Chapter 321: Yao Zu, Improving Sword Intent

Bian Ruxue immediately used her divine sense to scan the area, and when she saw Li Hao behind the easel, she paused for a moment before remembering that he was the alchemist who had come to deliver medicine to her earlier.

Could it be him?

Bian Ruxue's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she studied him for a moment, but ultimately shook her head. Even if he had gained the same opportunity as her and arrived in this realm, it was impossible for him to become an alchemist in such a short time.

Although she didn't understand alchemy, she knew that it was a long and arduous path that required years of dedication. She had also heard of the recent fame of Qingfeng Dan Shi, and she knew that such skill could not be achieved by Li Hao in just a hundred years.

Meanwhile, Li Hao was meticulously sketching.

With his focused observation, he noticed that the three Half-Saints had taken note of him, but they didn't seem inclined to stop him, which brought him some relief.

With each stroke of his brush, the figures of the three Half-Saints took shape on the paper.

He captured their auras, their unique essences, infusing them into the painting.

Time passed slowly, and the battles had already begun on the stage, but Li Hao remained immersed in his artwork, simultaneously capturing the intricacies of the three Half-Saints. It was a challenging endeavor, and the phrase "pouring blood and sweat into the painting" was no exaggeration.

After a long while, as the audience below cheered and Lin Shanhai and the others laughed and lamented over their bets, Li Hao gradually emerged from his state of absolute concentration, his thoughts returning to his physical body. The surrounding noises rushed back, and his painting was also completed at this moment.

As he made the final stroke, Li Hao felt a sense of liberation, and a prompt appeared before his eyes.

Painting Experience +150394.

...150,000? Li Hao counted carefully to make sure he hadn't misread it, and he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. But soon, he understood.

After all, they were Half-Saints, and there were three of them in the same frame!

At the same time, a notification appeared, informing him that his painting skill had advanced to the eighth level.

Artistic Skill Point +1.

The experience required to reach the ninth level from the eighth was doubled, a million!

However, with the Sword God War gathering so many proud geniuses, Li Hao believed that he would be able to reach the cap soon.

Even if each of the other four Inner Sect disciples at the Four Establishments Realm only provided him with a few thousand experience points, their numbers would make up for it.

When his painting skill reached the eighth level, Li Hao was inundated with various insights about the art of painting. It took him over ten minutes to gradually digest and absorb them, after which he gained a completely new understanding of the art.

The painting he had just completed with great effort now appeared to have some flaws in his eyes.

It wasn't exactly a flaw, but a matter of depth.

The painting only captured the essence of the subjects; it lacked the infusion of his own style, a deeper connection between the artist and the artwork.

Every top-notch painter should have their unique style, seamlessly integrated into their paintings. It shouldn't be jarring, but it should allow people to identify the artist at a glance.

Li Hao had an epiphany, and he was about to put away this painting and start a new one.

However, suddenly, a voice sounded in his mind:

"I want this painting. What do you want in exchange?"

It was a woman's voice, calm and indifferent, carrying an air of unquestionable authority.

Li Hao was taken aback for a moment before he looked up and saw the female Half-Saint among the three looking directly at him.

Their gazes met, and Li Hao immediately realized that the voice in his mind belonged to her.

He replied through a mental message, "If Senior likes it, I can give it to you as a gift. I don't sell my paintings."

"You have some backbone."

A slight smile curved the corners of the woman's mouth as she said through the mental message, "Since that's the case, I'll take it directly. If you need anything in the future, you can mention my name. I am Yao Zu."

Yao Zu... Li Hao memorized the name and nodded, replying through the mental message, "If Senior doesn't mind, I can paint another one for you. My skills were a bit rusty earlier, and I didn't perform at my best."


Yao Zu's eyes flickered, and the reason she wanted to ask for the painting was that her divine sense had been paying attention to Li Hao's work. When he had finished the painting, she had been stunned by its beauty.

The woman in the painting seemed to be her, yet at the same time, it didn't quite seem like her.

This made her heart stir, and she wanted to possess the painting.

If he were to paint another one specifically for her, it would naturally be even better.

She intended to hang it in her cave abode and admire it. That way, when she looked at it, she wouldn't have to see the other two annoying people...

