An Invitation to Excitement (R-18)

The classroom was a slow torture. The professor's monotone voice blended into the background, each word dragging like a slow, dull needle against my patience. My eyes wandered out the window, where the world seemed to move on without me. A car honked. A bird swooped down onto a bench. Anything outside these four walls felt more alive than I did at that moment. 

"Psst," Kyle whispered from two seats over. He threw a crumpled piece of paper onto my desk. Unfolding it, I read the scrawled words: Club tonight? 

I glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. Kyle flashed me a grin and nodded toward Ryan, who gave a thumbs-up from the front row. I sighed, crumpling the paper back up. 

Why not? 

The bell rang, mercifully ending the lecture. Kyle and Ryan were already waiting for me by the door, their faces lit up with mischief. 

"Finally!" Ryan groaned. "I was about to lose my mind in there."