Chapter 8

I'd been expecting the scream.

That didn't make things better.

There is an old quote by Hitchcock about the difference between surprise and suspense. Have a group of people talking for 15 minutes and then have a bomb go off… that is surprise. 15 minutes of normal followed by 15 seconds of shock. It makes you jump and scream and your heart race. But show the audience the bomb being planted and put a clock in the background so they know how much time is left… and suddenly you have 15 horrible minutes of dread, where you are mentally screaming at the characters to go do something, to get out of there, to stop talking about what they had for breakfast or what's in the paper. And yet they don't and every second that tips by just makes things worse. Every comment they make suddenly gains a horrid irony and darker mean. And even if they all escape the dread remains. That is suspense. And suspense is all the worse.

I had been suffering through that as I sat with Tea and Mokuba. Joey had decided to share some stories, having realized that I was still a bit out of it after having some deranged god try to strangle me to death and needed something to take my mind off things, but I'd begun to move past that and settle into my newest nervousness of waiting for that scream to pierce the darkness. They thought it was me being worried about Bakura and thus the gang was doing their best to make amends for the kid so I wouldn't jump when he snuck up behind me, but in reality I was anxious to get the next set of events underway. I knew Mai was going to lose and let out that scream it was only a matter of when. It was like when you knew someone was going to call you at a certain time so you didn't really want to do anything, lest you get caught up in a task you couldn't stop, so you were left pacing and fidgeting, waiting for the call to come.

And when it did come I probably jumped far more than I would have had I not been expecting Mai to let loose a scream.

"What was that?" Tea said, having pressed herself tightly against me and causing my White Knight Syndrome to kick back into high gear. It didn't help that Mokuba had also started as the cry tore through the night. Without thinking I wrapped an arm around each of them and tensed for a fight I knew wouldn't actually come.

"It sounded like Mai!" Tristan exclaimed, leaping to his feet.

"Man, she must be in trouble!" Joey declared and I couldn't help but be impressed that he'd forgotten all his animosity against her and instantly switched to concern. For all his faults when someone was in trouble, no matter what they had done to him, he was willing to leap forward to defend them. "It came from that direction!"

"You guys stay there!" Tristan called out as he, Joey, and Bakura began to run towards where the scream had come from. I spotted Yugi emerging from the forest and wiggled free of Tea and Mokuba, hauling myself to my feet and giving them each a hand up.

"We aren't really going to stay back here meekly while they go handle that, right?" I asked.

"No way!" Mokuba said with a grin, fired up despite how late it was. "Let's go!"

"I'm with you," Tea said.

"Try and keep up," I said and the three of us began to hurry along the path, quickly catching up with the others. I made sure that Mokuba and Tea were firmly with the rest of our group before I flashed a smile and decided to show them what an over 6 foot tall man with long legs could really do, instantly leaving them in the dust as I extended my gait. I charged forward, my bathrobe snapping behind me, and burst out into the clearing in time to see Mai's dueling platform coming down… and the dark-clothed beast PaniK striding towards her, an arrogant grin on his face. I was suddenly struck by the fact that the Eliminator reminded me of a Hellsing character… some vampire that Alucard would take out in one episode and in a rather gory way, to be sure. The size was one thing and his mouth was far too big and I was sure he was suffering from the same problem Anderson had of having ten thousand teeth in his mouth. He was standing there in his "I'm trying too hard" black leather long coat (and I happily ignored the fact that I owned one of those coats myself) and black skull cap and stupid eye makeup, all of which served to make him at once look like the baddest motherfucker around while also looking like the lamest 90s emo villain ever to come out of a Hot Topic. He walked up to Mai and before she could even do anything he grabbed her by the wrist and jerked her up.

The entire world went blood red and I was pretty sure my vision switched to that of the T-800.

Looking around I spotted a thick tree branch and made a sidestep to grab it, hardly slowly down as I grabbed it and got a good grip before charging forward. I could hear the others thundering up behind me, having caught up, and I came to a stop a few feet from PaniK and Mai, hefting my weapon.

"Let her go, you filth," I snarled, causing the two to look up at me; Mai with a dazed dull glassy look that did not belong on her face and PaniK with malicious amusement. "Let her go! You will not touch her again." I raised my free hand and made the universal gesture for "Bring it, bitch". "Come here and finish it," I said, completing the quote.

"So… the loser has a champion," PaniK said mockingly, still holding onto Mai's wrist in a grip that was far too tight; I could see Mai's hand going a few shades paler than her natural skin tone. "Because that's what she is, boy." He began to approach me. "She's a loser… lost to me crying and sobbing, trembling in her boots. What does it say about you that you defend a-"

I leapt forward and swung the branch, feeling it crack against PaniK's face and crushing his nose, smearing it across his broad pompous face. The big man howled and dropped Mai but I already moved behind him and gave him another strike right on the back of the head, sending him to his knees. Joey, bless his impulsive soul, rushed forward and dragged Mai away before PaniK crushed her under his bulk.

"Hi," I panted, adjusting my grip on the branch as PaniK lurched back up to his feet, grabbing onto his broken nose and glaring at me between his fingers, "I'm Edwin. This is my stick. And I'm going to hit you with it till you get the fudge off this island!" I went for another swing but PaniK caught it and jerked me forward, forcing me to dive out of the way before he could punch me. It was only because he was cupping his face with his other hand that he missed, half his focus on his ruined nose. I was 100% sure if 4Kids wasn't editing things he'd have blood gushing down his face. "Huh… muscle memory. Apparently I know some fighting moves." The best I knew from my real life was street brawling, aka thrash about and pray you did damage. This was much better. God bless anime having every main character know how to fight! I fell into a mix-martial arts brawler stance. "Neat."

"You will pay for that… I will see you cast off this island!" PaniK snapped, using just his fingers to break the stick in half.

"Aw, is Ser Gregor scared of taking me on?" I taunted.

"I can easily defeat some loser who…" PaniK blinked, whatever threat he was going to make dying in his throat as he asked, befuddled, "Are you in pajamas?"

"Yes. Yes I am." I ran my hands along my bathrobe.

"You are the one Pegasus put a bounty on?"

"At least I don't look like Agent Smith's rebellious teenage son!" I shot back. "Aw, did I hurt your feelings? Or are you only used to your uncle talking to you like that before he slips behind you and-"

"That's enough, Edwin!" The Pharaoh declared, having at some point swapped out with Yugi (and 4kids deciding to cut my retort). "We will get nowhere if you continue trading insults with this man." He stepped forward, eyes narrowed, and focused his attention on Mai who was sitting on the ground, still shellshocked from all that had happened, before glancing back at PaniK. "You are an Eliminator, just like that duelist who pretended to be Kaiba, aren't you?!"

PaniK cackled at that. "Oh, yes and no little boy! I am an Eliminator… but there is no one like me!" He threw his hands out wide, giving us a good view of his crunched and twisted nose. "I am PaniK! The Player Eliminator! All who face me are left trembling and weak!" He nodded towards Mai who hadn't moved a muscle after Joey had yanked her away, staring with glassy eyes at the ground. "Come now Mai… tell them what it was like to face me… tell them!"