With that thought, she glanced at the tall, middle-aged man and the old man beside her and mentally messaged Li Hao, "Then let me see what you can do."


Li Hao agreed and dried the ink on the first painting before rolling it up and setting it aside. Then, he began to paint again.

This time, he focused solely on Yao Zu, his gaze intense as he studied her.

With her permission, Li Hao's observation was no longer covert, and he looked at her openly.

Yao Zu's eyebrows rose slightly as she felt Li Hao's gaze roaming over her body. Never before had a man dared to be so bold.

If it had been in the past, she would have slapped him to death without hesitation.

But remembering that she had just taken the initiative to contact him, she reluctantly endured it, using her divine sense to observe Li Hao's painting to determine if he was truly painting or just using it as an excuse to peek at her.

Among the Half-Saints in the Sword Ancestor Holy Land, Yao Zu was extremely famous, known for her breathtaking beauty that could topple cities and nations. In her younger years, she had been the top female disciple of the Sword Ancestor Holy Land, defeating all her peers hundreds of years ago before advancing to the Half-Saint realm.

Now, she had cultivated a more serene and dignified demeanor, shedding the coldness and bloodlust of her past.

As Yao Zu observed with her divine sense, she soon discovered that Li Hao was indeed focused on his painting and was not taking advantage of the situation to insult or offend her.

Wherever her divine sense detected Li Hao's gaze focusing, his brush and ink followed.

Yao Zu's eyes flickered, and the trace of anger and discomfort in her heart gradually dissipated. She noticed that Li Hao's eyes were focused and pure, devoid of any lustful intent. Instead, they seemed to appreciate a unique kind of beauty.

This gaze brought a subtle sense of pleasure to her heart.

It was vastly different from the covert glances of the inner sect disciples, including some of the saintly sons, that she had encountered before.

Yao Zu had heard of the reputation of Qingfeng Dan Shi before, but she didn't think much of it. Even a high-level alchemist would be of limited help to her at this stage, unless they were refining pills for her disciples.

But now, she couldn't help but admire Qingfeng Dan Shi's talent.

As time passed, the disciples on the stage fought with fiery passion, and the cheers from the audience below rang out loud and clear. Amidst the boisterous and lively atmosphere, Li Hao felt as if he were sitting alone in a deep mountain, exuding a profound and serene tranquility.

He painted quietly, admiring his surroundings.

Yao Zu, too, was so captivated by Li Hao's brushstrokes that she couldn't bring herself to pay attention to the disciples' clashes. She followed Li Hao's brush with her divine sense, watching as he skillfully captured her likeness.

After a long while, as Lin Shanhai and the others placed their bets for the second time, Li Hao completed his second painting.

As Yao Zu's figure came to life on the paper, Li Hao was greeted with an experience prompt.

Painting Experience +42,320.

This time, he painted a single subject, and it being his second attempt, the experience gained was noticeably less, but still astonishing.

The previous painting had yielded over 70,000 experience points, and now with this additional 42,000, he had already accumulated one-tenth of the million experience points required to reach the ninth level! Li Hao felt that if he could thoroughly "shear" these three Half-Saints, he might just fill up half of the bar.

At this moment, Yao Zu in the painting appeared even more captivating and enchanting than she had in the previous group portrait. Although Yao Zu was simply standing still, and there were other figures in the surroundings, in Li Hao's painting, she stood alone, like a lotus blooming in the snow-capped mountains, quietly exuding her fragrance and beauty, possessing an otherworldly and ethereal quality.

The eyes in the ink wash painting, outlined with subtle strokes, held a quietness and a hint of subdued sorrow, like a thick fog that refused to dissipate. Those eyes were heart-wrenching and captivating, drawing one's gaze again and again.

Yao Zu stared at her depiction in the painting, lost in thought.

On the surface, she appeared as calm as still water, but the woman in the painting seemed to reveal the emotions hidden deep within her.

It was as if someone had peered into the depths of her heart.

Yao Zu paused, then turned her divine sense towards Li Hao, fixing her gaze on his eyes.

"Yao Zu, your painting is done."

