.

After leaving the city, he flew for a short distance before his gaze landed on the official road. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he descended to the ground.

He landed not far from the road and proceeded on foot with Zhu Huoshen by his side in the form of a young man.

Up ahead, they spotted a tea stall, where an elderly man was busy clearing away used bowls and chopsticks, wiping the table clean of leftover food.

Next to the tea stall was a tent with three fast horses tied to it, and two young men and a middle-aged man were sipping tea.

"Sir, would you like some tea? I have delicious and affordable tea here, and my steamed buns are quite tasty too." The tea stall owner greeted Li Hao with a smile.

The other three also looked at Li Hao, but when they noticed Zhu Huoshen, who had transformed into a young man with a cold and daunting aura despite his restrained presence, they quickly averted their gazes.

They knew better than to offend someone who seemed unapproachable.

Li Hao narrowed his eyes slightly at the tea stall owner and said, "I've traveled this road to Qingzhou many times, but I don't recall ever seeing this tea stall before."

"How interesting, sir. Just because you haven't seen it before doesn't mean it won't be here in the future," the tea stall owner replied with a smile.

"When did you set up shop here?" Li Hao asked as he sat down at one of the tables.

"Just a few days ago," the tea stall owner answered with a smile. "I used to be in Liangzhou, but my granddaughter wanted to help me out, so I moved back here to avoid the long journey."

As he spoke, a young girl stood up from behind the stacked steamers. She wore a light blue dress, like a blue butterfly on a summer day. She had been bending down to search for something.

"Grandfather, I can't find the paper liners," she said.

"Look under the basket," the tea stall owner said, turning his head briefly before smiling at Li Hao again. "What would you like, sir? How about two baskets of buns?"


Li Hao gave him a piercing look, then turned his gaze to the young girl. She had found the paper liners and was now standing up straight, a smile on her face.

She noticed his gaze and looked back at him, her eyes bright like moonlight reflecting on a mountain stream. Her skin was fair and translucent, her nose small and delicate, and she exuded a sense of liveliness and intelligence.

She stood there, exuding an aura that was completely at odds with the shabby tea stall. She seemed like a young lady from a prestigious family, but her smile was warm and friendly, with a hint of the girl-next-door charm.

"Okay," Li Hao nodded.

During that moment of eye contact, Li Hao felt as though the young girl had seen right through him, and he experienced a strange sensation. He looked away and nodded slightly.

He had encountered this tea stall owner before in Liangzhou and had suspected nothing then, but now that he had met him again in Qingzhou, Li Hao couldn't help but sense that something was amiss. What surprised him even more was that despite his subtle attempt to probe, he couldn't detect any aura or energy from the old man.

The same was true for the young girl.

However, compared to the tea stall owner, the young girl's attire was much more casual. Although her clothes were not extravagantly luxurious, they were far from shabby. The color coordination and her overall aura suggested that even if she were dressed in coarse hemp clothing, she would still stand out like a lotus in the mud, exuding a natural elegance that would easily catch people's attention.

She was definitely not a farmer's daughter, as her skin was too fair and delicate to have been exposed to the sun and wind.

"Old man, this tea is indeed refreshing and tasty," Li Hao commented as he sipped his tea.

The tea stall owner chuckled, "This is made with clean spring water, so it's naturally sweet."

He seemed to emphasize the word "clean" slightly.

Just as Li Hao was about to leave, the young girl in the blue-green dress approached his table with graceful and lively steps. She sat down across from him, her face lit up by a natural and comfortable smile.

"Sir, weren't you afraid when demons gathered in Qingzhou City earlier?" she asked.

"How could I be afraid when all of you were unafraid?" Li Hao glanced at her and continued sipping his tea.

"We were scared too, but now that the demons have been eliminated by others, we dared to set up our stall," the girl said with a smile.

"It's quite bold of you to set up your stall right after the demons were defeated," Li Hao remarked.

"My grandfather always says that wealth and honor are sought through danger. In business, you have to compete with the heavens, the earth, and other people. If you're timid, you won't succeed," she replied.

"That's quite a philosophy," Li Hao said, intrigued.

"Of course," she said confidently.

The girl lifted her delicate hand and pointed upward. "You have to observe the heavens. If you set up shop during windy or rainy weather, you'll lose money. You also have to consider people. Even a small business can attract competition if it's profitable. Isn't that right?"

"That makes sense," Li Hao agreed, nodding as he finished his cup of tea.

However, the girl's interpretation of "heavens," "people," and "profit" was quite different from the common understanding.

After a brief chat, the initial awkwardness between them seemed to dissipate. The girl smiled and asked, "My name is Ying Xiaoxiao. Ying, as in 'born under favorable circumstances,' and xiao, meaning 'free and unfettered.' What should I call you?"