Mai flinched at that and my entire body trembled as pure rage replaced my blood and flooded my system. I had wanted Mai to grow as a person, to show some humility… but seeing her so utterly shattered, so scared and broken, it filled my gullet with disgust. I let loose a snarl, nostrils flaring as I stepped forward.

But the Pharaoh spoke before I could.

"Enough of this, PaniK! I know exactly what you are… a bully. Someone who attacks others to make themselves feel bigger and stronger than they really are. And there is only one way to deal with a bully and that is to show them that you aren't frightened of them. That their childish games don't work on you. And that is exactly what I am going to do right now." He pointed right at PaniK and declared. "Let's see you try your intimidation tactics on me… but I'll warn you now I don't scare easily! Especially when I am fighting for my friends! So it's time to duel-"

"Get in line, Yugi," I said, stepping forward and pulling out my own deck, glad I had snagged back Endymion before Mai had screamed. "Me and The Mountain already began our dance and I don't like it when people cut in." I rolled my neck, bones popping and cracking as I limbered up. "Besides… you and I have a difference of opinion. You think that bullies are just pathetic people who cover up for their own weaknesses. But I know differently. There are people in this world that are just vile. They don't have a reason for it, they don't have an explanation for it. And honestly trying to assign logic to their cruel actions? It's an insult to those that truly do have problems. You PaniK… you're a big man who enjoys causing pain not because your daddy never loved you or your mommy never tucked you in at night but because you are just wired wrong." I adjusted my bathrobe like it was a long coat and decided I'd already stolen from Doctor Who once I might as well again. "You're a monster! That's the role you are determined to play then it seems that I. Must Play. Mine!" I stepped forward and sneered. "The one that stops the monsters. So pull out your pathetic deck because I'm winning Mai's Star Chips back and then, just for the fun of it, I'm going to destroy you just like I destroyed Fakey! And just like I'm going to destroy every other stinking Eliminator that gets in my way! It's time to duel!"

But once more the Pharaoh cut in, physically thrusting out his hand to stop me.

"No. This is not the time for your violent ways. If you defeat him right now, with rage and hate, you do not prove him wrong. In fact you validate his entire world view. The only way to defeat a man like this is to show just how wrong he is. And you do that by dueling the proper way, through cunning rather than brute force, from skill rather than cruelty. I will show PaniK what it truly means to be a duelist." He moved towards the dueling platform. "Now, I will wager-"

"Hold up there, Qui Gon!" I snapped, spinning around so I was standing in front of him, blocking his way. "There is a time and place for lessons and learning moments but that isn't now. We aren't going to all show off our tummy tattoos and use the Care Bear Stare! You can't teach someone who doesn't want to learn and PaniK isn't interested in what you are preaching. Even if you do win he'll find some excuse as to why you are wrong and he is right and the duel didn't actually matter. You can see it right now on that ugly mug of his that he doesn't take you seriously. And when you beat him he will blow off everything and dismiss it. The only thing he will respond to is force. I won't go in haymaker style but I am going to utterly destroy every stupid monster he throws out that is supposed to be oh-so-scary…" I wiggled my fingers mockingly, "until he is scrambling to figure out a way to defeat me!"

"Your way is wrong Edwin. That is why I must duel… to not only show him but show you as well."

"News flash, Moto, but I am doing more than fine in this tournament so far so let's not begin questioning my skill. Second, this all comes back to respect doesn't it? Pegasus is kidnapping people, ripping out souls, and sending literal monsters out to fight CHILDREN. We have LONG passed the point of Saturday Morning Cartoon lessons!"

The Pharaoh narrowed his eyes and looked up at me, not impressed or moved in the slightly. "We become as bad as those we face when we stoop to their level."

"We allow them to get away with hurting others when we lazily wave away their actions all in the name of feeding your ego!"

"I am not waving away what PaniK has done but acting as him isn't the answer."

"Ha! So calling out kidnappers is bad but Mind Crushing foes and banishing them to the Shadow Realm is a-okay?"


Off to the side Tristan leaned towards the rest of his friends. "Uh… they remember that they are supposed to be on the same side, right?"

"I… think so?" Joey said as Yugi and Edwin continued to bicker, shifting Mai a bit. She would occasionally look up at the two duelists that were arguing over who got to avenge her but otherwise she was trapped in a cycle of defeat and depression. "It's kinda hard ta tell. I mean, I know I fight with Yug all the time but this seems a bit… different."

"I get that he wants to help but Edwin needs to let Yugi do this," Tea stated firmly. "He handled the likes of Weevil just fine… this PaniK is no different." PaniK suddenly leered at her and Tea let out a yelp, going ramrod straight. "Eck! Okay… okay, maybe he's worse than Weevil but I know Yugi can take him!"

"No way!" Mokuba said, scowling at PaniK. He knew that the man before them had been sent by Pegasus and if he got the chance he would grab him and drag him right back to the jerk. "Edwin took out that fake that was using my brother's deck! And he knows a ton about dueling… he can take out PaniK easily!"

"Yes, Mokuba, but Yugi just pointed out that this is more than just defeating a duelist," Tea said gently. "He needs to teach PaniK a lesson… and I think show Mai something too."

"But Edwin's right that we can't always focus on teaching people things!" Mokuba exclaimed. "All the Eliminators are coming after us and we can't give them an inch! If we slip up one time then my brother will lose his company!"

"Yugi won't let that happen."

"No, Edwin won't let that happen!"

"Am I the only one that just wants PaniK to be beaten and doesn't care who takes him on?" Tristan asked. Bakura merely shrugged, focused on the argument.

Joey huffed, glaring at the tall brute. "Nah, I hear ya pal… I got half a mind to walk up to him and challenge him myself while those two fight-"

Yugi and Edwin both snapped their heads in Joey's direction and for a brief moment he saw golden energy pouring of Yugi while an Egyptian eye symbol glowed on his forehead while behind Edwin was a great moon and a figure cloaked in pale light and shadow with hands on his shoulders, only her wide malicious grin visible upon her shadowed face. Joey swallowed and took a step back and Yugi and Edwin went back to arguing with each other.

"Uh… on second thought I think I'll let them decide who goes first. I can… er… just wait here in case somethin' goes wrong."

"Yeah, that might be for the best," Bakura muttered, a weak smile on his lips.

"It doesn't matter who takes him on."

"Mai?" Tea said, Joey shifting the older duelist up a bit once he realized she had been the one speaking. "What did you say?"

"It doesn't matter who takes PaniK on. They'll just lose to him. Yugi and Edwin would be smart just to run now, save themselves the trouble."

"Aw, come on Mai, don't talk like that!" Joey said. "Yug takes out duelists like this punk without breakin' a sweat!"

"And Edwin has faced off with worst people than this guy!" Mokuba declared.

"No," Mai said softly, her voice hollow and without any emotion. "PaniK is different. Far different from any duelist they've taken on. He gets in your head, makes you mistrust your own judgment, and leaves you so frazzled and scared you can't think straight. He had me so twisted about I didn't know what I was doing. And… and he's going to do it to them too."