As Li Hao put down his brush, he examined the artwork and found it to be perfect. Although he knew that as his painting skill improved, there would be room for further refinement, for now, it was the best he could achieve.

Yao Zu retracted her divine sense, but her voice, instead of showing excitement, remained calm. "I see it. I'll take this painting, and consider it a debt I owe you."

As she spoke, the painting on Li Hao's board disappeared into thin air.

Yao Zu stood there, her body unmoving, as if nothing had happened.

Li Hao couldn't fathom what technique she had used and felt a sense of awe. Just a Half-Saint, and he couldn't see through her yet. As for the future, when he sought revenge on that Virtual Saint, it would be even more challenging.

"Yao Zu is too kind. I only give my paintings to those who appreciate them. It's enough that you like it, Yao Zu." Li Hao replied through a mental message.

Yao Zu didn't respond, and her eyes reflected a sense of calm. She seemed to be looking towards the stage.

However, her divine sense lingered in the sky, quietly observing Li Hao.

Li Hao waited for a moment, but when he didn't receive any further mental messages from her, he stopped trying. Without further ado, he picked up his brush again and continued painting, this time including all three Half-Saints in the frame once more.

Yao Zu watched Li Hao resume painting, then retracted her divine sense and turned her attention back to the stage in front of her.

But she committed Li Hao's appearance to memory.

As the battles on the stage grew more intense, Li Hao completed his third painting.

The experience gained this time was around 120,000, still an impressive amount.

Li Hao wasn't surprised. Just as he was about to pick up his brush again, a dignified male voice sounded in his mind: "That's enough painting for now. Don't overdo it."

Li Hao was taken aback and turned his gaze towards one of the Half-Saints, the tall and majestic man.

The man's eyes also held a subtle warning as they met Li Hao's.

Li Hao understood and replied through a mental message, "My apologies for the intrusion. Please forgive me."

It was indeed an intrusion to paint them without permission, and he couldn't help but feel bitter. His opportunity to "shear" them for more experience was gone, but he believed Yao Zu would still be willing to let him paint her.

However, Li Hao didn't continue painting Yao Zu. Instead, he turned his attention to the stage below, thinking that Yao Zu might visit him later, and he could request to paint her again. This grand event was a rare opportunity to capture such scenes, and most importantly, he could also use it to collect martial arts techniques.

He had missed some of the earlier matches while painting, but the winners would continue to compete, so he would still have a chance to see them in action.

"This is Jing Feng. I heard that when he was in the Taiping Dao Realm, he had already refined seven layers of the Dao Domain, which is extremely terrifying. His swordsmanship is also top-notch. Now that he's reached the Hearing the Dao Realm, he's renowned among the inner sect geniuses. What do you think, will he be able to win all ten battles?"

Zhao Yingzhen recognized the youth standing guard on the stage and commented to Lin Shanhai and the others with a smile.

"Seven layers of the Dao Domain? That's outdated news. Before he crossed into the Hearing the Dao Realm, he had already cultivated nine layers of the Dao Domain."

"I heard he's only in his seventies, so young! But he has a Half-Saint as his master, and he was personally accepted as a disciple by the Mountain Ancestor at a young age. He also comes from a prestigious family, so it's understandable that he's achieved so much at such a young age."

"That's right. Back then, Yao Zu was only sixty years old when she entered the Hearing the Dao Realm, and she defeated all the other female disciples. Now, that was truly astonishing."

The other alchemists also chimed in, sharing their knowledge and admiration.

Being in the same circle, they spoke casually and comfortably with each other.

Li Hao was surprised to hear them mention Yao Zu and glanced in her direction, only to find that she seemed to be looking his way as well.

However, when their eyes met, she merely glanced at him and then looked away, as if it were an accidental encounter.

Li Hao was amazed. This Half-Saint had been so remarkable even in her youth. Indeed, those who could attain the status of Half-Saint were once unparalleled geniuses.

This also explained why the trials became increasingly difficult. Those who could cultivate to such a level were once capable of cross-realm killings and unmatched in battle.

If Half-Saints were already so formidable, one could only imagine the power of Saints.

"Enough chattering. Place your bets now. It's about to start."

Lin Shanhai spoke lazily.

The group quickly placed their bets.