"You can call me Haotian," Li Hao replied, his gaze fixed on her.

This glance was to gauge her reaction to his name.

If she were an ordinary person, he would have brushed off the question with a casual alias.

However, upon hearing the name 'Li Hao,' the girl didn't show much reaction. She simply asked, "What's your surname then?"

"I don't have a surname," Li Hao answered.

"Everyone has a surname," Ying Xiaoxiao said, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

Li Hao noticed her natural expression and calm gaze, so he smiled back and said, "Even without a surname, I can still live a good life."

If he had to give himself a surname, it would be 'Li,' his surname from his previous life. But now that he had died and reincarnated, he felt it was time to bid farewell to his past life.

Living in this new world, he would adopt a new name.

Upon hearing Li Hao's words, Ying Xiaoxiao paused for a moment, her smile gradually fading.

"Here are the steamed buns, be careful, they're hot," the tea stall owner said as he approached their table, carrying a basket of freshly made buns.

"Try these, my grandfather is an excellent cook," Ying Xiaoxiao said eagerly, her bright eyes sparkling with anticipation as she waited for Li Hao's evaluation.

Li Hao smiled and said, "I've already experienced it before."

He picked up a pair of chopsticks from the holder, tapped them gently on the table to align them, and then started eating the buns. "The taste hasn't changed. They're delicious."

"We're glad you enjoyed it, sir," the tea stall owner said with a smile.

Li Hao nodded in satisfaction, eating the buns and drinking his tea.

He ordered another basket for Zhu Huoshen and asked the owner to pack some for Xiyan as well.

After finishing his meal, Li Hao looked at the girl who had been observing him from across the table. He stood up, placed a few silver coins on the table, and said, "Hopefully, we'll meet again and I can enjoy these delicious buns once more."

The tea stall owner took the money and casually wiped the table, smiling as he said, "Sir, if you come by often, you'll definitely get to eat them again."

Li Hao smiled and waved goodbye before continuing down the official road.

The other three customers at the tea stall also finished their meal and rode off on their horses toward Qingzhou City.

The tea stall was now left with only the old man and the young girl. The old man watched Li Hao's departing figure and sighed softly, "He's a young hero indeed. I never expected that such a talent could emerge in a place where spiritual energy is so scarce..."

"That's because he has the mark of a Saint. He has earned the favor of a Saint," Ying Xiaoxiao said, her eyes narrowed as she spoke.

The tea stall owner paused for a moment, then shook his head in amazement. "I don't know the whole story, but this young man reminds me of another child I met long ago. That child was also extraordinarily talented, perhaps not quite as remarkable as this young man, and his name was similar, but strangely, his aura and appearance are completely different now."

"Oh?" Ying Xiaoxiao's interest was piqued. "Are you talking about the one from Tianmenguan?"

"Yes," the tea stall owner confirmed.

"We've been there, but the person we found was just an incarnation, and it seems to have dissipated now," Ying Xiaoxiao said, her eyes glittering with curiosity. "Since their names and ages are similar, do you think it's possible that he underwent some kind of transformation, like a complete metamorphosis, causing his aura to change entirely?"

The tea stall owner thought for a moment and said, "That's possible, but such a method is extremely difficult to achieve. Unless a Saint intervenes, I can't think of any technique that could accomplish this. Even if he transferred his soul into another body, his soul would still carry traces of his original aura."

Upon hearing this, Ying Xiaoxiao immediately concluded, "Then let's go and see what's going on."

The tea stall owner was taken aback and quickly objected, "Miss, we can't do that. He already sensed that something was amiss when you were here earlier."

"But he didn't take any action, which means he's not the type to meddle in other people's business," Ying Xiaoxiao said, her face full of smiles. "Besides, even if he did intervene, it wouldn't matter. We're not afraid of him, we're just curious. We've already collected the resentment and killing intent lingering in Qingzhou City, so it's time for us to leave anyway."

The tea stall owner sighed, knowing that his granddaughter had a carefree and impulsive personality. Seeing that he couldn't persuade her otherwise, he said, "Although he realized that we're not ordinary, we should still maintain a low profile. We don't want to cause trouble for ourselves."

"Alright, but let's pretend to be members of the Ancient Holy Tribe from the Great Wilderness. Apparently, someone has been impersonating us and killing their geniuses, so let's have some fun with that," Ying Xiaoxiao suggested with a mischievous smile. "That way, it will seem more reasonable, right?"

Reasonable... The tea stall owner couldn't help but smile wryly as he glanced at her. Which genius of the Ancient Holy Tribe could compare to his granddaughter?

As soon as the surroundings were clear of people, the tea stall owner waved his hand, and the tea stall disappeared into his sleeve. The old man and the young girl also vanished from the official road.