"Well, I suppose then that it is good that I am here now," a new voice called out. Everyone, from the teens to Yugi and Edwin, to PaniK himself, turned and watched as the arrival stepped out of the shadows of the forest.

"Renard?" Mokuba asked in surprise.

"You know him?" Bakura asked.

"Yeah, that's Renard. He's another Eliminator."

"Aw great, another one?" Joey exclaimed, moving to stand between his friends the blue-coated duelist who was walking towards them with an easy swagger.

"Not quite. I am not a… mere Eliminator. I am THEE Eliminator. The Head of the Eliminators. But do not worry… though I suspect that Pegasus would be quite happy if I made this into a challenge to try and retrieve Mokuba I am not interested in that."

"Why not?" Mokuba asked, trying to make himself sound braver than he really was.

Renard frowned. "I do not hurt children. I only remain in this contest at the moment because I am required to do so by contract and honor dictates I fulfill it. But Pegasus is not my captain… he is not the one I am destined to stand beside and face the world. This will be the last time I ever work for him." He waited for Mokuba to silent acknowledge that before turning to the feuding duelists and PaniK. "Besides, I do not think Misters Chaos and Moto are interested in battling for such things. It is Miss Valentine's Star Chips they are interested in. Yet it is clear neither of you can decide who will face PaniK here."

"We almost have it settled," Edwin stated. "SantimoniousRichardwhowon'tfacePaniKsayswhat?"

"What?" Yugi said.

"There, glad that was settled, " Edwin said, stepping towards PaniK only for Yugi to once more move to block him. "Do we need to do Moto Season/Chaos Season? Because we can do that bit if you have some signs."

Renard though merely chuckled before walking past the two of them. "I think I have a solution. PaniK, you wish to face these two, do you not?"

"One, two… it doesn't matter. Both will quake before me," the massive duelist bragged but if one listened carefully they could tell that his boast was a bit… off. More subdued than it had been before Renard appeared.

"Well, why not two." Renard pulled out his own deck. "We make this… well, perhaps not a tag team per say but a match with two sides and two members on both."

"…eh, isn't that the definition of tag team?" Joey said, scratching his head.

Bakura shook his head. "What Renard is getting at is that while Yugi and Edwin will be battling together they don't need to actually work together. They merely can't target each other."

Tristan raised an eyebrow at that. "The way those two are glaring at each other I'd say that it would be nearly impossible for them to work together as an effective team."

"They'll need to figure out a way if they want to beat PaniK," Tea said, shivering slightly and wrapping her arms around Mokuba; though if that was more for her own comfort or his own it was hard to say.

"It won't matter," Mai said sullenly, barely able to lift her head up even a fraction. "PaniK… you'll see. The battle is over before it even begins with him."

Edwin turned to look at Mai before snapping his gaze back to the Eliminators. "Yeah… need to show Mai how wrong she is with that kind of thinking. I don't know about Yugi but I'm in."

"I am as well," Yugi said firmly. "And I will show you that one can be forceful and respectful at the same time. That the high road is the only way to go."

"You take the high road and I'll take the low road and I'll get to Scotland before ya!" Edwin sang as he made his way to the dueling platform. Renard stepped forward and touched the side of the machine, causing a panel to open that he could key some commands into.

"A minor modification…" he said as there was a rumble and two more dueling platforms, one on each side of the field, rose up to join the first ones. PaniK moved for his own only for Renard to stop him. "I think I'll take the first one… you can have the new one. I know you might prefer to use the one you are familiar with but… well… I do not. Nor does Mr. Pegasus." He leaned in and hissed, "Understand?"

"Yes," the huge duelist grunted in annoyance. He had rigged up this duel platform to aid him in his mental warfare against his opponents. Jets of fire, speakers that would whisper and distract, electrified panels that would shock someone when they laid a card… all to make them terrified to make a single move and that was before he began to lay down his deck, which he had crafted to maximize the terror a foe felt. It was just so enjoyable to watch duelist crumble and fall apart before they could even get a strategy going. Each Star Chip he had collected represented the frightened tears and terrified screams of a duelist who had thought themselves brave enough to stand against him only to be reduced to a trembling wreck by him and the darkness.

And now Renard had taken that away from him, forcing him to duel on a platform he hadn't wired up. The flame nozzles were still there, as were all the other tricks and traps he'd set up to truly scare little Yugi, but he had no way to access them. And Renard, without saying a word, had made it clear that he nor apparently Master Pegasus were interested in letting him argue his way into activating them.

'Assuming that foppish forgien fool would let me!' he thought bitterly as he pulled himself onto his duel platform, not even bothering to wait for it to lower down. 'But it won't matter… my deck will still reduce Yugi to a trembling mess of nerves and then I will slowly tear Edwin Chaos apart!' He touched his nose, wincing in pain. 'And he will pay for thinking he could stand up to me!'


So to recap… I had PaniK gunning for me, an unknown factor in Renard, and the Pharaoh now saw me as someone worse than Seto 'I put Yugi's Grandpa in the hospital because there is no kill like overkill' Kaiba.

I wasn't in the greatest of moods.

"I have been meaning to ask," Renard called out as I shuffled my deck. "Are… you in your pajamas?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed in frustration. "Why does everyone keep asking me that?!?" I looked to the others. "Is it really that odd?"

"…just a touch?" Tristan said, Tea smiling weakly.

I groaned. "Just because all the rest of you freaks like sleeping in your clothes…" I rolled my wrist in PaniK's direction. "My apologizes… is 'freak' a word we normals can say or is that something only you and your kind can use?" PaniK glowered at me and I shrugged. "Well, we challenged you so you get to go first and Renard came last. So you get first draw there, Spooky."

PaniK drew his cards only to begin to laugh in a way that I was sure was supposed to be terrifying but really just came off like a high school principal trying to be intimidating at the band club's haunted house. "You were already defeated before you stepped onto the platform but now with the card I have drawn your defeat is even more assured. I play the Castle of Dark Illusions!" I raised an eyebrow as the castle appeared on the field… and found myself disappointed. I had been expecting that it would be like with the Blue Eyes White Dragon, with the Castle being more intimidating and frightening than it had been in the show. Yet when I looked at it all I saw was a crudely designed castle with some black fog billowing out of it.

"Oh no," Mai said and I turned to see her clutching at Tristan's leg. "Not that card…"

"Yes… you are familiar with this, aren't you?" PaniK taunted. "It was the card that began the end for you in our duel, wasn't it?" He looked to me and the Pharaoh. "And now it will seal your doom!"

"That doesn't sound good," Tea said fearfully.

"I'm too old to be scared of shadows, PaniK," the Pharaoh said firmly.

I, meanwhile, just stood there silently before blinking and shaking my head. "Oh, I'm sorry. I dozed off waiting for the scary thing to show up. Is it hiding behind the sandcastle?" I leaned around my platform.