Li Hao turned his attention to the stage, where a tall and graceful young man stood guard. 

The opponent did not hide his aura, but let it flow naturally, like a true dragon standing on the stage. He appeared gentle and elegant, but his aura was overwhelmingly domineering.

Soon, someone rose to the challenge.

But they were quickly defeated. This young man only needed to release his Dao Domain to suppress his opponent, rendering them unable to move.

Then came the second and third challengers, one after another, but they were all easily defeated by the youth on the stage. It wasn't until the seventh challenger, another seemingly elite inner sect disciple, that a real battle ensued. The two opponents' Dao Domains clashed as they drew their swords and fought fiercely.

Surprisingly, both of their sword techniques exhibited a peak of seven sword intents, their auras fierce and aggressive.

"You've learned the basics. Do you want to acquire it?"

A prompt appeared before Li Hao's eyes.

A smile curved Li Hao's lips as he chose 'Yes.'

Immediately, the other's body techniques and sword techniques were added to his panel.

Four new techniques appeared on his panel, namely the body techniques and sword techniques used by the two opponents.

As the techniques were added, a flood of information surged into Li Hao's mind. He digested and absorbed it slowly, carefully savoring each insight. Before long, he had mastered the techniques, and although his body technique was not as advanced as his opponents', his understanding of sword intent had reached a higher level. By applying his 'Only-Me Sword Intent,' he was able to deduce the flaws in their sword techniques!

With this insight, Li Hao realized that although their sword techniques appeared intense, they were actually full of loopholes.

If one could comprehend the sword intent behind the techniques, a single sword strike would be enough to break their opponent's sword formation!

Without intent to condense the momentum, the formation would be loose and vulnerable to attacks!

However, after comprehending the sword intent behind these two sword techniques, Li Hao felt that his 'Only-Me Sword Intent' had become more rounded.

His 'Only-Me Sword Intent' could cut through anything he wished to sever.

But to truly achieve this, he had to have a profound understanding of all things in the world.

Only with understanding could he break through and overcome.

In other words, the more sword intents he collected, the stronger his 'Only-Me Sword Intent' would become... Li Hao's heart suddenly realized this, and he became curious, wondering if sword intents also had levels.

If he comprehended enough sword intents, would his 'Only-Me Sword Intent' reach a truly perfect level?

Li Hao's eyes sparkled with curiosity. Regardless, the more sword intents he collected, the stronger his 'Only-Me Sword Intent' would undoubtedly become.

Li Hao's spiritual sense suddenly scattered, and he simultaneously observed the battles taking place on the ten platforms.

Soon, a prompt appeared again.

"You've learned the basics. Do you want to acquire it?"

Yes, yes, yes! Li Hao kept confirming, and more and more techniques were added to his panel, mostly focusing on sword techniques and body techniques. As this was the Sword Ancestor Holy Land, the focus was primarily on the path of the sword!

Unlike the Academy or other top-tier forces, the Sword Ancestor Holy Land did not dabble in a wide variety of techniques.

Within the Holy Land, a Saint was at the pinnacle, and Saints all had their unique Saintly Paths. Therefore, the cultivation here was more singular and pure.

While this might seem less comprehensive, the extreme purity often led to the cultivation of exceptionally powerful individuals who could stand alone against all odds!

When sword techniques reach an extreme level, they can cut through all things.

When fist techniques reach their peak, they can overcome all laws!

Cultivating within the Holy Land leads to faster progress, not only because of the abundant energy here but also because of this purity!

Purity often leads to the discovery of the ultimate truth.

It is only when one reaches a certain stage of cultivation, encounters a bottleneck, and has no hope of further progress that they begin to explore other techniques to increase their versatility.

Through observation, Li Hao found that his body technique was comparable to that of the average inner sect disciple, but it fell short when compared to the elite geniuses of the inner sect.

The top geniuses here had cultivated their body techniques for decades, and most of them had reached the sixth level.

However, Li Hao had the Primordial Wilderness, which could make up for his deficiency in body technique.

As he continued to collect sword techniques, Li Hao's understanding of sword intent also deepened.

Each inner sect disciple on the stage was wielding a sword technique that belonged to the Dao-level.