"The Castle of Dark Illusions is something you should fear, little Yugi!" PaniK said, having decided to ignore my jests. "Because we are playing at night all monsters who use the power of darkness gain a field power bonus!" (920 → 1196/1930 → 2509) The fog began to grow thicker, though only on PaniK's side of the field. "And the Castle of Dark Illusions casts a dark spell that prevents any monsters other than mine from gaining power from the shadows! And the cloud it brews hides my monsters from you! You'll never know what ghastly beast will leap out of the shadows to devour you!"

"Well I defeated Pennywise and Yugi killed him so we are good there at least," I said, reaching to draw my hand only for the Pharaoh to quickly draw his, causing his dueling platform to activate while I was locked out. "No no, by all means, you go first Yugi. That is the honorable thing, right? Just leaping ahead and doing whatever you want?"

The Pharaoh narrowed his eyes as he looked over his hand. "I'm sorry Edwin but while you waste time with your cruel jokes I seek to defeat these Eliminators and regain Mai's Star Chips. Now then!" He held up a card dramatically. "I will place the Celtic Guardian in defense mode and end my turn."

"Ah, my turn then?" Renard said with a smile. He drew his opening cards and arched an eyebrow. "Hmmm… a fine crew I have assembled. I will start by summoning Seal, Strategist Fur Hire in attack mode and set this card on my field face down. Your move, Mr. Chaos."

While PaniK had been following the script from his canon duel with Yugi it was Renard's opening move that had my attention. I had been expecting… well, I don't know what exactly, considering his accent was all over the place and he was dressed up like Don Karnage, but I had figured it would be a standard vanilla monsters with average attack, maybe use an equip card to make it a bit better. But an effect monster with an average attack, even if he had only placed it on the field and not activated anything it could do? That was unexpected.

'Need to keep an eye on him. He is the head of the Eliminators, after all. That means he'll be more than a pushover.' I drew my hand and considered the cards before making a decision. 'Well, this worked against Ghost Kaiba. Let's see how it affects these two.' "First I'll start by summoning my Rogue of Endymion to the field!" My mystical red-cloaked assassin appeared on the field, a spell counter flashing on one of his daggers. "Now then, by discarding one monster-" I sent my Masked Sorcerer to the graveyard, "-I can convert the spell counter that he gains upon being summoned into any continuous spell card from my deck." I quickly began to thumb through my deck, finding the card I was interested. "And I will set Endymion's Lab onto the field!" The card flashed up behind my Rogue. "I can't activate it's effect this turn but now, well… I'll let you find out what happens next!"

"Yeah!" Joey called out. "Great move Ed! Now any spell card those guys activate will power up your lab and let you summon your Master Magician."

I pursed my lips together. "Yes Joey… that was the strategy I was trying to keep a secret."

"Oh… heh," Joey smiled and rubbed the back of his head. "My bad?"

Mokuba rolled his eyes, mimicking his brother rather well and in that moment I really wished Seto was there to give Joey a dope slap. "Well then, since I can't trust SOME PEOPLE from revealing my plans I'll just set this card on the field and end my turn. I'm sure it won't help me."

I knew I was laying it on thick. That was the point.

Because the very last thing I wanted was PaniK coming after my Rogue.

As for the monstrous (in terms of size, not quite fright) duelist he drew and smirked before looking right at the Pharaoh. "Now it is time for you to understand just how foolish it was to face me!" He summoned a monster, the Castle of Dark Illusions hiding it from view. "The darkness is my ally while for you it leaves you exposed and weak, trembling in terror at just what might hide in its depths, clawing its way closer and closer-" The yellow and blue claws of PaniK's monster shot out of the darkness and grabbed the Pharaoh's monster.

"My Celtic Guardian!" the Pharaoh cried out as his monster grunted and struggled before being drawn into the fog. There was the sound of a monster shattering and Yugi grit his teeth in frustration. "You may have destroyed my monster, PaniK, but it will take more than that to get me stop! I summon my Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress in defense mode!" The blue rather generic-looking dragon appeared and let out a roar before settling in defense mode.

"Lay as many monsters as you want, it matters not to me. My creatures of the night will destroy them all!"

"You will need to wait your turn," Renard stated, drawing his next card. "For it is my turn to attack and I will bring my strength to bear on your Rogue, Mr. Chaos!" Seal unrolled a scroll, examining it carefully only for a knife to suddenly fly through it and strike my Rogue of Endymion right in the chest, shattering him. Or at least it was supposed to be a knife but thanks to 4kids it was instead a shaft of white light that was vaguely knife-shaped but not quite because we can't have kiddies seeing furries kill magical assassins. (Edwin 1900)

I let out a huff at that, as I could just feel the Pharaoh's eyes on me, ready to make some comment about how I'd brought this on myself because how dare I actually attack someone who thought it was okay to manhandle women and shoot fire at people.

"Perhaps now you see why it is important to focus on the actual battle rather than come up with new jokes to make yourself seem bigger than you are."

"Right on cue," I muttered before plastering a sad smile on my face. "You're right Yugi… I see the error of my ways. I should treat PaniK here with kindness and respect. He only manhandled Mai and tried to use flamethrowers on her… it's not like he ripped up a card he fairly won from her. If he had done that then I would be justified to use dark magic to attack his mind." I shot him a glare, my smile leaving my face. "People Edwin Chaos has banished from reality? Zero. People Yugi Muto "sent to the shadow realm"? At least one but let's check with your friends. Hey guys! You see Yugi here use the Millennium Puzzle to make people disappear?"

The Pharaoh glowered at me. "You can try to-"

"Bored now," I said flippantly, turning away from him and drawing my next card.

"This is a rather interesting duel," Renard said with a smile.

"Yeah, don't suppose PaniK would be up for a trade? You and me vs. him and Yugi? I mean they both like to act like they are superior to everyone else." Renard raised an eyebrow at that and chuckled; I got the sense he was actually considering it.

"That is enough Edwin-" the Pharaoh began.

"What part of 'bored now' didn't you understand?" I snapped.

"Hey guys, come on!" Tea called out. "I don't know what is wrong with you two but you can't be fighting like this! You are supposed to be working together!"

"Tea is right, Edwin," the Pharaoh said, holding himself tall and proud. "This petty squabbling will get us no where. We must focus on the duel and that means you must work with me!"

"So it isn't a team thing. It's me being your lackey?" He opened his mouth but I added, "So tell me… at what point do you decide to Mind Crush me?"

"W-what?" the Pharaoh said, his anger shattering into startled shock at that.

"The Mind Crush. You know, where you thrust out your hand and banish people from the face of the Earth? Like you did with that Fake Kaiba, the child abductor? How many times do I get to defy the mighty Yugi Moto before you decide I don't deserve to exist?" He stared at me with wide eyes but I was frankly so tired both from his attitude and the fact that I just had wanted to get some damn sleep that I decided to twist the knife. "I think your friends deserve to know too just how much independence they are allowed before you tamper with their brains. Joey decides on a strategy you don't like so you decide to 'banish the evil from his heart' and make him listen to you? Don't like a girl Tristan is dating because he doesn't see you guys as much so you poof her away? Tea decides to go to school in another country so you get rid of those evil thoughts so she'll stay at your side?"

"I… I would never do that," the Pharaoh said, horrified by my accusation.

"H-hey," Joey exclaimed, "Yugi… he'd never… he'd never do that!"

"Yeah!" Tristan called out but it wasn't as firm and confident as he might have liked and everyone knew it. "Yugi… Yugi isn't some villain!"

"Edwin, you can't really think that!" Tea exclaimed.

I didn't look to them. I just kept staring at Yugi. It was time to drive the blade home.

"You are no different than Pegasus," I said coldly before turning back to the duel. "Alright, I summon Crusader of Endymion in attack mode and then use Pot of Greed, which gets me two cards and also adds a Spell Counter to my lab." I drew my cards and nodded. "Next I will attack your Seal! Crusader, Spell Shield Smash!" The armored mage guardian rushed forward, slamming his shield into the furry and shattering it. (Renard- 1700)

"I activate my trap card!" Renard said, thrusting out his hand. "Training Fur Hire, Fur All Your Training Needs! This card allows me to summon one Fur Hire monster from my deck with a lower level than the monster that destroyed my previous Fur Hire and summon it to the field." Renard took out his deck and selected a card rather quickly. "I summon Beat, Bladesman Fur Hire!"

The rabbit had barely appeared before I laid down Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying the continuous trap so it wouldn't continue to give me problems. But already the horror of what I was seeing was dawning on me.

'He doesn't just have one card… he has the entire theme! Fur Hires!' I knew that in the real world Fur Hires were a casual deck at best, a fun thing that people built but had no hope of seeing competitive play. And even against other casual decks it could be iffy. But in this world? Especially Duelist Kingdom? Where the future King of Games used MUSHROOM MAN? 'He has a modern deck build. He has a MODERN DECK BUILD with archtype support!'

I mentally handled it rather calmly.



Yugi frowned as he looked over his cards, the other self that he had only come to realize existed within him going over their possibilities. 'Renard seems to have a deck that is centered around those humanoid animals and getting them onto the field quickly. We could get overwhelmed really quickly if we don't keep an eye on him.'

The Spirit nodded slightly, having taken control of Yugi's body for the duel. 'Yes but PaniK can't be ignored. He needs to be our focus for now.'

'But what about Renard?'

'Edwin will serve as a distraction. He will draw Renard's attacks, allowing us to deal with PaniK. We will learn from that.'

Yugi frowned even if his body didn't twitch its lips in the slightly. 'We can't use Edwin as bait. That isn't right. He's our partner.'

'Edwin Chaos isn't our partner,' the Spirit stated as PaniK summoned some other monster that he called the Dark Chimera into the inky darkness that the Castle of Dark Illusions created. He was taunting him, claiming that Yugi was like a child cowering under the covers, but neither soul that dwelled in Yugi's body was truly paying attention. 'He forced his way into a duel that was never his and his reckless actions will only lead to his downfall… and us with him if we attempt to save him.'

'He's been nothing but helpful to us,' Yugi pointed out. 'I mean, yeah, he was harsh with me concerning Joey but I didn't sense that coming from a place of hatred. It kind of reminded me of how Grandpa can get when he thinks I'm doing something wrong…'

'Edwin can't be trusted, Yugi.'

'But why?' the teen pressed. 'What happened that made you suddenly decide that we can't rely upon him?'

The Spirit drew his next card. 'Many things,' he lied. He didn't want to stare the boy with the knowledge that Edwin Chaos had been claimed by… something… that called the Spirit of the Millenium Ring 'brother'. Something that claimed to not merely be a goddess but beyond good and evil. "You keep saying how I am hiding in terror of your monsters, PaniK! But it seems to me that you are the one that is cowering! Your monsters hide in the shadows, refusing to stand before all. Why is that? Could it be that you know they aren't that terrifying at all? That their strength only comes from hiding them? Let's find out! I shift my Winged Dragon into attack mode and command it to attack!"

"Then prepare to watch it fall!" PaniK laughed maliciously. "For your sad little dragon is no match for my monsters!"

"I'm not aiming for your monsters, PaniK! I attack-"

"The moon?" Edwin called out. Everyone turned to look at him and he grimaced in embarrassment. "Sorry… sorry… just…ignore me for once."

The Spirit narrowed his eyes, his annoyance at Edwin and his constant flippant jests only growing more and more every time the man opened his mouth. 'Do you see how he is? He takes nothing seriously. This is about helping Mai but all he does is make it about him.' "Winged Dragon, attack the darkness itself and reveal just what is lurking in the night!" The fireball rushed forward and exploded, lighting up PaniK's side of the field and revealing the monsters he had summoned. "And thus we see that the boogeymen that cower in the closet and under the bed are nothing to be frightened of. Much like your boasts, PaniK, when exposed they are revealed to be nothing to be concerned about!"

"Uh… I don't know about that!" Tea whimpered as the monsters on PaniK's side of the field disappeared once more into the shadows.

PaniK glowered at his cards being revealed but there was nothing he could do as Renard drew his next card. "Now now," the Head Eliminator scolded his partner, "you can not grow angry at him and his words when you do the same. You prove yourself on the field." He looked at the card he'd drawn and grinned. "Allow me to show all three of you how you do just that! I activate the Spell Card Fandora, The Flying Furtress!"

The card flashed and the Spirit took a step back, eyes wide in shock as the massive winged galleon appeared over the battlefield, so huge that extra hologram projectors had to be deployed from the platforms just to create the great vessel. It was beautiful even while being imposing, looking like the creation of an artist trying to capture a dream. Renard's Fur Hire monster held out his hand and the great ship lowered down ropes, allowing him to scale it and leap onto the deck of the ship.

"Next, I will summon Donpa, Marksman Fur Hire!" The monster card flashed and on the deck and new sky warrior appeared at the ready. "And because I summoned a Fur Hire Monster I can special summon this one from my hand: Sagitta, Maverick Fur Hire!" A third monster, this one a black raven woman, appeared next to Beat. "And because they are Nakama when a new member joins the crew my other Fur Hires activate their effects! First Beat allows me to add another Fur Hire monster from my deck to my hand. And my Donpa allows me to target one monster on the field and destroy it while my Sagitta is able to deal 500 points of damage to one opponent for each of her Nakama on the field. And I believe it to be wiser to eliminate one of you from this game right now… and I am sorry, Mr. Chaos, but it seems our battle must come to an end now." With that his Fur Hires fired and there was a tremendous explosion on Edwin's side of the field…

…only for the smoke to clear to reveal him smirking, a finger pressed against the side of his mouth in thought.

"Was that supposed to hurt?" he asked innocently. "Reveal my trap card, Hallowed Life Barrier. I had to discard one card but doing so allowed me to create a mystical field of energy around my lifepoints, protecting them."

"Well played," Renard said with a nod of respect. "Well played."

"You as well. That was very close."

'See?' Yugi argued. 'He is polite to Renard.'

'Renard is an Eliminator, Yugi. He should be cautious around him. Now is not the time to make friends with him.'