Within the Sword Ancestor Holy Land, there was no shortage of top-notch sword techniques, and the inner sect disciples all cultivated these techniques to varying degrees of mastery.

Li Hao felt that after going through this process of observation and collection, he had probably stolen and learned about ninety percent of the sword techniques within the Sword Ancestor Holy Land.

With his insight into the eighth level of the sword technique, he was able to deduce the sword intent behind each technique.

As he collected dozens, even hundreds, of sword intents, a vast amount of information flooded Li Hao's mind, making him feel slightly overwhelmed. However, his 'Only-Me Sword Intent' also benefited from this influx of knowledge, becoming even more formidable.

Previously, when Lin Qingying had practiced her sword technique, Li Hao had noticed her weaknesses and knew that he could easily cut through her technique. But now, he felt that even if she were to use her strongest gentle sword intent against him, he would still be able to cut through it with ease.

He had gained a comprehensive understanding of sword intent, allowing him to see through the flaws in others' sword techniques.

The battles below continued, and Li Hao quietly observed. The youth named Jing Feng had already finished his seventh battle and won, securing his place in the top ten.

In his tenth battle, he encountered a formidable opponent and had to exhibit the power of the three extreme realms to emerge victorious, stunning the crowd.

These three extreme realms were the previous three realms: Divine Power, Heaven and Earth Pulse, and Heaven and Earth Law Image.

The Heaven and Earth Law Image was particularly noteworthy, as it meant that the opponent had an heir other than a Saint. This was typically a prerequisite for becoming a Saint.

Having this extreme realm indicated that the opponent had the potential to become a Saint.

It was later that Li Hao learned that without the Heaven and Earth Law Image, even if one were to obtain the incense fire, they could only carry two incense sticks' worth. At that time, becoming a Saint with only two incense sticks' worth of power would mean that they could only reach the first realm of Sainthood and would never be able to advance further, remaining as the weakest Saint.

After all, without the capacity to contain the essence of heaven and earth, how could one hope to contain the essence of all living beings?

Li Hao observed the battles for several hours. Initially, he was able to collect different sword techniques and body techniques from the disciples on each of the ten platforms. However, as time passed, there was increasing overlap, and he encountered fewer new techniques.

Despite this, Li Hao was still extremely satisfied with his harvest.

As he gradually ran out of new sword techniques to collect, Li Hao picked up his brush again and began to paint.

This time, he depicted all ten platforms and the numerous outer sect disciples below.

However, there were too many outer sect disciples to paint individually, so Li Hao focused mainly on the inner sect disciples battling on the ten platforms.

As Li Hao prepared for this painting, he had already taken out a large scroll of paper, dozens of meters in length.

The standard-sized paper he usually used would be hard-pressed to capture the grandeur of the scene before him.

Seeing Li Hao's actions, Shi Huajin and the others beside him were astonished. When they saw the delicate strokes of his brush, they were even more surprised, immediately recognizing that Li Hao's painting skills were not merely a simple hobby but a deeply refined craft.

This time, Li Hao painted with even greater care and attention to detail.

Slowly, a vast and majestic scene of the ten battle platforms emerged on the paper, gradually extending to capture the lively figures of the Inner Sect disciples.

From a distance, Yao Zu noticed Li Hao's large scroll and scanned it with her divine sense, her eyes widening in surprise.

Soon, she understood Li Hao's intention and smiled faintly.

Such a magnificent scene, if painted and preserved, would indeed be a memorable keepsake.

But usually, they were warriors, and such leisurely pursuits were not often indulged.

"This Qingfeng Dan Shi is painting the ten battle platforms and the intense clashes. It looks quite impressive. When he's done, why don't we purchase it and display it in the Sword Pavilion, so that future disciples who come to choose their martial arts techniques will also know the grandeur of the Sword God War?" Yao Zu suddenly suggested.

Hearing this, the Half-Saint beside her, the tall and sturdy middle-aged man, raised his eyebrows and scanned the painting with his divine sense, a look of surprise in his eyes.

He thought for a moment and said, "Not bad. His painting skills are indeed remarkable, far beyond simple imitation or resemblance. The unique style and spirit of the painting are something I couldn't replicate even if I tried."