'But that doesn't-'

"I draw and summon Witch of the Black Forest in defense mode," Edwin declared. "I then activate the Spell Card One Day of Peace! This card causes all players in this game to draw one card and then prevents any of us from taking damage till the end of your turn, Renard. It's a Christmas Armistice, gentlemen. A time to take stock and set your field for the battle to come!" Edwin selected a card from his hand. "I will set this card facedown and end my turn."

PaniK sneered at that. "I do not need to wait a turn before destroying either of you! Tremble at the might of my monsters! Barox, destroy the Winged Dragon! Dark Chimera, you destroy that fool's lowly witch!" PaniK laughed as both of his foe's monsters were shattered but Edwin merely shook his head.

"You did hear me say that none of us took damage, right?" he said as he activated his Witch's effect and selected a monster from his deck and added it to his hand. "Because that really was just bluster for the sake of bluster. Seriously, is that a requirement for you Eliminators? Renard can back up his comments but the rest of you are just huffing and puffing but the brick house ain't falling down."

PaniK grit his teeth at that. "I will do more than huff and puff on my next turn when my denizens of the dark shatter the last of your sanity!"

"Denizens! Why that was a three-syllabe word. Good for you PaniK, I knew you'd be able to get past monosyllabic grunting eventually."

"Enough, Edwin!" the Spirit called out. "It is my turn and I do not need your ramblings!" He drew a card and couldn't help but smile as he looked over what he'd gained. "But I will admit this, Edwin… your One Day of Peace has served me well. That, along with my draw, just allowed me to assemble the combination that will take out PaniK once and for all!" He thrust a card. "Behold the first piece of your doom, PaniK!" He spun the card for everyone to see. "I have drawn Swords of Revealing Light!" He returned the card to his hand. "First though, I must summon the second piece of your downfall! Curse of Dragon!" The bone-like dragon appeared with a screech on the field. "I will set one more card-" he smirked and held up his hand, showcasing five fingers, "-and thus comes the beginning of the end for you!"

"I'm afraid I must… how you say… rain on your parade?" Renard asked, the Spirit shifting his focus to the other Eliminator. "You see, you have forgotten something very important… this is not merely a duel of you and PaniK or myself and Mr. Chaos. It is about partners… and I can not let you harm mine."

"Oh no!" the Spirit exclaimed, horror swelling within him as he realized that he had left himself wide open for an attack. He had been relying on PaniK trying to destroy his set card, his Spellbinding Circle, so that he could reduce the attack of one of his monsters and thus protect his Curse of Dragon, setting up for his attack that would destroy all of his foe's monsters. 'If he attacks I'll have to sacrifice my Spellbinding Circle against him, should he summon a monster strong enough to destroy my Dragon. If I don't it will be destroyed and I won't be able to take out his Castle of Dark Illusion's floatation ring!' He had spotted right away the perfect way to defeat PaniK, to turn the power of his hovering castle against him, but he needed his dragon to be able to fly up there!

"First I use Fandora's effect to sacrifice my draw phase so I can add a Fur Hire monster from my deck to my hand, which I will summon now! Come forth Helmer, Helmsman Fur Hire!" Another animal pirate appeared, this one at the wheel of Fandora, tipping their hat to the Spirit and Edwin. "And now I can special summon Wiz, Mage Fur Hire to the field!" The octopus mage appeared and Donpa brought down his gun to bare on the Spirit's dragon. "And with that I can now destroy your Curse of Dragon!"

"No!" the Spirit exclaimed; the Spellbinding Circle would be worthless against Donpa because it was an effect, not an attack. He could only stare in shock as his dragon was shattered and his lifepoints dropped to 1000. (Yugi-1000)

'What are we going to do now?' Yugi asked.

'I… I don't know!'


"Man, this is bad," Joey muttered as Renard set a card on the field and ended his turn. "Like… real bad."

"Maybe but I know Yugi can still pull out the win!" Tea declared.

"No, he can't."

"Mai?" Tea said, concerned.

The older woman just shook her head. "Don't you see? PaniK isn't a duelist… he's a force of nature. And with Renard backing him up it's even worse. There is no way to win against them… we are all doomed. There is nothing Yugi can do."

"You know," Edwin shouted to her, causing the rest of the group to jump, "I think it's time you all stopped focusing on Yugi and waiting for him to save you and remember that I am here!"

Mai though couldn't even lift her head. "Edwin… I'm sorry I got you into this mess. I'm sorry that you have to face-"

"What? PaniK?" Edwin looked at the fearsome duelist… and cackled. "He's nothing Mai. His entire bit is mindgames and yeah he got you good. But the thing is…his tricks don't work on me. I see past them and as such he has no hope against me. I am the force of nature here, not him!" He pulled out his phone and began to scroll through it. "And I think it's time I broke through the terror and apathy he's infected you with and remind you that when it comes to dueling nothing is ever dark and done until the final lifepoint falls away."

"Ya!" Mokuba called out, pumping his fist. "You show'em, Edwin!"

Tristan nodded. "He's right! Yugi's been in worst scrapes before and he'd fought back! He can do it again!"

"Show that freak whose boss!" Joey called out.

"You can do it!" Tea exclaimed.

Mai though shut her eyes and sighed. They just didn't-

An energetic guitar riff filled the air and Mai's head snapped up to see that Edwin had plugged his phone into the dueling platform and was blasting music through it, piercing through the gloom of the night with the strong beat.

"What… what are you doing?" PaniK demanded only for Edwin to whip around towards his audeicne… and begin to sing as he drew his card.

"You sit there in your heartache, waiting on some beautiful boy to…to save your from your old ways. You play forgiveness, watch it now, here he comes!" Edwin spun on his heels, dancing to the music as he thrust one hand out, the other pressed to his heart. "He doesn't look a thing like Jesus! But he talks like a gentleman, like you imagined when you were young!"

He wasn't some grand vocal prodigy but the confidence he showed as he belted out the tune more than covered for that, causing Mai to stare in wonder as Edwin moved about the platform, looking so utterly ridiculous in his robe and pajamas, his cards in his hands as he sang to the world without a care. He was facing off against PaniK and his battalion of sinister monsters, and had another Eliminator that seemed even stronger than him also gunning for him and Yugi was doing little to help… and yet he was singing.

He was singing in the face of the manifestation of terror and fear.

The duelist that had left her feeling naked and completely exposed, who had left her a trembling wreck and shattered every inch of her self confidence… was raging impotently as Edwin mocked him and everything he was trying to achieve.

Edwin held up a card and grinned. "And sometimes you close your eyes and see the place where you used to live…. when you… were young." He spun and slammed the card down and in a burst of light Edwin's ace, Endymion, appeared on the field and sent out a great burst of energy that rippled across the field, causing Fandora to shutter while PaniK's monsters bellowed, startled as the darkness once more was blasted away. Mai watched on and slowly began to stand oh her own, pulling away from Joey as Edwin held up another card, Tremendous Fire, and sent it to the graveyard and suddenly Endymion's staff began to glow with mystical fire.