He had previously warned Li Hao, but that was only because he disliked being spied on. As for Li Hao's painting skills, he genuinely appreciated them.

For warriors, as their cultivation level increased, their control over their bodies became more refined. Controlling a brush and capturing a likeness was not a difficult task for them.

However, it was that unique style and spirit that set the painting apart, an intangible quality that they could recognize but not easily replicate.

The old man glanced at the painting but said nothing, his gaze returning to the battle platforms.

Seeing no objection, Yao Zu smiled. The Sword Pavilion was a place where all disciples of the Sword Ancestor Holy Land would come to choose their martial arts techniques. With the artist's name inscribed on the painting, their name would be passed down through the generations.

In her opinion, whether one was a commoner or a noble, everyone strived for immortality in the annals of history.

And her suggestion was meant to help Li Hao achieve that immortality.

As long as the Sword Ancestor Holy Land endured, his name would be forever remembered.

After a long time, as the initial battles on the platforms below came to an end, Li Hao finally completed his awe-inspiring masterpiece.

The ten platforms stood tall, the sacred mountain loomed, and countless Inner Sect geniuses gathered, each with their unique expressions. Li Hao's brushstrokes brought the scene to life, even capturing the distant figures of the Outer Sect disciples.

Their weapons, sword auras, and the sword techniques they employed were all immortalized in the painting, like a grand and epic battle song.

This was the era of geniuses, where countless prodigies shone brightly, radiating their most dazzling light.

Lin Shanhai and the others gradually lost interest in their bets as they became engrossed in Li Hao's painting, finding it even more captivating than the live battles below. The grandeur and intensity of the painting stirred their blood and filled them with excitement.

As Li Hao put down his brush, he saw the notification on his panel.

Painting Experience +762,892

Seven hundred and sixty thousand!

For this painting, Li Hao had worked tirelessly for nearly an entire day, from the beginning of the battles to their conclusion.

And this painting had earned him an astonishing amount of experience, surpassing any of his previous works!

Li Hao put down his brush, feeling a sense of exhaustion. This painting had demanded his full attention and energy, requiring him to observe each individual and capture their essence with meticulous detail. It was no less strenuous than an intense cultivation session.

However, when he saw the huge amount of experience gained, Li Hao felt all his fatigue melt away.

Adding this to his previous experience, he was now close to a million points in Painting Experience!

This painting encompassed many Inner Sect disciples, but Li Hao knew that space was limited, and he hadn't been able to include all of them.

If he were to paint every disciple of the Sword Ancestor Holy Land, one by one, the experience gained would surely be in the tens of millions, or even more!

After all, there were over a million Outer Sect disciples alone, and even if each of them only gave him ten experience points, it would still amount to tens of millions!

And these Outer Sect disciples were mostly at the Three Immortals Realm, so it was unlikely that they would only provide ten experience points.

Li Hao leaned back in his chair, taking a moment to catch his breath. A smile curved his lips as he felt that the effort had been well worth it.

With just a little more painting, he would be able to max out his Painting Experience.

But what came next was the enlightenment of the Painting Dao!

If he could comprehend the Painting Dao, he would break through the bottleneck and raise his Painting skill to the ninth level. Then, by obtaining the insight of the Dao, he could also elevate his sword technique to the ninth level!

Li Hao gazed at the magnificent painting before him, feeling inspired by the epic battles it depicted. Aside from the Painting Experience, his understanding of painting had also deepened.

As Li Hao finished his painting, the initial battles on the platforms below also came to an end.

The Outer Sect disciples below excitedly discussed the rankings, especially focusing on the more renowned Inner Sect disciples.

Li Hao had little interest in these discussions and waited for the ink on his painting to dry before rolling it up and putting it away.

"Are you free? Come here for a moment."

Suddenly, Yao Zu's voice sounded in Li Hao's mind.

Li Hao was taken aback for a moment before he looked in her direction, seeing her gesturing to him.

Li Hao was a little surprised but nodded and said to Lin Shanhai, "Old Lin, Yao Zu is calling me. I'll be right back."


Lin Shanhai and the other alchemists were stunned by this.

(End of Chapter)

Chapter end