"You sit there in your heartache," Edwin belted out again, turning towards Mai and pointing right at her. "Waiting on some beautiful boy to... to save you from your old ways! You play forgiveness, watch it now, here he comes!" Endymion pointed his staff at the Castle of Dark Illusions and Edwin thrust his arms out wide, PaniK bellowing in outrage, as Endymion used his effect to shatter the Castle of Dark Illusion and send it crashing to the ground, the entire structure exploding in time with the music. "He doesn't look a thing like Jesus but he talks like a gentleman like you imagined when you were young!" (PaniK-1402)

Mai couldn't help it. She felt it bubble up from her throat and in the next instant she was cheering, pumping her fist in the air, a grin splitting her face. "That's it Edwin! You take them down!"

Tea was only a second behind her as she looked at PaniK's exposed monsters, revealed to all with the loss of the Castle's shadow wall. "Yeah! Those things aren't scary at all and neither is this guy!"

"You show'em, Ed!" Joey cheered.

Mokuba and Tristan merely cried out in enthusiasm while Bakura clapped.

He bowed even as the music ended and turned towards Renard. "And now to deal with you, Renard! Endymion, attack and destroy Donpa!"

"I activate the card Shrink, reducing your Endymion's attack by half!" the Head Eliminator declared. Edwin's mage was reduced to half his size but still he raced forward and attacked the Marksman, shattering him and causing Renard's Fur Hires to snarl at the defeat of their crewmember. (Renard-850)

Mai still though was hoping up and down, thrusting her fist in the air even with the reduction of Endymion. Because she knew now… he was going to win. He was going to defeat those two. She knew it in her heart. "That's it, Edwin! You show those two who is boss! You take them down!"

"Want me to leave you some to deal with yourself, Mai?" Edwin teased.

She thought about that before grinning. "Yeah. I'd like that."

She was done being scared.

Mai wanted another shot at PaniK.


There was one person who wasn't happy with Edwin and his actions. "Edwin, I understand what you were trying to do," the Spirit stated, "but that was hasty move. I was building towards defeating PaniK once and for all, in one grand shot and now because of your haste-"

"Your plan died the moment you lost Curse of Dragon," Edwin said and the Spirit's eyes widened as he saw the intensity of the older man's gaze. In that moment he knew… Edwin had figured out exactly what his strategy was. He didn't know how, as he'd only revealed two of his cards that made up his 5-Turn Trap, and yet somehow… Edwin knew. "Now is not the time to debate about who was right or wrong. We started this duel to get back Mai's Star Chips and we are going to do it! Afterwards we can debate as much as you want-no, wait, we'll do that in the morning because I am very tired-but right now get your head out of your alps and help me take these two down!"

'As much as I hate to admit it… he's right,' the Spirit thought as PaniK looked over his hand. 'Right now Edwin is the lesser of two evils. We need to take out the Eliminators.'

'Especially PaniK,' Yugi mentally added as the dark Eliminator cackled and summoned his Reaper of the Cards and declared that he would finish what Edwin had started and end Yugi's duel by eliminating the Swords of Revealing Light.

The Spirit smirked. "Guess again, PaniK." He flipped his trap. "You activated my trap instead: The Spellbinding Circle!" The magical rings appeared and raced towards the Reaper. "This trap will not only reduce the attack of your monster but also decrease its attack by 700 points!"

"Yeah Yug!" Joey exclaimed.

"Good show!" Bakura added.

Renard though held up a card. "I am afraid you have been a bit too quick in your declaration." He placed the card in his graveyard. "By discarding one Fur Hire monster my Wiz can negate your trap card, protecting the Reaper."

PaniK shot a glare at the other Eliminator. "I can handle this on my own!" he snarled. "I don't need your help!"

"Believe me, I do not wish to help you. I only did that because I prefer to keep things as they are and not 2 against 1. If I had my choice I would accept Mr. Chaos' offer and battle with him."

"You think you are better than me?"

"Think? No no. I know."

"And I know that you are a pompous little brat that knows nothing about how to deal with his foes!"

Edwin meanwhile glanced at the Spirit. "So we don't sound like that, do we?"

"Not at all," the Spirit said firmly.


The Spirit nodded in agreement with that before he pulled out another card from his hand. "Well then, I will summon Gaia, the Fierce Knight in attack mode! And now that I see the power of your Wiz she will be the one that I target for destruction!" He thrust his hand out and called out to his knight, "Gaia, Spiral Spear Strike!" The warrior on the purple horse raced forward, dipping his lance as his horse leapt into the air, landing on the deck of Fandora and shattering Wiz before she could respond. Once more the Fur Hires bellowed their outrage. 'That was good but it wasn't enough. And I don't like how Renard doesn't seem that concerned.' He looked at the Eliminator who was watching the battle with a casual air. 'He is planning something… and I think Edwin knows it.' He looked to the older man who was staring intently at Fandora.

'We need to be ready for a counter,' Yugi thought, looking over his hand. 'But none of these cards will work… not with what we have available.'

'But,' the Spirit realized, 'we aren't just working with what we have!' He sent Yugi an image of his idea and the young man quickly agreed, the two of them setting a trap on the field along with the facedown Swords of Revealing Light and ending their turn.

"Mr. Chaos," Renard said with a smile as he used Fandora's effect to grab another Fur Hir, "I want to thank you for this duel. I see now why Pegasus is so interested in you. You… are not like the others. I think, in any other time, we could have stood as brothers against all our foes. It is only cruel fate that brought us against each other. As such I grant you a warrior's defeat and I will make it swift. No grand standing. No mockery." He held up the card. "First I summon Bravo, the Fighter Fur Hire, and that will allow me to special summon Dyna, Hero Fur Hire. And with five Fur Hire monsters on the field I can activate the final effect of Fandora: The Final Assault!" Renard's monsters leapt from the ship which turned to face Endymion. "I can now ram my Fandora into your monster, destroying it and eliminating you from this duel." He closed his eyes and smiled. "You fought well. Feel pride."

And with that the ship raced towards Edwin.

"No!" Mokuba cried out.

"This is bad! This is real bad!" Tristan declared.

Edwin… smiled.

"I was hoping you'd do that."

Renard's eyes snapped open.

"Reveal my trap card: Mystical Refpanel!"

On the field Fandora suddenly hit a glowing mirror that had teleported in front of it, Endymion grabbing it and copying his duelist's smirk as the ship was absorbed into the mirror.

"This trap allows me to redirect a spell effect at any other player on the field. And I choose you, PaniK!" Edwin pointed at the dark duelist and Endymion turned the mirror towards him. "The night is dark and full of terrors… but it is only a passing thing, this shadow. A new day will come! And the sun will shine all the clearer!" He thrust his arms out wide. "Let me make our own sun to help it out!"

"NO!" PaniK screamed, shielding his eyes against the glare as Fandora rushed towards him, the ship catching fire as it began its final run. "Run! Run my monsters!"

"I think not!" the Spirit declared. "I activate in response Swords of Revealing Light, locking in both Renard's Fur Hires and your own fiends! There is no where for them to escape!" He looked to Edwin who gave him a firm thankful nod.

"The light… I can't stand the light!" PaniK whined.

"That is how it is with all bullies: expose their boasts and their threats for the hollow things they are and all you are left with is a cowardly man," the Spirit said at the same time Edwin growled, "Oh grow up." The Spirit of the Puzzled looked at him and he grimaced.

"I was talking to PaniK, not you," he muttered as Fandora exploded, destroying all of PaniK's monsters. "Like what you said…"(PaniK-0000)

"Look at them go!" Tristan cheered. "Yugi and Edwin just wiped that snake PaniK right out of the game!"

"Go Yugi! Go Edwin!" Tea cried out, Mai and Mokuba merely just crying out Edwin's name.

"And we're not done yet!" the Spirit declared, thrusting out his hand. "I reveal my other set card: Graverobber!" The card flashed and a grinning cartoon thief appeared, holding a card. "This card allows me to select one card in any graveyard but mine and use it as my own. And I select Edwin's Tremendous Fire!" Graverobber flipped the card over, revealing the burn damage card. "Edwin…" The older man shot him a startled look and the Spirit flashed him a smile. "I'm not going to target you."

Edwin glared at him before letting out a huffing chuckle even as Renard's lifepoints dropped to zero. "Suppose I deserve that." (Renard-0000)

"No… no this can be happening!" PaniK roared, clutching at his head. "I am PaniK! I am terror incarnate! You can't defeat me!"

"Every nightmare must end, every shadow fade away," the Spirit stated calmly.

Edwin scoffed. "In other words pull up your big boy pants and act like a man." His platform began to lower but he paused when he saw Renard leaving his side of the field and heading over to him. "That was a great duel. Honestly, if it weren't for Yugi taking out Wiz you would have been able to defeat me."

"There are many what-ifs that one can ask in every duel," Renard said with a grin. "Know that while PaniK might not be able to accept what happened I can. And I think you for the wonderful duel." He held out his hand and Edwin accepted it without hesitation.

"Same, man, same."

"No… NO!" PaniK roared, leaping from his own platform to Renard's in a single bound. "You… you think you can beat me? Defeat me? Oh… you can celebrate your victory… celebrate it in the Shadow Realm!"

"The what are you-FUDGE!" Edwin screamed.

The Spirit could only watch in horror as nozzles that had been hidden on Edwin's platform hissed then unleashed massive guts of flames right where Edwin and Renard were standing. He could hear Yugi's friends screaming in shock and terror but all he could do was gaze at where the two had been standing, the area now consumed in an inferno. Joey had leapt forward to try and pull Edwin out but Tristan held him back while Tea clutched Mokuba to her, shielding him from the sight even as she cried out. Mai took a step forward, hand held out before she fell to her knees and screamed.

"And now for you!" PaniK bellowed, hitting another button and causing the nozzles on the Spirit's platform to suddenly shoot out flames. But the Puzzle flashed and with a burst of mystical energy the flames were driven back, not touching him at all as he felt his inner eye open and the power of his Millennium Item flood his veins.

"Edwin was right about you," the Spirit said coldly. "I thought I could teach you a lesson with words and skill but it seems that creatures like you only understand one thing!"

"How… how are you doing this!?!" PaniK cried out, watching at the flames began to swirl around the entire field. "I… I am PaniK! I am terror incarnate!"

"You are a little man in a large body who hurts others all in the name of feeding your self-worth," the Spirit fired back. "You wish to see terror… HERE IS TERROR! MIND CRUSH!" He thrust out his hand and PaniK couldn't even scream as the light around him shifted so he appeared to be a film negative before his entire body shattered, sucked away into the abyss that was the Shadow Realm. The moment he left the fire dissipated and the Spirit grasped his platform, panting. "Edwin…"


'Renard!' Yugi thought and the Spirit turned to see that on the other side of the dueling field Renard was kneeling down, using his coat to try and beat back some small flames that licked up. Beside him, struggling to remove his burning bathrobe, his face red and smoky, was-

"EDWIN!" Tea cried out, physically lifting up Mokuba without a thought and rushing over to the 20 something. His glasses had been knocked off and he was clutching his left arm, his duel bracelet having been removed, but otherwise he seemed to be alright. The Spirit leapt down from the platform and joined Yugi's friends in rushing over to Renard who was checking Edwin over for injuries.

"When the fire started he tried to shove me out of the way and his bathrobe got caught in the blast. I pulled him out though just in time."

"Close shave though," Edwin grunted. The left sleeve of his pajama top had been rolled up to reveal the crimson skin on his arm. "Not a direct burn but the heat still got to me." He groaned and rolled his head back. "Dang it, I smell like my grandma's house."

"Yeah, but better that than being fried to a crisp!" Joey declared, kneeling down and getting Edwin to wrap his right arm over his neck, helping the man to his feet. "Just lean on me, okay pal? We'll get ya back to camp and fixed right up. Food and some rest… just what Doctor Joey ordered!"

"Do you have any bandages or anything?" Tristan asked. "I took a Sports Medicine class last semester so I should be able to get you wrapped up."

"Thanks guys," Edwin said with a weary moan. The Spirit could see that the weight of his ordeal and how close he had come to dying had finally crashed upon him. No jokes, no snarky, remarks, just raw emotion. "Renard… thank you."

"You are more than welcome. You saved me too, do not forget that." He patted Edwin on the shoulder before turning to Mai. "Seeing as my fellow Eliminator has disgraced himself and fled it falls to me to do this… and I do so with pride." He held out his left hand and removed 9 Star Chips from his custom dueling bracelet. "Mai Valentine, Yugi Moto and Edwin Chaos won these for you. And seeing how PaniK dueled I feel you should have never lost them in the first place… but I am happy to return these to you."

Mai accepted the Star Chips with a relieved smile, admiring each one as she slipped them into her bracelet before she looked to the Spirit, Yugi whispering in his mind that he should remain out for a bit more. "Yugi, you and Edwin showed me a lot during that duel. I saw how PaniK acted and how you handled him… and at times I was reminded of myself and not in a good way. I won't forget what you did for me." She held out her hand to Yugi. "When we face each other in the finals I am going to give you an honorable duel."

"I look forward to that," The Spirit said with a smile, pleased that he had shown her a better way.

"Just don't think I'll go easy on you," she teased as she shook his hand. "I'm no goodie goodie. I still have a reputation to maintain." She turned to Edwin. "Edwin-"

"You're welcome Mai," he said, his voice tired. "It was my honor." He smiled, head lulling down a bit as he breathed in and out slowly.

"I know. But I am still thankful."

And then, to the shock of everyone, she walked over, tilted his chin up with her fingers, and planted a tender kiss on his lips.

"You are a gentlemen, like I imagined," she said when she broke away. "When I was young."

With that she turned, leaving Edwin staring after her, the tiredness gone as he looked on with wide startled eyes.


I stared at Mai's retreating form, her words ringing in my ears and the sensation of her lips against mine still haunting me.

…I handled the fact that I had just cause canon to shatter once more maturely, I believe.
